Chapter 48: Dinner pt 1

2824 Words

ARIANNA'S POV I was exhausted. I have been in the kitchen since 4 this evening. I wanted everything to be perfect. At least great because we have guest and it's more than just my friends and siblings that's eating. I leant against the counter thinking what to make for dessert. I made baked Mac and cheese, baked chicken, vegetables, rice and a few other dishes. I skipped through the recipes of my grandmother desserts still don't know what to make. I finally decided on chocolate brownies. "You really went all out for this dinner didn't you?" Ashley asked as she walked in the kitchen. "Please don't touch anything. I really tried my best and I want it to be perfect" I said quickly. "You don't need to try. Your cooking is perfect" She said sitting down in front of me. "It's just that Jorda

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