Chapter 14: You shy now?

1638 Words

JORDAN'S POV I woke up to my phone vibrating on a flat surface. Yeah I know because it's really annoying and hard to miss. I felt for it on the bedside table then brought it up to my face. I opened my eyes and I had a missed call from Ry. I rung it back and place the phone at my ears waiting for him to pick up. "Yo bro wassup?" He asked "I'm good, wassup with you?" I asked "Nothing. So I'm at your place and you mom said you slept over a friend's house. It ain't me so where you at?" He asked "Why you wanna know?" I asked. My right hand was occupied at the moment. Arianna was asleep on my hand so I couldn't quite move it. "Well Dee asked me to go over her house today so was finna ask you if you gonna stop by" He said "You scared to go by you self?" I asked "Asshole you going or not?"

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