4- Running from him...

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Luna's POV Hearing the door open I glance in that direction preparing myself for the man to be coming back into the room. Only to realize I had no clue who the man walking into the room was, where was the other one I wondered quietly to myself. "Well hello, there beautiful," he says cheerfully stepping into the room. I narrow my eyes at this man, he didn't look dangerous at all. I wondered if he was with the others last night, maybe he had a part to play in the murder of that man. But I felt it was better for me to stay quiet, after all, I really didn't want to give him any reason to hurt me. He stops right in front of me, "Oh don't be shy sweetheart. My name is Brent, and I am the one who you snuck by when you walked in on the other's last night." he says through a smile. So this man was one of them, I bet I got him in some kind of trouble by walking into the room the way that I did. I just watch him grab a chair and pulling it over towards me, he stops it a little in front of my chair and sat down leaning in closer he asks. "So, tell me... what is your name?" he asked me through a smile. I flinch as I hear his voice come into the room, "Don't worry about what her name is Brent, she is my problem, not yours!" He growled out towards the man, he was obviously irritated with this man. I glance carefully in his direction and watched as he stumbled around a bit, he was obviously just a little bit drunk. "Where are the other's, I thought I told you to get everybody here for a meeting?" he snapped out at the man. The man known as Brent lets out a small chuckle before answering and I could see the anger flash in the man's eyes. "The other's aren't coming Cole... they all feel like you should deal with the problem on your own as you are the boss after all." he replies, so the man keeping me here name is Cole, I wondered if he was really the leader of the others? He sure acted like he was, he acted like having me around was a total pain to him and that made me wonder if he would end up killing me after all. "Excuse me... Did you forget something? I wouldn't even have this little problem if you were doing your job instead of making out with a woman in the next room Brent. You need to help me figure this out!" he raises his voice at the other man flinging his hand in my direction in anger, his tone made me flinch back as It scared me a little. "Right, you would say that... but unlike you boss, I can't afford to be stuck with this kind of problem. Deal with it yourself, I just wanted to see the girl for myself." he inches more toward me and I could tell that didn't sit well with him as he rushed over blocking the guy's path to me... "Get out, if you are not going to help me with the issue then you can just go..." he yells out getting in his face pushing him back causing him to flip over the back of the chair and stumble back a bit. I continued to watch Cole stand up strong in front of me as if he was protecting something he genuinely cared about from harm. Standing up and fixing his pants Brent stares back at Cole, "Dude... calm down." he snapped out at him, he continued to try to glance around Cole at me. "No Brent I won't just calm down, you need to get the f**k out of here!" He growls out at him, I watched in horror as he grabs him by the collar... picking him up he drags him back towards the door where he tosses his ass out of the room and out into the hall. He slams the door in his face and locks the deadbolt, making sure there was absolutely no way he was going to get back in here. I watch with wide eyes as he turns around to face me the one causing him so much trouble. He clears his throat before saying out loud, "I think it would be in your best interest to just stay with me, So I will be taking you home with me today." I drop my mouth open, "What? You can't be serious!" "Oh but I am..." he says stepping slowly over to me, glancing down into my eyes. "We will be leaving here shortly as checkout is in just a couple of hours, and you are going to come willingly with me. I will not tolerate any problems, because if you cause me issues I can always kill you. You need to decide whether you want to live or not, understand?" he growls out staring deep into my eyes. I take in a deep breath before answering him, "I will be good." I say politely. "Oh, you better be good, because I can't afford for you to cause me any issues right now. I can't have any kind of negativity getting in my way. Plus, if you are a good girl I can find a way to reward you. But for now, at least until I figure out fully what I am going to do with you, you are going to stay by my side. Do I make myself clear?" he asks me with seriousness in his eyes, it caused me to gulp down some air as I watch him start to pack his belongings up into his bag. "Yes, I understand." I let out in a whisper. "That's a good girl, now I am going to finish up packing. Maybe get a small nap in, I need to sleep this buzz off." he growls out, laying down on top of the bed. I watched as he closes his eyes if only I could get away from him right now. The only thing that was stopping me from getting what I wanted was being tied down to this chair by this damn rope. ***** Cole's POV "I don't care what you want... just get the damn room ready for my guest!" I snap out into the phone, preparations had to be made at home for her. I didn't like it, didn't like the fact that I was stuck with her because not a single one of my men wanted to help me out. I just don't know what else I can do with her, hanging up the phone I glance out the window down into the bustling city below me. Everything goes on, time doesn't care about your problems... it just keeps on ticking, life keeps on living. I turn around to face her, she was watching me closely. It was time to untie her, it was time to leave... I needed to get home. After all, I had a company to run, many important things to do. I stop right in front of her, "So it is time to untie you, you need to behave!" I snap at her. "I will," she replied softly and I closed the small gap to untie her hands from the chair, I was half expecting her to shove me away and try to make a run for it as she did earlier, but she just stood there patiently as I grabbed the bags and head towards the door. She followed closely behind me, I was extremely nervous that she was going to make a run for it that I shuffled both bags into my right hand and grabbed a hold of her with my left as we walked down the hall towards the elevator. To everyone else, we would just seem like an everyday couple heading home from some kind of vacation. "Come on." I spoke to her in an irritated tone as I dragged her onto the elevator with me once the doors opened. When we got down to the lobby I head straight to the reception desk to complete the checkout and pay my final bill. We both walked up to a small older lady sitting behind the desk, she smiles a bright smile as we approached her and I noticed that the girl smiled back at her. "Good Afternoon sir, What can I help you with today?" she asks me. "Yes, I am here to pay my final bill and checkout." I growl out, I couldn't help it I was already so irritated with everything today. I didn't want to be nice, having to keep this girl with me was a nuisance in of itself. She smiles back at me some more, "Yes sir, I can help you with that. Name and room number please?" she asks turning towards the computer sitting on the desk in front of her. "Names Turner, I was in room number 413." I replied as I turned to watch the girl. Had to make sure that she was behaving and not trying to get any messages out. "Okay thank you, sir, it will just take me a moment to pull it all up." She announced as she typed a few things into the computer, I watched as Luna sends her a smile and just stands there quietly. I noticed her glance quickly around the Lobby and wondered what it was that she was looking for? "Sir, the final cost for your stay with us is $457.86. Will that be cash or card?" she asks plastering an annoyingly happy smile on her face. I roll my eyes at her smile and hold out my card, "It will be a card, put it all on here. Plus add an extra $100 as a tip for the services I have received, thank you." I say as I watch her run my card through the machine, I again look towards Luna who smiles back at me staying quiet. I had to admit it, but she was sure surprising me with how good she was being. "Here you go sir, thank you again for staying with us. Please feel free to come and stay with us again." she continues to smile at us, I heard the small chuckle come from Luna but chose to ignore it. I grab ahold of the card and slide it back into my wallet and turn around and grab her hand keeping it securely in mine I lead her out the building towards the valet to collect my car. Stepping up to the friendly-looking guy who was standing at the podium, I hand him my ticket and watch as he radio's the tickets number to someone inside the parking structure. "It will be out shortly sir." the man says and now I just have to wait and hope that she continued to behave while we waited in my car, once inside the car I can relax a little bit. Hearing the sound of the engine I glance over and see my approaching us, I release her hand to grab the bags so that I could put them in the trunk. That was when I heard the sound of laughter and I looked over my shoulder in time to see her running away from me as fast as she could. "f**k it all to hell..." I yell out loud, walking around I toss the two bags into the trunk and then walk around the car climbing in behind the wheel, putting the car into drive I take off after her. She was not going to be getting away from me that easily. If she kept this up, I might have to just keep her tied up or locked up even at my house. Driving slowly down the road, I kept glancing both ways around every which way trying to find her. I was looking for any signs of her when I finally catch sight of her disappearing behind a bush and smile to myself. I pull the car over to the side of the road and park it, I hop out locking the car and continue on foot. Scanning the area around me, I try to hold onto that hope of finding her... I know she couldn't have gone too far! That was when I spot her, she was right in front of me trying to blend in to the crowds around us. I knew she was a clever girl.

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