Cisco's Boy

Cisco's Boy


Master Cisco de Loria wants everything from his new sub Greg Harris ... that is, everything but love. In fact, his contract expressly forbids it.

Dr. Greg Harris finally has the money to buy a submissive membership at Indiscreet, a gay b**m club. The only thing he wants is to have Dr. Cisco de Loria as his Master.

Cisco wants Greg, too, but the one thing Greg most wants to give, Cisco refuses to take -- Greg's love. Cisco is so sure he doesn't need love that he puts it in as a clause in their contract. If Greg ever mentions love, the contract is terminated.

Cisco finds out the hard way that things somehow don't always work out the way you plan.

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1Friday Morning Brian and Jim sat in Jim’s kitchen about to enjoy his blueberry scones. The Blue Hall teapot stood on the table between them as Brian spooned tea into the pot and poured the water. “Papa Bear’s going to be upset because he didn’t get one,” Brian giggled. “Don’t worry, hon, I put another batch in the oven before you arrived.” “What’s new?” Brian took out two cups and made their tea. “Dr. Harris released Reed. Yesterday was his last session.” “That’s cool! It means Greg can finally join Indiscreet.” Brian blew on his tea to cool it. “I know how much he helped both you and Irene.” Jim turned to the oven, and after grabbing a mitt, took out the second batch. “I don’t think Reed and I would be back together if it weren’t for Greg getting Reed’s head screwed on straight.” “Greg’s been itching to join Indiscreet since Cisco became a member last year.” Brian took a sip of tea. “He was afraid Cisco would find a sub before he got to join.” “You know both Reed and Bear offered him a free membership.” Jim took the tongs and put two sugar cubes in his tea. “I knew he wouldn’t take it. He insisted on paying the fee himself. He told me it wouldn’t mean as much if he got it for nothing.” Washington, Jim’s grey ghost cat, appeared on the kitchen mat. “Where did he come from?” Brian looked askance. “That cat moves like he’s got a built-in transporter.” Laverne and Shirley started to yap. “Hold that thought, I have to let the dogs out.” “You mean the furry rats…” Brian tried to keep a straight face. “Just because Papa Bear thinks Laverne and Shirley are inappropriate dogs, doesn’t mean he can diss them.” Jim flounced toward the kitchen door. “I’m sorry puppies,” Brian said giving each one an ear scratch. “Maltipoos!” Brian cracked up laughing. With the dogs in the yard, Jim came in and sat down. “You know, Bull Raleigh is looking for a sub.” Brian told Jim. “Don’t you dare change the subject. Bull Raleigh, please…How did you know about how Greg Harris feels about Cisco? I guessed, but apparently you knew,” Jim pouted, “and even worse, you didn’t share. Cub, I swear you’ll take everyone’s secrets to the grave.” “Well, I’m sharing now. I couldn’t before. The night that Mrs. James’ boys beat me and knocked me out, Greg made me admit I loved Bear. To get me to talk; he told me about he felt about Cisco.” Brian thrust out his lower lip in imitation of Jim. “Stop it. You can make fun of me all you like but now that you’ve spilled you’ve got to dish up the rest of the story. What’s Bear been up to? How come Cisco hasn’t found a sub? He’s been at Indiscreet for six months. Some twink should have glommed onto him by now. As a doctor, he’s a good catch.” “Bear does nothing really blatant. He just points out each candidate’s obvious flaws and incompatibilities. There’s nothing wrong with that.” Brian turned his face away from Jim’s stifling a giggle. “Unless, of course, you try to point out the obvious advantages of someone else.” Jim waggled his eyebrow. “There was no one there Bear thought would be compatible…” “And now there will be.” Jim took a bite out of his scone. “When?” “Tonight.” Brian’s eyes shone with mischief. “Are you going to be there?” Brian rolled his eyes. “You think I’d miss this? I want to see Cisco’s face when he sees Greg Harris putting himself up as a submissive.” Brian chortled with glee. The two friends looked at each other, inordinately pleased with themselves and their Masters. * * * * Bear Drummond and Reed Davis sat in two chairs in front of Dr. Francisco de Loria’s desk. Cisco to his friends. They were in his office at St. Mary’s Medical Center where he was Chief of Staff. “…so the new oncology wing will open in six weeks. I can’t express to you how much it means to the hospital that you and Reed spearheaded the funding drive and oversaw the construction. Without your expertise, the job would have taken longer and we wouldn’t have stayed on budget.” Reed took a sip of his coffee and grimaced. “How do you put up with this swill? I swear I’m going to get you a new coffee maker and supply you with coffee from the club.” Reed’s nose wrinkled in distaste. “While you’re at it, you should ask Jim if he would mind supplying blueberry scones for these meetings. It would certainly make me more eager to face the endless bullshit that comes from our recalcitrant hospital board. Now that I’m chairman, there are a few board members getting their walking papers.” Bear grumbled. “You know I’m all for that.” Cisco put down his cup shuffling his papers, taking out a brochure. “Here look.” He handed it over to Bear. “This is the brochure for the oncology wing. It will give our area excellent local treatment for even the worst cancers instead of forcing the patient to travel to Philadelphia, North Jersey or New York. If everything goes as planned, North Jersey and New York will come to us.” “This looks good, lots of pictures and just enough information.” Bear passed the brochure to Reed. “Not having to travel was a big selling point to the donors,” Reed said. “I remember when my mother had cancer; the trip to get treatment was as onerous as the treatment itself. Besides, as the state capitol, Trenton should have a top-notch medical facility. Change of subject…are you going to the club tonight? Bear and Brian will be there as well as me and my boy.” Reed made a face as he took another sip of coffee. “Swill…” he muttered. Cisco shrugged his shoulders. “I wasn’t planning on going to the club tonight.” “We have two new service subs in addition to a couple of new submissive members. You might have some luck finding a boy of your own.” Bear pushed. “I haven’t had any luck so far…” Cisco took the brochure back from Reed. “I’ll get copies made for distribution.” “You never know what you might find at the club, you should definitely check out the new crop.” Bear persisted, giving Reed a sidelong look. Cisco looked puzzled. “You said paid members. You really have subs that pay for membership?” “Sure. The service subs are for general use by the membership and they play with all of the unattached Doms until they receive a contract offer. They’re hired by the club. The subs who buy membership are looking for a relationship not a sugar daddy. They are more discriminating and are not obliged to play with any Dom that asks.” Bear said. Cisco, looking interested, tapped his pencil on the table. Bear continued, “You’ll have better luck with a one who pays for membership. Although subs get a discounted rate because most clubs are Top heavy, you know a sub that pays for the privilege is really into the lifestyle and bound to be more into pleasing his Dom.” Reed finished his coffee. “Bear’s right. A submissive that pays for membership isn’t a poser. These guys are legitimately into the lifestyle.” “And the new subs are going to be there tonight?” Cisco’s ears turned red at the tips signaling to Bear his embarrassment at discussing such a personal topic at the hospital. “I can guarantee that the new subs will be there tonight. We always introduce new members on the first Friday of the month. Bull Raleigh assures me that both the new members and the service subs have successfully finished their training. Bull always trains off-site so that the subs are ready to service Doms as soon as they arrive at the club.” Reed put his coffee cup in the trash and stood, ready to leave. “Of course our sub training is just on protocol, the individual Dom and sub discuss their particular needs when they draw up a contract. As you know the training to be a Dom is much more extensive.” Bear pushed in his chair. “Do you know any of the new subs personally?” Cisco asked Reed. “That’s not information Reed can release outside the confines of the club. If you want to find out, you’ll have to show up tonight.” Bear interrupted while putting one of his arms in the sleeve of his overcoat. “Well, depending on how things go here, I might see you there.” Cisco picked up his appointment book. “For Christ sake, Cisco, you don’t need to be here for every crisis. That’s why the board hired you an assistant. You’re going to drop dead of a heart attack if you don’t slow down.” Bear made his point, loudly, heading toward the door as he knotted his scarf. Cisco looked over his book. “Okay, I’ll try to be there around eight, so stop being a pain in my ass. However, the new oncology department head arrives this afternoon and I need to get him settled in. He comes from Mass General. Getting him down here was a real coup.” “Wasn’t he the one with the husband who got a teaching job at The College of New Jersey? That’s quite a comedown from Harvard.” Reed said wrapping his scarf around his neck. “He had a problem at Harvard; he didn’t make tenure, so he came here. I believe Dr. Middleton said something about a stint in rehab for drugs and booze.” “Interesting,” Bear commented as he put on his gloves. “Anyway, they hired him as an assistant professor of English Literature; so we were lucky that Dr. Middleton decided to move along with his husband. It was serendipity all around. He doesn’t officially start until Monday.” Cisco leaned back in his chair. “Then give him the nickel tour and come out tonight. They’ll be busy unpacking from the move, so he’ll be anxious to get home and have the weekend to get organized. Besides, there’s six weeks until the oncology wing officially opens, he has plenty of time to familiarize himself with the staff and facility. If he’s as good as you claim he is, he’ll have it done well before the dedication ceremony.” Bear grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. “Let’s leave Cisco to his paperwork.” Reed followed Bear out of the office. * * * * As he closed the door on his visitors, Cisco decided to take Dr. Middleton with him on Grand Rounds. That would acquaint the new doctor with the layout of the hospital and give Cisco an opportunity to introduce him to the major players. He had no other appointments for the day aside from Middleton. He could kill two birds with one stone. Grand Rounds were the occasions when the physicians, residents and nursing staff reviewed each patient in their department with special attention paid to the most difficult cases. Grand Rounds enabled Cisco to keep his hand in the actual practice of medicine, rather than only pushing paper in his office. It looked promising to get out in time to be at the club before eight. Cisco might be actually able to leave the hospital at five this evening. He finished his paperwork and all he had left was dealing with Middleton. As far as the club, he’d go because he promised Bear; but he wasn’t sure if the club could provide him with what he sought; even with Bear and Reed’s assurances. Cisco took the physician’s oath seriously; which stated first, Do no harm. Because of his oath what he wanted from a sub differed from what the club usually provided. Cisco wanted a sub to serve him and call him Master; not a pain slut. He didn’t mind giving out occasional corporeal punishment, doing a mild scene and a bit of daily discipline, in fact, he enjoyed it in training as long as the subject was willing. But what he really wanted was more ethereal. Cisco wanted order and peace in his life and someone to come home to that wouldn’t try to change him, challenge him, be demanding or shrill. Someone who would just be there for him, provide conversation when he wanted it and shut up when he didn’t. Someone who put Cisco’s needs first and foremost. All day at the hospital he had to put everyone else’s needs before his own. He wanted a sub who would obey him; someone who would ease his life and take his direction without argument. When he joined Indiscreet, he told Bear, “I’m forty-two years old. I’ve tried a relationship. I didn’t have the time to make it work and got screwed in the process. What I want is someone to care for me, give me companionship and s*x on a regular basis. I can get that with the right sub. One who wishes to serve a Master and doesn’t have expectations of undying love.” Bear told him, “Be careful what you ask for—you may regret it.” Cisco gave up trying to explain. His last relationship ended fifteen years ago and left him with a battered heart and in dire financial straits. He didn’t want to repeat the experience. After carefully considering his options, he felt that Indiscreet might be able to provide him with a boy who could take care of him as well as he took care of his hospital. He prayed that this type of boy did exist. If not, he was resigned to spending the rest of his days alone. He wasn’t a bad guy; he wasn’t into one-night hookups. He just didn’t have the time or the inclination to go through the endless morass of slights and hurt feelings that, in his experience, relationships brought. As far as love goes, that was a sinkhole for fools. For Cisco, the right sub could be the perfect solution. * * * * Friday Evening Dr. Greg Harris looked in his closet trying to decide what to wear. There wasn’t much from which to choose. He lived in a small house on Bear Drummond’s property with his psychiatric practice conveniently located across the road. Last month he’d finished paying off four of his many student loans, leaving him with enough money to pay for a sub’s membership at Indiscreet. Tonight would be his first night at the club. Bear offered him a free membership two years ago after he finished Brian’s therapy. He considered it at the time but eventually he’d refused. Although he had a liking for kink; he wanted to pay for it on his own. Then, after taking Reed on as a patient, he felt it would be unethical to join the club Reed both owned and managed. However, after Reed’s accelerated sessions ended; his friendship with the two Masters and their subs blossomed. As his finances finally improved; he was able to buy a submissive membership. Greg visited the Shore clubs in years past; but never went beyond playing for a night or two. He didn’t mind pain, but wasn’t a pain slut. He wasn’t into the lifestyle for more than a night’s play back then. But when he heard about Cisco’s membership at Indiscreet, he approached Reed for more information about the Dom/sub relationship because he heard that the doctor was looking for a twenty-four-seven sub. He wanted to know if that type of relationship meant constant scenes. Reed laughed and said, “With Jim, I use spanking as a reward rather than a punishment. You can be a sub and never be on the business end of a whip; as long you determine what type of pain you agree to and that is set as a hard limit in your contract. No two people have the same type of Dom/sub arrangement. Some only play at the club; others are into the life twenty-four-seven. It all depends on what you want.” Greg made it his business to find out more from Brian and Jim about the lifestyle from the sub’s perspective. After listening to their advice and knowing Cisco, he thought he had a feel for what the man wanted and decided that he would be more than comfortable with his requirements. He had told Brian what he felt for Cisco long ago and was sure Brian told Bear. Greg suspected that Bear had something to do with the fact that Cisco hadn’t found an appropriate sub and for this, he was grateful. He longed to be that chosen sub. As soon as he heard Cisco joined the club, Greg went without the extras to save money for his membership. Since he was already in love with the doctor, Greg knew he would bring a little something extra into the relationship. Tonight the waiting was over. Bear and Reed promised Greg that they would make sure that Cisco was at the club as a personal favor for the care he gave to their extended family; but the rest was entirely up to him. I better stop daydreaming and find something to wear. He chose tight, old, soft prewashed jeans that showcased his butt nicely with strategically convenient tears. He paired them with a new white T-shirt a few sizes smaller than he would normally wear to show off his toned body. Opening a drawer in his dresser, he pulled out a pair of soft leather cuffs he’d purchased. They would signal his status as a sub. The white shirt would indicate his availability. He considered a tunic like Brian wore when he attended Bear at the club, but decided he would look ridiculous in that kind of outfit. At the fetish shop in Asbury Park, he looked at a harness, but in Greg’s mind; Cisco wasn’t looking for that kind of sub; so he decided on a sticking to the basics, jeans, the T-shirt and the cuffs. As he snapped the cuffs in place, he glanced in the mirror. Here I go into the fray. All I can do is hope that someone else doesn’t catch his attention before I do. It was cold outside, only ten degrees. Greg hoped that the heater in his car wasn’t on the fritz again; he didn’t want to arrive at the club with frostbite. He needed Cisco to like what he saw. He donned his well-worn brown leather jacket, gloves and a scarf and grabbed his keys. Anxious to see Brian and Jim before his official introduction; Greg left the house an hour early, confident that they would be there to offer him assistance. He picked up his wallet from his dresser and whistled on his way to the car.

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