Meeting Him Again 2

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Maxi- Alexander Maxi was living in her dilapidated house when suddenly this man came to her door who was sitting proudly in her living room. His expensive clothes were telling how unfit he was for this place. Maxi took a deep breath and stood in front of him. He was doing something on his phone. Her black silky hair was slicked back with gel. "What is your reason for coming here, Mr. Xander Robinson?" Maxi asked calmly. Deep eyes rose above her and started looking at Maxi with cold eyes. His handsome face had the same pride and coldness that Maxi hated so much. He frowned seeing her dull clothes with messy hair. He finds it hard to believe that this woman he married when she was eighteen. She changed so much. "Mommy, you're here!" Maxi's son Suhas came running and hugged Maxi's waist. "Mommy! So you got married and have a son too?" Mr. Xander Robinson mocked Maxi. "You've come this far from your country to mine just to mock me? By the way, is it too impossible to get married and have a son?" Maxi asked calmly. "I can understand, you just need a partner to satisfy your needs. I never thought you would spend my whole money so quickly. I hope your new husband makes you happy." He said in a mocking tone. "The money you gave was taken by my stepmother. I don't need a single penny from you. And yes I need a man who loves me, not a husband who just loves money. So yes I'm happy now." Maxi said calmly. Hearing her reply he became speechless. She never did this in the past. Maxi's nature was new to him. "Okay. I don't have time to waste knowing about your daily life. I have come here to tell you that your grandfather is very sick and wants to see you." Mr. Xander Robinson took out a letter from his pocket and held it in front of Maxi. Maxi first looked at the envelope and without touching it pulled the nearest chair to her and sat on it. "What kind of trick is this? Did he find me another rich husband? Tell him I have one husband and I'm having a happy life with my kids. So stop tricking me like this." Maxi said coldly. "He is really on his death path. He just wants to meet you. And this is what you call a happy life? You do not have a private room in this house. How can you live like this?" Xander frowned. "This is my life and I love to stay like this. You don't have the right to talk to me like that." Maxi said in a cold tone. "Is that burning mark on your hand?" He grabbed her hand to take a look. Maxi's heart beat faster with the sudden touch. She pulled back the hand that he was holding to take a look. "Don't touch me. Behave yourself." She snapped at him and got up from her chair in frustration. She stepped back from his reach. "Is he violating you? That scar is bigger." He sounded mad for some reason. "Mind your own business, Mr. Xander Robinson. Don't interfere in my private life." Maxi said in a cold tone. Xander didn't say anything, just kept staring at her. "I will bring you water, Mommy. I had asked uncle for water and tea but he refused." Suhas said to Maxi. Maxi saw Xander whose eyes were fixed on her to search for any other mark on her body. Maxi was surprised to see that he looked concerned about her. "No problem son. These rich foreskin people cannot digest the water of the poor's houses. You go and take care of Anju." Maxi lovingly patted Suhas on the head and said. "Okay, First I will make tea for you, then I'll go." Suhas went towards the kitchen built nearby and started making tea. "It's not like that, Madam. Sir just doesn't want to make such a small child do work. That's why he refused." A young man of twenty-five years old with a new voice stood holding his tab in his hand. Maxi easily recognized him. This guy is Mr. Xander Robinson's assistant and secretary. He has been working with Xander since he was nineteen years old. Quiet by nature, Assistant Mohit understood his boss very well. That's why he is always with Xander being his voice because Mr. Xander Robinson does not like to talk to people who never seem important in his eyes. He only talks to five people in his life because he knows other people are trying to get some benefits from him. And for this reason, like every time, assistant Mohit clears his boss's side on behalf of his boss. "How are you, Mohit?" Maxi asked, smiling. He is the only person she feels comfortable talking to. "I'm fine, ma'am," Mohit said shyly. "You haven't lost your habit of correcting your boss's mistakes," Maxi said with a calm smile. "No, not such a thing, Madam. Boss never made mistakes. People misunderstood him." Mohit said quickly. Because he saw a slight displeasure on Xander's face. Xander didn't like that Maxi acted too friendly to his Assistant. He felt anger when he saw Maxi treat him differently than Mohit. "That's enough. Now take this letter and make me free. We have a flight tomorrow morning. I hope you haven't lost your passport." Xander frowned and handed her a letter as he stood up to leave. "Why are you asking about my passport?" she asked in confusion. "You never paid attention to my words, did you?" Xander stepped forward as he asked her. "What? What do you mean?" Maxi asked, stepping back. "Your grandfather is sick and was waiting to see you before he died. That means you are coming with me. And for that, you need a passport to take flight." Xander told her calmly. "I'm not going with you. You're here to hand me the letter you gave me. Whether I want to go see my grandfather or not is my choice. Now take my little advice and leave my house now before my mother comes back. She hates it when rich people step into her house, mostly from your family and mine. so leaves before she returns. Otherwise, if she sees you here, you will be unnecessarily beaten by my mother." Maxi pointed to the door. "Do you think I would come out of my country to deliver a stupid letter? That too to waste my precious time, losing my multi-million deal just for little paper. If you are thinking that way then you are thinking wrong. I'm here to take you back with me. And you are coming with me. We have a flight in the morning. Be ready, Mohit will pick you up." Xander said, looking deep into her eyes. "You are probably forgetting that I am a married woman now and I cannot go anywhere without my husband's consent. I cannot even leave my children and my mother alone. Told my sorry to Grandpa." Maxi is not ready to give up. Xander took a deep breath and looked at the time on his watch. It was half past five in the evening. He was called by one of his friends. He has to attend the party. "Look. I am leaving now. Read this letter. And give me the final answer by calling me on my number." Xander said, stepping back away from her. He turns to walk away. "I don't have your number." Maxi rolled her eyes as she said. Xander stops by the front door and turns to her with a surprised face. "You don't have your husband's number?" Xander asked, suppressing his anger. "I have my husband's number. But I don't have my ex-husband's number." Maxi said in a calm voice. "Mohit...." Xander called out to assistant Mohit. "Yes, Boss. Madam, give me your mobile, and I'll feed the number into your mobile." Mohit said in a hurry. "I don't have a mobile. Write down the number and give it to me. Suhas, please bring your notebook. Uncle Mohit is writing the number in it." Maxi said to Suhas. "I'll get it now, Mom." Suhas ran to his school bag. "Have you had such bad days that you don't even have money to buy your mobile?" Xander asked squarely. He was getting angry that the woman who was once his wife used to wear expensive clothes and ornaments. Today she was wearing a simple dress whose color had faded a lot. The same bangle in the name of jewelry and a thin chain around the neck were first worn. "Uncle, Mom has a mobile. It just gets switched off sometimes. But that doesn't mean you scold my mom again and again." Suhas spoke in favor of his mother. He was scared of this man, but he could not tolerate someone scolding his mother in front of him. That's why he stood like a shield in front of his mother. Xander looked down at the little boy with curious eyes. He could see the fear for himself in Suhas's eyes. Xander liked the idea of ​​protecting his mother, even though he was scared. "Mohit, give her a card," Xander said and walked out of the house. "I'm glad I met you again, Madam. Take care, here is my number. You call me if you need my help." Mohit handed her two cards, one was his and the other was Xander's card. "Why did you think that I'll need your help?" Maxi asked in confusion. "Your… Husband. If he hits you again, just give me a call." Assistant Mohit said in a concerned tone. "Oh, sure. Thank you for worrying about me, Mohit." Maxi takes both cards and smiles at him. "I'll go now. We will meet you tomorrow morning." Mohit waves his hand and walks out of the house. Maxi falls back on the chair. Suhas gives her a side hug. "Mom, are you alright?" Suhas asked. "Yes." Maxi nodded her head. Her eyes land on the letter on the table. She began to think about whether to read it or not. Maybe, this letter will help her to make a decision. *****
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