Prologue~ Anthonys Hell

312 Words
*10 years ago* Anthony Brooks was the son of the Alpha for the Nightfall pack that lived deep within the La verendyre wildlife reserve in Quebec. He is only 8 years old, but he's quite popular at school. Like every other day, he said goodbye to his friends at the school gate and made his way home to the pack house. This particular afternoon was strange however. The pack grounds was quiet. No one was around.  Anthony stealthily walked up to the lounge room window. What he saw made him gasp. His uncle had his father in a death grip, elbow around his father's neck. His mother was on the floor weeping. She had a bruise on her right cheek. Anthony watched as his uncle was yelling to his father's soldier wolves.  But then the next few seconds were like they were in slow motion.  In one swift move, Anthonys uncle had snapped his father's neck. Anthony felt the power shift, his uncle had now become the new alpha of their pack.  " pack....tsk tsk tsk such a waste.....bring me my nephew....he should nearly be home from school now." Anthony watched as the wolves that were faithful to his uncle began to sniff the air to find his scent.  Anthony began to panic. He went to step backwards but tripped and fell over his school bag. He dumped it and ran as fast as he could towards the tree line, but he didn't get very far as he was soon surrounded by snarling wolves. Out from the middle of them tree his uncle.  "U...Uncle Brutus...."  " boy....there you are....welcome to your new hell...."  After that day, for three years, Anthony endured his Uncle's torture. He would beat him, starve him, and make him help the omegas clean the pack house untill finally one day Anthony had had enough and he ran away.....
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