Chapter 13 - Cruel Entertainment

1044 Words

*Brutus* He stepped out of the bathroom with steam wafting behind him. He had nothing but a towel around him. He mind linked his two favourite slaves. "Amelia and Rose, viens, habille-moi." ( Come dress me) He drops his towel and wanders to the window and basks in the warm summer light. He chuckled to himself. "Ha ha will be so much fun! Oh oui!" ( Oh yes) There was a knock at his door. He turned in all his naked glory. "entrez, s'il vous plaît" ( enter please)  The two women timidly walked into his room with his freshly washed and pressed clothes.  "Ah mes petites colombes. viens, je ne mordrai pas ... beaucoup ..." (Ah my little doves. Come, I won't bite...alot) he showed one of his fangs as a playful threat. Both the women swallowed hard before coming forward. Neither

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