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I slowly opened my eyes and felt a little bit dizzy. I don't see anything except for a white ceiling. I tried to look around but all I saw was blurry scenes. My head is banging with headache and my whole body aches. I snapped my forehead when I suddenly felt pain. I can hear people talking and whispering. "Ughh!"I groaned. Suddenly, I saw people coming in my direction. "Honey, are you okay? Something wrong?" It was my mom who asked. She has a look of worry on her face. As I tried to look around, I saw my Dad and some of my cousins and friends. "What's going on? What happened?" I asked and tried to sit down on the bed. "Why am I here?" They look at each other with sad eyes. "I think we should leave for you to talk." Said by my Aunt who was behind my mother then she looked at me and smiled sadly. "I'm sorry for what happened Lauren. Don't worry, everything will be fine." She said and turned around to leave. She was followed by some people to go out. As soon as they left, I turned to face my parents who looked worried and tense at the same time. I don't exactly get at first why they are acting that way, but then sudden flashbacks appeared in my mind. A memory of me crying while on the floor as my parents help me. I can see the faces of the people looking at me with pity and sadness. That's when I realized everything. "No, no, no! It isn't true. It was just a bad dream. I know it didn't happen." I said. "Honey, it's fine. It's fine." My dad went to sit on the bed as he tried to hug and comfort me. I shook my head and struggled and tried to stand up but my legs didn't have the energy to carry me. "No, Dad. Tell me I'm just dreaming. Tell me that everything was just a lie. This can't be happening Dad. Rick loves me so much. We love each other." I screamed. Tears started to fall one by one on my cheeks. Pain struck my chest and I had difficulty breathing. I don't understand why this is happening. Everything was so perfect. Everything was planned by the both of us. But suddenly it was shuttered by an unknown reason. I can't accept this. Even though my legs were trembling, I fought hard to get off the bed while my parents kept on stopping me. I should see Rick and ask for an explanation. "Lauren, you have to stop. Something bad might happen to you." Mom said. I shook my head. "No, Mom. I can't just stay here and do nothing. I need to see Rick. No, I must see him now." "No, you won't see him." Dad said firmly. I look at him with pain. "Not now Dad, please. I need to see him. I think he's just shocked and nervous." I said to him, He shook his head and held my hand. "No. This is what your Mom and I have been telling you since the first time. We don't like that man for you. I knew that one day he'll do this to you but you won't listen to us. Now look at what happened. He left you on your own wedding day." He shouted angrily. Dad is fuming mad. His face was very red. He's close to crying. I struggled hard when he held me in his arms. "No! No!" I shouted as I cried. "You're lying. You just don't wanna let me see him." "Lauren, it's not that we don't want you to see him. You're Dad and I am just worried about you. What if you get hurt? What if you lost consciousness again? We can't bear to see that. Can't you not understand us?" Mom said. I kneeled down in front of my parents. "Mom, Dad please. Let me go. I wanna see Rick. I want to talk to him please." I begged as I sobbed at the same time. "I'll go crazy if I can't see him. I wanna know the reason why, please. Just please, just this one. I beg you." I saw that Mom was crying also. She messed her hair out of frustration then she looked at my Dad, after that she turned to face me. "Okay. But make sure you'll come back safe and sound. I'll have Viy come with you." She said and helped me stand up. I hugged them tightly and thanked them both. I ran outside and found Viy behind the door. She was already wearing jeans and a shirt. I also noticed that I'm still wearing the bridal gown. "Viy." I called her name. "I know. Come on. I'll take you to him." She said as she smiled sadly at me. I was confused about what she meant when she said she'd take me to Rick. Does she know where he is? I got inside Viy's car. As she drove off to I don't know where, I can't stop thinking. My mind was full of so many what ifs and why? What if he realizes that he doesn't love me anymore? Or what if he already found someone else. I shook my head. No, it's impossible. We haven't even fought with a third party. We were so happy. I looked outside the window and I noticed that the road was heading to seem familiar. "We're heading to the Villa?" I asked Viy. She nodded her head. The Villa was bought by Rick as a 6th year anniversary gift for the both of us. We've been staying there sometimes when we wanted to spend time with each other. After almost half an hour, we finally arrived in the Villa. I hurriedly got off the car, took off my heels and carried my bridal gown to run inside. When I was finally in front of the door, I took one deep breath before twisting the door knob twice and pushed it open. There I saw Rick who was sitting casually on the couch, reading a magazine and drinking a coffee like nothing happened. "Rick. " I called his name and his eyes widened upon seeing me. He suddenly stood up from the couch. I walked to his direction but I stopped when he called me by my name. "Lauren." For the past 8 years, he never called me by my name. He always calls me "love", but now. That's when I suddenly felt that something was really going on. "What's wrong? What's with this sh*t? Why didn't you come to the church?" I asked as I caught my breath. Too many questions I wanna ask but I can't. They are all mixing up in my mind. "Why are you here? Who brought you here? Didn't I tell you earlier that I won't marry you." He said and turned to walk away. I followed him until we were in front of the door of our bedroom. "Don't answer my question with a question Rick. What's wrong with you?" I shouted. I can't seem to control my emotions now. He turned to face me. "I told you, I won't marry you." Tears fell in my eyes when I saw his eyes. I saw that there's no regret in it. He seemed so confident in what he was saying. "In what reason? What was the reason Rick? Because I don't understand. We were fine. We're happy, but all of the sudden you're like this!" I asked and he looked away. "It's just that I realized that I'm not yet ready." He simply answered. I laughed mockingly at what he said. "We've been planning this marriage for almost 4 years." He didn't answer and didn't even look me in the eyes. "Is there someone else?" I asked. "There isn't, right? I'm just overthinking." I said as I tried to look him in the eyes but he was trying to avoid it. My shoulders fell down as soon as he looked at me. Pity, sadness, regret; that's what I saw in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I tried myself not to but I can't. I've been telling myself to stop but it won't listen to me." He explained. I was confused. Everything became blurry all of the sudden. I wiped my eyes dry. "What do you mean? Tell me you're just joking. Tell me!" I shouted as if I couldn't take it anymore. I burst out crying and fell down on the floor. Suddenly, I saw the bedroom door open and saw a pair of legs. "Hon, have you seen my----," her sentences were cut off and I froze to my position when I saw who it was. "Astrid?" I called her name and her eyes widened in shock. She was just wearing a towel that was wrapped around her body. I looked at her and back to Rick, that's when I noticed that Rick was just wearing a boxer. "Lauren." She called my name and was about to approach me but I stopped her. I must've gone crazy for having a stupid thought. Astrid and Rick wouldn't do such a thing. I managed to stand up even though my feet were trembling. "What are you doing here? What's the meaning of this?" I asked with confusion. "Lauren, let me explain so---," Astrid was cut off by Rick. "I love Astrid. She's the reason that I won't be able to marry you." Rick said and held Astrid's hand. When I heard and saw what Rick did, my world shattered into pieces. I couldn't understand a thing. But then a sudden thought appeared in my mind. "My best friend for almost 10 years and my boyfriend for 8 years had been cheating on me?"
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