Chapter 3: I Will Support You

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As the days went by, I continued visiting Mr. Thompson's room. During that time, he confided in me that if Fernando wasn't interested in their wealth, he would allow him to marry Paola, even though it would break the promise he made to our family in the past. While both of our families stood to benefit from the marriage, if it didn't happen, my father would surely search for another potential suitor for me. This would ultimately bring its own set of advantages. Fernando's family wouldn't gain anything if he married Paola. But at least he would be happy. Mr. Thompson explained to me that Paola comes from the upper middle class, and initially, she seemed like a nice girl. However, upon further investigation, it was revealed that when Paola's family faced financial crises, she mysteriously met wealthy individuals. It was also discovered that she had been involved with multiple older, wealthy men. But Paola became more interested in marrying Fernando because he was young and handsome. Her other prospects were older men. Paola used these older men to gain financial benefits and provide for her family. But Mr. Thompson didn't want his hard-earned wealth to fall into Paola's hands, so he pressured Fernando to marry me. He also explained to me that aside from the marriage certificate we signed that day, we also signed a contract requiring us to live together in the same house for five years before we could separate. He and my father both believed that by living together, we would eventually come to understand each other. At first, I was annoyed, but looking back on what happened, I can say that I developed feelings for Fernando during those few weeks of living together. I was naive and ignorant about life at that time, but I decided to leave home. My dad knew that I needed time to think during those moments and he let me be. Until he found out that Fernando brought another woman into the house. That's when my dad didn't force me to go back to Fernando. He wouldn't tolerate Fernando's actions, but he also didn't want me to separate from him. I also discovered that I appeared unfavorably in the media because I didn't accompany Fernando to events and he would attend them alone. And then he started bringing Paola along. However, she couldn't keep up with the lifestyle of the wealthy people. She was beautiful, but she didn't know how to fit in. That was the issue with her. Being in Baltimore, I was able to enjoy the remainder of my adolescence and youth, going out to parties and having fun. According to the media, I never left the house. But the truth is, nobody knows where I am except for my family and my father-in-law. Escaping the media was that easy. Even in the hospital, I used my last name. Although my face appeared in magazines, the last time it did was when I got married at 18 years old. So hardly anyone made the connection with the prodigious girl I was known to be. Now, the field of neurosurgery in California is led by the same young woman who married the only son of the Thompson family. One advantage of choosing medicine as my profession was that doctors don't have time for gossip, especially among the upper class of society. I often wondered if I had completed the five-year contract if I hadn't left and been angry back then. But I don't think I would have survived having Paola in my house. Now, I have a successful career, and even if I am disowned by my father, I have a good job and I am earning well. Even during my residency, my salary was full, and I didn't have to use that money. I didn't have any student loans to pay off. I still needed to save up money. I think I could file for divorce, but I also think it won't be as easy as Fernando might think. I knew about the contract. If he finds out, he surely won't agree to a divorce. Although I don't mind losing everything for him, it's not the same as before. It will only be more difficult now. I see doctors, lawyers, and married couples passing by Mr. Thompson's room, but I never see Fernando and Paola visiting him. The instructions in the contract were simple. If Fernando and I were to separate without living together for the full five years, we would lose our rights to the properties we were supposed to inherit. Yes, it is true that I would lose my rights as a Castrioti and Fernando would also lose his rights within the Thompson family. I didn't care if Fernando lost even a small amount of money. I wanted my freedom, not because I had a partner now. The truth is, I never had a relationship in Baltimore. I had suitors, but because of my married status, it held me back. I didn't understand why I always remained faithful to a husband who didn't even know my whereabouts. And I knew that he was aware that I was still alive, as he couldn't marry Paola because of me, even though they had been together for a long time. My father-in-law preferred to leave his only son with nothing rather than let Paola lay a finger on his fortune. He couldn't understand how Fernando could still be blinded by that woman and not see that Paola was using him. He was madly in love with her, while she only loved him for her own interest. One day, when I visited Mr. Thompson, he told me about a plan he had. "Isabella dear, we have talked a lot these past few weeks and something has crossed my mind. You say you wouldn't mind losing your family's fortune if it means gaining your freedom, is that right?" "That's right, Mr. Thompson. With my savings and the money I earn as a Neurosurgeon, I can easily maintain my lifestyle. I don't have a strong attachment to luxuries," I replied. "Excellent! That's what I like about you! I knew I made the right choice in selecting you as my son's wife. Your father truly did an excellent job in choosing your tutors and nannies to raise you. They raised a smart woman, capable of standing up for herself and having her own ideas. I also know that it's rare for me to come across a woman like you. Most of them are only raised to be wives, and your father didn't do that." I had never seen things from that perspective. Dad spared no expense in providing me with the best education, from the boarding schools to the university. He made sure I had everything I needed, and it has brought me to where I am today. Perhaps he didn't overtly show me his love like the parents of my friends. But I think this was his way of showing it to me. "That's why I want to give you my support, so you can divorce my son." I couldn't help but be surprised by his statement, I must admit. "But Mr. Thompson, we haven't fulfilled the terms of the contract yet. My husband wouldn't agree to divorce me without getting anything in return. I'm not like him." "I know, dear. That's why I have a plan. You will return to the house, the one I gave to both of you, not for Paola, but for you. And you will be Mrs. Thompson again. You will show Paola that you are no longer the girl who can be pushed aside. You will start accompanying him to all social events as his wife." "I think there is something I don't understand, sir." "You have seen my medical file, Isabella, and I know that you know that I don't have much time left to live. And when that time comes, I know that my son will divorce you. But for that to happen quickly, you need Paola to put pressure on him. As soon as I pass away, she should act in such a way that he will immediately give you a divorce. He doesn't know about the 5-year contract. And once he finds out, he will not let you go, as it is stipulated that you would only learn about the contract if your father or I die. I would prefer not to leave even a single cent to Fernando before Paola gets her hands on my wealth. But for now, we will give her the benefit of the doubt. If I pass away and Fernando is left with nothing and he chooses to divorce you while Paola remains with him, you will become the executor of my fortune. And if two years pass and Paola still hasn't left Fernando, the majority of my fortune will be returned to him. However, if she eventually abandons him and he realizes the kind of person she truly is, you will give him his fortune two years after Paola leaves him. But you won't tell them anything. I want to believe that if Paola continues to stay by my son's side, it is because she genuinely loves him, not for the sake of money after two years." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "I'm truly amazed, Mr. Thompson, by how you have managed to come up with such a perfect plan." "Dear, I have been in this world for many years. Being a businessman, I know how people's minds work, and I know how to manipulate situations in my favor. And in this case, I will manipulate it to give you back the freedom that my son and your father took away from you. We deprived you of the opportunity to experience many things, and I believe it is time for you to take your life and decisions into your own hands. I don't want to tie you down to my son anymore because it is also a hindrance for you to find the person you truly love. I would be happier if, in the end, you and my son ended up together. But I can't force you to fulfill our wishes." "Mr. Thompson, how can I be sure that you are not just manipulating me to punish your son?" I asked him. "Smart girl! I didn't expect anything less from you. You're the one I know who is close to my family. And in this situation, I would be lying to you if I said I haven't taught a lesson to my son. That's why I told you about the contract. It would not be difficult for me to pass away without having told you anything, dear. And once my son discovers that, I know he won't let you go. That's why I mentioned it to you, so you can expedite the plan before my will and testament is read. And before my son can pressure you into such a situation. And with that, it's like I've hit two birds with one stone. I have taught Fernando a lesson, and I have also helped you to break free from your situation. It's a win-win now."
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