Chapter 1: Shattered Heart

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My name is Isabella Castrioti, and I come from a wealthy family that owns a conglomerate. From a young age, I was already destined to be married. This is a common practice among wealthy families, as it strengthens relationships between two families and further establishes business connections. My life revolves around a boarding school where I study and reside, as my father has chosen to keep me away ever since my mother passed away. I only had the chance to visit my father and brother during vacations, and even then, they were always busy. If I was lucky, I would see them perhaps once a week during the holiday season. During these months of vacation and festivities, I would always be accompanied by employees, as they were occupied with their own tasks. On the surface, it may have seemed that I lacked nothing and was a spoiled and privileged girl. However, that was far from the truth. Because of my intellectual abilities, I skipped several grades. I couldn't relate to classmates who were older than me and were more interested in parties and drinking. Being younger than them, I couldn't participate in their activities, which is why they never invited me. When I turned fifteen, I entered university and pursued a course that had no connection to our family's business. My older brother harbored resentment towards me because he felt that I needed to share in our father's inheritance. He saw my gifted mind as a threat, which led me to make the decision to study something unrelated to the family business. I chose to pursue medicine, a field that would completely distance me from our family's business ventures. At first, my father didn't appreciate the idea and insisted that I study something related to the business. However, he eventually gave in and mentioned that, as a woman, my future husband would take care of me. I enrolled in a prestigious university. By the age of fifteen, I started living alone in a luxurious apartment near the university, which my father had bought for me. Despite being young, I had employees at my disposal, including Nana Carmen, who took care of my every need. My life was quite ordinary. I was just a regular student without any friends. Since my classmates were older than me, they saw me as a child, and in a way, they were right. Because of this, I devoted all my time to my studies. I found comfort in this routine, as it had always been the same, and I was content with it. When I turned 18, my life took a different turn. My father visited me, something he had never done before. I sensed that something important was about to be discussed. When I returned home from university, he was there and said that we needed to talk. "Isabella, in a few months, you will be getting married." I can't deny that I was disheartened by the news. I knew that the day would come sooner or later, but I never expected it to be so soon. However, I also knew that this was the path I was bound to take, so I accepted it. "Alright." After that, my father left without saying much else. My life didn't change much after the announcement, and the wedding day arrived without me realizing it. It was a simple wedding. My fiancé, now my husband, is named Fernando Thompson. He is the son of a businessman who holds a similar social status as our family. The wedding served more as a way to strengthen the fortune and status that both families already possessed. After the ceremony, there was a celebratory party, but it seemed more for the sake of business partners and maintaining appearances rather than for genuine joy and celebration. The truth is, I didn't know anyone at that time, except for my father, my brother, and my brother's husband. The reception of our wedding was held at our family home, so after the party, I headed to my husband's house. His family's mansion was similar to ours - grand, imposing, and filled with elegance at every turn. However, like our home, it lacked the warmth and sense of belonging that I had seen in movies. Fernando hadn't spoken to me since the wedding ceremony earlier. So upon arriving at his house, I decided to break the silence between us. "I hope this marriage can bring us happiness," I said enthusiastically, hoping that we could start building a family together. He seemed attractive to me, and I wanted him to like me. However, it became apparent that he didn't share the same sentiment. "Don't get your hopes up. I only agreed to marry you because I was forced to by my father. I am already in love with someone else, and because of you, I can't marry her." I am a girl with an optimistic and positive attitude, and I knew that there would come a time when he would also come to like me. "You will come to love me too, we will get there. Don't worry. Why don't we give it a try, right? By the way, where will we sleep?" I asked. I was tired and in need of rest. "I will never love you. Understand what I'm saying because I will remind you once. Do not get in my way. Don't even hope that I will ever love you, because that will never happen! Don't think this is a fairy tale and that I am your prince charming. We will never sleep together, don't even dream of sharing a room with me because it won't happen. I don't even want to touch you. Compared to my girlfriend, you are not attractive at all. Don't you dare try to seduce me. Don't make a fool out of yourself." After saying those words, he left me alone in the living room as he went upstairs to his room. Shortly after, one of the household staff approached me and showed me to my room. In the past few months, I have tried my best to capture his attention. I tried to be a good wife. However, because I was unfamiliar with household chores, it only angered Fernando even more. He even shouted at me. One day, while I was going to the kitchen to get water, I noticed that the door to Fernando's study was open and the light was on. I went inside to see if he was still there, especially at such a late hour. Upon entering, I found him seated and drinking, appearing intoxicated. I approached him, and when he saw me, it seemed as though he was examining my appearance. "You are definitely cute." He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to his face. We were so close to each other, and his other hand gently caressed my cheek before he kissed me on the lips. At first, I was scared, especially since no one had ever kissed me before. But I tried to calm myself and followed the movement of his lips. After the kiss, I knew that my cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. I was shy about what had just happened. Meanwhile, Fernando stood up, passed by me, and made his way to the sofa, where he laid down. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. I couldn't sit still. I was both excited and eager. He told me I was pretty and he kissed me. It felt like he had finally noticed me. I covered Fernando with a blanket and watched him sleep. When the sun rose, I was still sitting on the sofa where he lay. I had no idea what time I fell asleep, but I suddenly woke up due to Fernando's shout. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I immediately opened my eyes and responded, confused, "What are you talking about? After last night?" "Get out of my office!" he angrily insisted. "Fernando, I..." "Leave! Damn it!" "But what about the kiss?" I asked, hoping for some clarity. "What kiss? I would never kiss someone like you! Get out!" He grabbed me by the arm and forcibly pulled me out of his office. Days passed quickly. I thought that his outburst that morning was due to my own confusion and lack of understanding. I started to believe that maybe he was also starting to like me, and I realized that I had developed feelings for him. He was my first love, and I was filled with excitement. I wanted him to love me. I thought he was perfect, until one morning when I saw him with another woman. She was around twenty-five years old, tall, slim, with blonde hair, captivating blue eyes, and a stunning physique. She had ample breasts, a small waist, and hourglass curves. She looked like she stepped out of a magazine or a beauty pageant. I happened to pass by the room where they were together, and I saw the wide smile on his face as he approached her. The stunning woman immediately smiled upon seeing Fernando. And it felt like my heart shattered when I heard what he said. "Fernando my love, you don't know how much I missed you..." As Fernando approached the woman, he embraced her by the waist and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and it felt like a scene from a movie as their kiss ended. "Paola, love! You're already here!" I couldn't tear my eyes away from them when suddenly, the woman glanced in my direction. Fernando also turned to see where her gaze was directed. "It's her?" she asked. "Yes, that brat, Isabella," Fernando replied, and then he turned to face me. "Starting today, Paola is going to live with me here." "But you're my husband," I said, unable to hold back my tears. "Yes, I am your husband, but it's only because Dad threatened to disown me if I didn't marry you. Otherwise, my wife today would be Paola, not you. I don't want you bothering her either. And from now on, you will obey all her orders." He looked at Paola and gave her a loving smile, and she smiled back. "Girl, go play with dolls or something. Let us adults do adult things. Let me take care of my man," Paola mocked. After that, she held Fernando's hand tightly and pulled him upstairs. Meanwhile, I was left downstairs with a shattered heart. There were times when I would pass by Fernando's room and overhear what they were doing inside. The next day, Paola would give me a detailed report about it. The reason why Fernando couldn't marry Paola instead of me was simple - even though Paola was beautiful and elegant, she did not come from a wealthy and powerful family like mine. While she did have some money, it paled in comparison to ours. That's why Fernando's father would never agree to marry him to Paola.
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