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Dan   IT WAS thirty minutes later when she emerged from the doorway once again. She seemed more sure of herself but still on edge. She wore a summer dress in yellow, it flawed only up to her knees kaya litaw na litaw ang magandang hubog ng kanyang mga binti, and it compliments to a pair of brown flats, which reminded me of the summers we'd spent together while she was in college. Her long hair was pulled back into a messy bun and several curls framed her face.   "Di ka pa din nag babago, ang tagal mo pa ding magbihis." pabiro kong sabi sa kanya. Sobrang irap naman ang ginawa nya sa sinabi ko.   "Bakit, sinabi ko bang mag hintay ka?" Hindi na lang ako nag salita. Knowing her, hindi ka mananalo sa kanya.   Akto na akong tatalikod papalabas ng magsalita siya.   "S-salamat sa pag tulong kay Papa," she said with a forced smile. I would have laughed if she showed any sign of sarcasm, but she seemed genuine.   "Not a problem. Wala naman siyang maasahan sayo eh." sabi ko naman sa kanya. Her whole demeanor changed drastically in that instant.   Oh, man!   "Anong ibig mong sabihin na wala siyang maaasahan sa akin, huh? What's wrong with you!? Diba yun naman ang gusto mo? Ang umalis ako?" high-pitched na ang boses nito.   I fought to calm my anger. Sa pag sasalita niya para lang kaming bumalik sa nakaraan. Dahil naniniwala pa din siya na kaya ko siya hiniwalayan ay dahil sa pag aambisyon niya ng matayog.   I provoked her. "That's right princess, not all of us get a chance to study abroad and a carreer that takes up so much of your time that you don't have the time to pay a visit to your dying father." Her face fell and guilt set in. Even though she deserved it I didn't want to hurt her that way. I drew another steadying breath.   "Mira, I'm sorry." She moved one step backwards and raised her both hand na para bang sumusuko.   "No apologies, Blake. Just stay out of my way while I'm here. I'm not going to have the same fights with you we had years ago. At kung iniisip mo na alam mo ang lahat sa akin o ang naging buhay ko sa Boston, I'd advise you to keep your opinions to yourself."   "Yeah, probably a good idea for us to stay away from each other." I muttered. Walang lingon-lingon siyang sumakay sa kotse niya, tucking herself inside and driving away.   I felt like laughing. The whole thing was almost identical to the last fight we'd had, nung gabi ng grad ball.   I WAS late to pick her up. She was already standing on her front porch, anxiously awaiting my arrival. Her smile widened when she saw my car, but it faded quickly, a more somber expression taking over.   She was disappointed.   "Hey Babe, sorry I'm late," I said, truly apologetic. She shook her head and glared at me.   "We have to be at the ball in twenty minutes for registration." she blows out loudly. There was no doubt she was pissed.   Ganito siya palagi, never satisfied with anything I did. Masakit, pero hindi ko masabi sa kanya. I sucked it up and decided I didn't want to fight tonight. Tomorrow would be soon enough for another discussion about her plans for abroad.   "Of course," I said agreeably. I opened the passenger door to my BMW and helped her up. Nakatayo sa may pintuan si Uncle Rick at kumakaway sa amin. Naisip ko kung napapasin ba ni Mira ang pagkahulog ng katawan ng kanyang papa.   Nakaabot kami sa registration ng graduation ball. Agad naman lumabas si Mira sa kotse para lang hanapin ang mga kaibigan nya, which left me with the task of trying to fit in with a bunch of college kids. It was more than awkward, especially since most of the girls na para bang nakita nila yung crush nila..    Well, I can't help it. I am dashing. I was beyond frustrated by the time a few of the girls requested for a picture with me.   "I can't believe you almost made us late, Blake," she said stepping in front of me. She wasn't quiet about her disappointment, either, which left me to deal with the glares from the teenage girls and the sympathetic nods from the young guys.   I was pissed. Ano bang akala niya sa akin para lang ipahiya sa harap ng ibang tao? "Smile kids!" one of the photographers called us out.   I put my arms around Miranda's waist and gave my brightest smile. It was surprisingly genuine. Even with all the issues we had. I loved her. Nothing would change that.   I CLOSED my eyes to ward off the memory. I didn't want to think about the way we used to be during our four-year relationship. She'd been the love of my life and I would have done anything for her. Iyon ang gabing maituturing kong pinakamasalimuot dahil iniwan niya ako. I glanced at my watch and realized I was going to be late. Lumakad nako papunta sa sasakyan ko.   When it comes to a cosy place plus exquisite food, Stix was the place to be. It is owned by my friend, Alexandra Louise Morales. She's a very dear friend also of Miranda way back in college. Way back when we're still together. At kahit na limang taon na ang lumipas, still, we never lost communication.   I wondered what would she think if she knew that Miranda is back.   Sakto naman nakita ko siya sa isang table at nakikipag usap sa isang grupo ng customers niya. I waved at her then waited for her here at the counter.   "The usual Dan?" She smiled. She was very hands on to her restaurant business.   "Yeah, but I need an extra serving of shrimp," I said.   "Oh, got a date?" Kunot noo niyang tanong.   "Not exactly. Nabalitaan mo na ba that Miranda is back." I explained. Her sharp intake of breath didn't surprise me.   "What! Mira is here?" she exclaimed. But suddenly gave me a sad face. "It's about time na siguro para umuwi siya so that she can take care of Tito Rick," she said.   "She's only here because he's on the last leg of cancer," I replied.   "Hey, how could you say that?" irap niyang saway sakin. "Of course she wants to take care of her father hindi dahil sa anu pa mang bagay." nakasimangot niyang sabi sakin.   "I'm sure she just wants the best for her dad." dagdag pa nito. Hindi na lang ako nagsalita para hindi na humaba pa ang diskusyunan. Then she wrote down my order and went to give it to the cooks.   I didn't trust Miranda, siguro dahil na din sa naging nakaraan namin, but she hadn't put an effort to prove to me that I was wrong over the last few years.   Several minutes later, I was on my way to the hospital dala ang pinabili niyang pagkain. Balak ko lang sana na i-drop yung food para hindi na kami mag kita ni Miranda coz I wasn't exactly looking forward to it.   The hospital was on busy mode. Lahat halos makikita mong lakad ng lakad. Pero kahit busy ang mga tao dito hindi pa din ako nakaligtas sa mga bulong bulungan ng mga nurses at doktor. Siyempre, I'm a surgeon but I am now two weeks in a row, visiting a cancer patient.   I carried the box that held our dinners into the hospital and up to the second floor. Before I got to Uncle Rick's room when I heard Mira's boisterous laughter at dinig na dinig iyon sa hallway.   I felt even worse. I couldn't stop the way I felt. Lust washed over me.   I chuckled. Seemed that my gut still knows her voice huh? Aminin ko man o hindi, I think I was still physically attracted to her. Hadn't I given myself more than enough reasons to stay the hell away from Mira?   But what was I doing everything in my power to stay close to her?   Shit. My brain mixed up with feelings from memories and lust.   Last na to. Sabi ko sa sarili ko as I went over to Uncle Rick's room where more of Mira's laughter filtered the hallway.
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