1702 Words

Mira     I saw him...waiting for me…     I walked towards him. "Blake, a-ano to?" asking.     "Dance with me?" he asked.     Nananaginip ba ako? Does Daniel Blake dela Vega want to dance with me?     I smiled up at him. We were the only couple on the dance floor swaying to the music of a popular love song.     I held her close to me Coz I know she breaks so easily And then I told her But I knew no matter how I tried to console her     His eyes burned into mine and I realized he was thinking about how to say the words neither of us wanted to speak.     "Do you think we can make this work?" I drew in a breath.     Diko sigurado kung ano ang gusto nyang sabihin pero alam kong magiging maayos ang paguusap naming ito.     She'd just do the best she could But th

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