1098 Words

Blake     I HEARD a soft snore from beside me and let out a sigh of relief.     I turned the radio up a bit to fill the silence and regretted it immediately. Dammit! Our song was playing. My heart constricted, the world stopped spinning for a moment and my heartbeat raced on. Na-realized ko, I would never be able to escape the past we shared. Even though I loved another woman, moments like this would happen for the rest of my life. I would hear our song or even any song that reminded me of her, and I would feel the pain all over again.     Naka survived ako ng limang taon na wala siya pero bigla na lang masisira lahat ng pader na ginawa ko dahil sa pagbabalik niya.     How on earth did people ever survive breakups? Maybe it was just me. Siguro nasa akin talaga ang problema. I c

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