Chapter 4

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Alpha Ralph’s POV The door slams shut, and I cringe as the sound seems to echo louder than normal throughout the room. Ah hell. I am such a fool. Massaging my forehead with two fingers, I replay what just happened in my head over and over. My goal was to find someone tonight and bring them home…even to bring this woman home once I laid eyes on her at the club. So why did I just pull away from a sure thing? A sure thing that I had with the most attractive woman that I have ever seen, who made me feel…Oh, does it even matter? What the hell is wrong with me? She was right here, in my bed, and I still couldn't do it. Feeling disgusted with myself, I sit up, lean forward, my face in my hands and shake my head as I roll out of bed, landing soundless on to the cold wooden floor. This little rogue has made me feel like I have never felt before. The feelings were similar to what some might describe as finding your mate, but not quite that strong. I mean, I would know, right? If Tess is not my mate, and I let myself get involved with someone that so easily gets inside of my head, then I am opening myself up for the kind of hurt and humiliation that I went through with Lily. That is not something that I am willing to risk. I am an Alpha now, not just a Beta, and I have more responsibilities, more people watching me, more people relying on me. A reputation to protect. Or, to repair more like, which is even worse. I can’t have that kind of distraction that Tess brings. Especially from a woman who steals, and is so clearly hiding something. And so clearly itching to run away from me. Or she had been…but she sure seemed eager enough to stay right here, underneath me, in my bed, with my lips on her...until I basically rejected her like the total moron that I am. Groaning, I replay how it felt to run my hand up her thigh, to place my lips on hers, then to move them lower... Unhelpful. Pulling my shirt over my head, I toss it on the floor and can’t help wishing that it was Tess taking if off for me. Tess with her long, shinny black hair, her big blue eyes…her soft touch… Her touch that sends tingles over my skin. Like a mate would, right? But that small white bottle of wist spray that Tess has hidden in her bag doesn’t prevent you from recognizing your mate, just their scent, and only then if it is a very strong potion. Which are rare. What is not rare, is for werewolves to have strong physical attractions like this, especially when it’s been such a freaking long time. Which it has been, for me at least. Lily and I had a strong connection before. But not this strong. Well, not this physically strong. I gaze longingly at the door to the Luna suite. What am I doing? Why am I torturing myself? This is the perfect situation for a one-night stand. She’s hot, willing, and she disappears tomorrow. So, why am I so hesitant? I take a step towards the door, but then stop again when another unwelcome thought comes to mind. What if she already has a mate? She’s on the run from something, or maybe someone. Is it him? Her mate? Would it be the Lily and Caleb situation all over again? Me as the placeholder until her mate accepts her and I am left all alone with nothing but rejection? Is it worth the risk? Growling under my breath, I make my way to the bathroom. A cold shower might do me some good. As I close my eyes to let the cold water run over my face, I can’t help thinking that this is not how I thought the night would end. I am an Alpha, damnit. Every woman in that club tonight would have willingly came to my bed tonight...but I brought home the one that stole my wallet? Am I really going to let a woman, a rogue at that, get this much under my skin? Am I really such a coward that the thought of ‘feeling’ too much for a woman I just met prevent me from enjoying myself with a hot and willing partner? Hell no. I used to be such a lady's man, but now I run from women who are emotionally unavailable but open to a good time? It's as if I have reversed roles. Ridiculous. I’ve gone soft. And Alpha’s cannot be soft. Making up my mind, I turn off the shower, roughly dry my hair, then wrap the towel around my waist to make my way over to the adjoining door. Pausing, I lean close to listen, but all is silent on the other side. Did she fall asleep already? Did I miss my chance to run my fingers down her silky smooth skin? Just as I lift my hand to knock, a voice that I haven’t heard in ages pops into my head. “Long time no see.” Stepping back in surprise, I smile to myself, even if it has been a long time, I wouldn't forget that voice from my childhood. Typical bad timing on her part though, per usual. “Who is this? I don’t think that I know this voice.” “Ha ha. Mr. Bighead, now that he is an Alpha, doesn’t even recognize his own sister’s voice?” “I have a sister? Huh. It seems like I recall having one at some point, years and years ago…but then she dropped off the face of the earth, so I can't remember..” “So funny. Hilarious. I forgot how witty you are.” “How are you mind-linking with me? Aren't you like 3000 miles away at the healing academy?” "Nope" "Then where are you?" “Outside your packhouse.” “Funny.” “See for yourself.” The front porch of my packhouse swims into my vision. What the…? Gripping my towel tightly at my waist, I jerk open the door and rush to the front door, skidding to a stop to compose myself before opening it. A tall woman with wavy brown hair to her shoulders throws her arms around me and I nearly stumble backwards in shock. “Ella! What the hell? Where did you come from?” Giving her a one-armed squeeze back, I grip my towel firmer as she steps back with a grin and raises her eyebrows with a laugh. “Ooh, did I interrupt something?” Damn, how I wish that she had. “Nah, I just got out of the shower.” “Uh huh.” She glances pointedly at her wristwatch before she turns to step out the door, bending over to grab two large suitcases and a duffle bag, which she throws over her shoulder. “Couldn’t help me with these, could ya?” I grab the largest suitcase and pull it towards me. “Seriously, Ella, what are you doing here?” Ella pushes her bangs aside, averting her eyes. “Well, I graduated last month, so I decided it was time to come home. But…I didn’t want to go like home-home, you know, because of...well you know…so I thought I would come join your pack.” She bites her lower lip nervously. “If you’ll have me that is. I heard you needed a healer. So, um, here I am!” She lifts her hands to her side with a small smile. “You want to join my pack?” “Well, I did hear that the new Alpha was kind of a nerd…” I give Ella a light shove on her shoulder and she swings her duffle bag at me, which I catch before it hits the side of my head. “Hey, is that anyway to treat your Alpha?” “So, I can stay?” I roll my eyes. “Of course.” Ella jumps up and down and claps her hands excitedly. “Thank you little brother! You totally won’t regret it! I have letters from my mentors and the head healer at St Iveries…” She starts to unzip her duffle. “Please.” I roll my eyes and grab the duffle from her, throwing it over my shoulder. “Come on. I can put you in the green suite, it’s the only other suite that has been remodeled except for the Alpha and Beta’s. Unfortunately, it is in the Beta hall right next to my Beta…” “Ooh, your Lycan Beta?” Ella looks at me with wide eyes and a mischievous grin. “I can’t wait to meet him!” “Yeah. Everyone always says that, but trust me, he isn’t as exciting as he sounds. He’s kind of a cranky asshole and a pain in my butt.” Ella laughs as she follows me down the narrow hall on the main floor. “That’s his room.” I jab my thumb to the double doors to my left. “And this is yours.” I swing the suitcase at the single door to the right. She opens the door and gives a low whistle. “Nice.” She skips to the bed and jumps backwards onto it with her arms spread wide. “Very nice.” Sitting up on her elbows, she takes in the room around her. “This is so much better than the bunk beds we had to share at the healing center.” “I bet.” I drag her suitcase into the room and toss her duffle bag onto a rocking chair before catching her stifling a huge yawn with the back of her hand. “Listen, it’s late, so get some sleep. I will fill in Chris tomorrow, that you are here to be our healer, but no need to report in the morning. I am sure that you had a long journey to get here so take it easy.” She gives a look that clearly states that I am not wrong about the journey as she stretches her arms over her head and chuckles as she says 'report' under her breath. I give her a pointed look. “But I do want to hear all about it tomorrow, the full story about why you are really here.” She rolls her eyes and jumps off the bed. “Sure thing, Alpha!” I cringe. “And when we are in front of other pack members…” “I will treat you with all my respect, Alpha Brother.” She gives me another tight hug. “I missed you. I am glad to see that you are doing okay…I was a little worried after I heard some rumors back at the academy…” I clear my throat and take a step back. “I’m great. No worries. Never better. I am happy to see that you seem a lot better...” A fleeting look of pain crosses her face before she smiles and waves me out of the room. "Yep. I'm all good, just sleep deprived." "We will talk tomorrow..." "Yes yes, goodnight!" I lift my hand over my shoulder as I leave the room, then close the door behind me and run my hand through my still damp hair. This night has been full of surprises. And distractions. Sighing, I make my way slowly back to my room. It’s late. Tess is for sure asleep by now. I missed my chance. Great timing sis. “Don’t hesitate, move in at the moment that you see their weight shift, don't give them the opportunity to recover.” Holding back a sigh of frustration, I lean against the wall of the training center during our early morning session. The sun isn’t even up yet, and twenty pack members have already worked up a sweat as they partner up on the mats in the center of the room to practice their fighting moves. I wonder if Tess has left yet? Probably went out the damn window. Scowling, I bark out distractedly at Adam to crouch lower. I thought it was best to let her leave without having to say an awkward goodbye, so I put a little extra cash in an envelope on the tray of food that Bertha was going to take to her room along with a few extra meals bagged up, and then came down here to distract myself. That cash was meant to be put aside for the loan repayment. I'm not sure why I feel the need to make sure that Tess is safe, but I figured she could use it on her journey, wherever that takes her. If she were to try stealing from the wrong person or heaven forbid another Alpha...well, hopefully she won't try that again. The idea of someone laying a hand on her or harming her in any way makes my fists clench at my side. “We are wasting our time with this lot.” Chris shakes his head beside me, his arms folded across his chest, and gives me a look that clearly says that he doesn’t think that I know what I am doing. “They will get there with more training, give them time to adjust.” “They don’t want to be here, just look at them.” More than half of the crowd this morning are new to the pack, rogues who joined in the last few weeks, and Chris might be right. They look less than thrilled to be up so early, and even less thrilled every time we give them an order or suggestion. “Maybe they just stayed out too late.” I pointedly avoid Chris’s eyes as I say this and can feel him glower at me and know he didn't miss my dig. Chris stayed with the lady from the club last night, came home minutes before the training started and changed his clothes right here in the center, didn’t even have time to go to his room. Not that I care. Even though, a teeny-tiny part of me, if I am being honest, just might be a tiny bit jealous. Not of the lady he went home with, but that even this miserable man can enjoy himself while I torture myself by turning away from the hottest woman that will ever cross my path. If only my sister hadn't decided to arrive right when she did, maybe I could have had another go... Oh yeah, I should let Chris know about her. “Listen, I have to tell you about something. Last night…” I stop as two fighters across the room catch my eye. Harry, one of my best fighters, sweeps the leg of a curly-haired man who we just recruited to the pack last week. Instead of hopping back up to keep fighting, he shifts into his matted-haired wolf and growls at Harry. Fuck. This morning really isn't going my way. Stepping towards them, I try to keep my voice calm but authorative. “We do not shift in here! This is hand to hand combat training only!” The wolf turns its snarling snout at me and gives another low, threatening growl at Harry, who looks at me, clearly unsure of what he should do. Throwing my head back in a groan, I wonder if I’m going to have to fight this newcomer, when he finally shifts back, throws a resentful glance at me, then struts off the mats to get a drink. Blatant disrespect and disobedience. I’ll have to kick him out. That behavior cannot go unpunished. “This seems to be going well for you.” I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear the soft voice beside me, but somehow just manage to keep my composure as I glance down to see Tess, wearing ripped jeans and a fitted black tank top, biting into an apple. “Who the hell are you?” Chris unfolds his arms and raises an eyebrow at me. Tess runs a finger over her lips to wipe off a drop of juice. I bet her lips would taste sweet right now. “Tess.” She moves her eyes over Chris. “You’re a Lycan.” Chris’s dark eyes narrow. “I am.” “What are you doing here in a werewolf training center?” She takes another bite into her apple, clearly unintimidated by the presence of this Lycan. I have to bite my tongue as the ridiculous urge to laugh bubbles up. Chris is clearly rattled. He crosses his arms again and looks down his nose at Tess. “Why are you here?” She lifts a shoulder casually and points her thumb at me. “He brought me here.” Her apple finished, she searches around the room for a trash can before finding one a few feet away. Chris looks at me with wide, questioning eyes and I shrug my shoulders in response. I can fill him in later. Obviously, I will have to leave out some the stealing, trying to escape, almost hooking up... Damn. What reason will I give for bringing this feisty little rogue inside of our pack? Tess wipes her hands together, then against her jeans, while she walks back to us, looking over her shoulder at the training going on behind her. “Kind of a disaster.” Thinking that Chris might literally explode beside me, I take Tess by the arm, ignoring the sudden urge to pull her against me, and guide her away from Chris, who scowls at us, then moves to a pair of fighters across the room to adjust their stance. “Why do you have a Lycan helping you train?” Tess watches Chris with interest. “He is my Beta.” “What?” Tess stares at me with wide eyes, looks back at Chris, then gives a small snort of a laugh. “I didn’t believe the rumors.” “They’re true.” “Huh.” She watches Chris while I watch her. “Didn’t think that I would see you this morning.” She sucks her lower lip in, then shifts her feet before glancing up at me with a guilty expression. “Um, yeah. I was about to go, but then right as I was leaving, Bertha brought the food and…and the envelope.” She tugs at the end of her low ponytail, then sighs as she pulls something out of her back pocket. “Here. I can’t take this.” She holds out the envelope of cash. “I thought that you could use it. It might come in handy to help keep you out of trouble.” She kicks the front of her sneakers against the concrete floor. “Yeah, but so can you, and you already gave me all that other cash…” Her cheeks go a soft pink and she looks away. Technically, I didn’t really give her the other cash, I just let her keep the cash that she had stolen from my wallet at the club, which is probably why she is blushing right now. Perhaps she feels guilty? For some reason, it makes me want to get to know her even more. Who is this little run-away? “It’s okay, it’s not that much.” She stares at me in disbelief. “Yes, it is.” She thrust the envelope at me, but I still don’t take it. Frowning, she pushes it directly against my chest and I automatically go to grab it, placing my hand over hers. There’s that damn tingling again. Would we still be feeling this intense desire for one another if we had hooked up last night? Wouldn't it be more intense if we were mates? I have never known anyone to doubt the connection when they feel it. Reject it, yes, but no feelings of uncertainty of whether or not it is their mate. Jerking her hand out from under mine, Tess turns back towards the fighters while I lower my hand that now holds the envelope of cash. “Why is that guy over there not paying attention to the Beta's instructions?” Unwilling, I tear my eyes away from Tess’s perfect profile, and look at where she nodded her head to see the same newcomer as before, now blatantly ignoring Chris’s directions, while Harry gawks in amazement. Shit. Chris looks like he is about to rip this guy’s head off. And he just might if I don’t intervene. “Is that a rogue?” “He was. Just joined the pack last week. Might not work out though.” “Hmm.” She taps her finger against her chin as she watches, looking thoughtful. “What?” Her eyes flit upward, then she shrugs. “Nothing.” “No, tell me.” “Okay, fine. It’s just…he obviously is under the assumption that he doesn’t have to listen to the Alpha or Beta. He thinks that if he wants to, he can just up and leave whenever he wants to without repercussions.” “Technically, I guess he could leave at any point.” Tess raises an eyebrow at me. “So, could all of your pack members just up and leave?” I frown as I look down at her. “I’m not going to hold anyone here against their will. That would make me no better than their previous Alpha. I want every member here to want to be here.” Tess looks at me, then turns away to watch the training. “Well then, you need to give them a better reason to stay.” “A safe place to live, a community where they belong, protection…isn’t that enough?” Tess shakes her head. “Do they belong?” I feel momentarily stumped. “All they feel is you trying to change them to what you think that they should be, or how they should fight, and saying that they should obey you, just because of you letting them be here.” She flips her long ponytail back as she glances up at me. “You have got to meet them half-way in the beginning, have mutual respect.” “And how do you propose that I do that?” She grins that intoxicating grin of hers and winks as she makes her way over to Harry, who is still standing next to Chris and the curly-haired newbie, who are glaring at each other, clearly beyond words at this point. She stands on her toes and taps Harry on the shoulder. “Hi! I’m Tess.” Harry gives me another confused glance, while Chris stops his stare down to watch the interaction. “Uh, hi.” “Would you mind training with me?” Harry's eyes roam over Tess, looking doubtful. “I would, but I am afraid that I just might break you if I did.” He gives Tess a part apologetic, part flirtatious grin and the wolf inside of me stirs as I take a step forward. Tess just gives a tinkling laugh and lightly slaps his arm, which makes my fist clench in response. Keep it together, Ralph. Can't go punching your own pack members for talking to a girl. Can I? “Oh, that's thoughtful, but I am stronger than I look. Come on. Give it a try.” She flutters her eyelashes at him and gestures him over to the mat and he gives a shrug and reluctantly follows. “You were warned.” “So I was.” She grins and crouches. She moves quickly, darting under his outstretched hands and kicking his knee from behind so that he falls forward onto his hands as she wraps her arms around his neck and grabs both sides of his head with her hands and whispers, 'gotcha' in his ear. Disgruntled, he grabs her hands and pushes them away while he stands back up and gets into the ready position. She smiles at him and bounces in place as she wiggles her arms at her side. “Again?” “Yeah, but this time I won’t go easy on you.” Tess is clearly enjoying herself as she spins, darts, and moves in a style of fighting that is different than any that I have seen before. She is fast. Fast and strong. And sexy. The thought that I would enjoy sparring with her repeats itself over and over in my head. The third time that Harry picks himself off the mat, he shakes his head and holds up his hand in defeat, obviously having had enough of the humiliation. “Yeah, okay. You’re a good fighter. You’ll have to show me that spinning kick move.” Harry is still shaking his head as he lowers his hand with a rueful grin. “Anytime.” Tess smiles warmly at him as she takes it, then turns to the curly-haired man standing beside Chris, who is laughing with amusement. He steps forward and takes Tess’s hand too. “Sandy. You’re a hell of a fighter.” She smiles up at him. “Want to show me some of your moves?” “Sure!” Sandy enthusiastically takes the mat with Tess and Chris makes his way over to me while other training pack members stop to circle around the two fighters. “Who is this chick? She is distracting everyone from their training.” Chris crosses his arms and watches Tess and Sandy fight through narrowed eyes. But as I look around the room, I feel a shift in the atmosphere, almost like excitement, and I know it is exactly what this pack needs. Sandy pulls out this amazing flip and manages to knock Tess on her back. My body moves forward on its own accord to check on her, but she is instantly back up, complimenting Sandy on his skill as she shakes his hand and makes her way back over to me. Sandy is still smiling as he and Harry move back to the mat, Harry congratulating him on his moves. “See. He’s a great fighter, just different than what you want him to fight like, but that doesn't mean worse. You should have him teach you that move, it’s pretty badass. Effective too.” She arcs her back and rubs the lower part with a grimace. Chris opens his mouth beside me to speak, but I cut him off. “That’s an idea. Looks like he is already showing Harry.” All three of us turn to observe Harry watching Sandy intently, and a few others from their own mats, as Sandy walks him step by step through the move. I gesture for Tess to follow me. “Let’s have a chat outside. Chris, take over for me.” The moment we step outside, we turn to face each other and it’s Tess who speaks first. “So.” Tess sways back and forth a little, tugging on her hair again. It must be a nervous habit. I must make her nervous. Is that a good thing? “So.” I repeat pointedly. Tess clears her throat. “I just wanted to thank you again. For, you know, um, not killing me for, that thing I did…at the club…most Alphas...well, just...thank you. And I'm sorry, for doing that.” “You’re welcome and apology accepted.” “And for letting me keep the…” “You’re welcome.” She nods and lifts her shoulders. “Okay, well, that’s it. Just wanted to return the envelope and say that. It was nice to meet you, Alpha Ralph.” She holds out her small, soft hand and I stare at it for a moment before I slide my hand over it. By her small intake of breath, I can tell she feels exactly what I feel. Which is maybe why I surprised us both by the words that seem to burst out of me afterwards. “Would you reconsider? Stay with me, I mean, with my pack. I could use your help to relate with the new pack members. You handled that rogue so well. I think you are just what this pack needs." Just what I need. Tess’s eyes go wide. “Oh! Umm. Well, I mean…” Her eyes flick downward to our still entwined hands. Moving my thumb gently across the back of her hand, I realize that all I want, more than anything, is for this beautiful, wild, and mysterious rogue to stay with me. Please say that you will…
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