Chapter 6

1128 Words

Chapter Six Cecilia's neck snapped back as the sickening crunch of tearing metal and breaking glass filled her ears. She gasped, quickly removing her feet from the gas and the clutch. The car lurched and stalled. What in the hell? No. Nonononono. Sickening realization set in. But she couldn't have hit anyone. The rearview had been clear. Where had that monster truck materialized from? Thin air? She wiggled her toes, then her fingers, ears ringing, heart racing. At least nothing was broken, although she wouldn't escape without a headache. She pinched her temples, blinking back tears. Wasn't this the cherry on the s**t sundae? Cecilia sucked in a harsh breath. Tears wouldn't help her right now. Cautiously, she opened the door and slipped out, clutching the top to steady her shaking knees

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