Chapter 9: Joycelyn

1037 Words
Happy Readings! I’m surprised Frost got my size right, down to the panty size and all. Frost returned an hour like he said he would, with a carry on suitcase. I quickly folded our clothes and packing them in. Once I was done, I told him I was ready. Annika took his hand as he led the way out of the hotel. To say that I was surprised that she took his hand is an understatement. I’m damn near narrowing my eyes at my four-year-old daughter. One night I fell asleep with her saying he doesn’t like her, and the next night, she’s holding his hand. “Stranger,” I paused, getting both their attention. “Danger. Stranger danger. Does that sound familiar?” I asked sarcastically. Anika shrugs her shoulders as she pulls Frost into the elevator. We rode down in silence. As we got out, an SUV was waiting for us outside. Frost opens the door, stepping aside for me to enter first. I see there is a car seat in the middle, and I’m taken aback. Frost helps Annika in, letting her sit in the car seat. “You didn’t have to…” I trailed off once he got in. He ignored me and told his driver to drive. Like the elevator, the car was quiet. Annika had fallen asleep. We reached the airport, going through the employees only entrance. We stopped at a jet... It was only at that moment, did I remember I had a jet of my own. How the hell does someone forget that they have a jet? We got out silently and boarded the jet. Not long after, we were in the air. I laid Annika in the cabin before returning to my seat. I made sure to leave the door open for when she wakes up. Frost spoke to his men, a total of five men. Three sat on the long seats/sofa, and the other two sat in front of Frost. I sat two rows away from them. I stared out of the clouds, my mind wondering about where we were going and why he came for us. I mean, I know why, but it doesn’t change the question. Before we escaped from Maddock, he had asked me if he was the father. All throughout our stops, I stayed up every night remembering our night together. The biggest detail was he had suppressed energy and a major freak in the bed. I shook my head, squeezing my thigh together. A shiver runs down my body. I looked around to make sure no one saw me, but I wasn’t so lucky. Frost saw me, and we held eye contact. His hazel werewolf eyes caused another shiver to run through me. I looked away, adjusting myself in my seat. I scolded myself to get back to the matter at hand. However! I caught Frost’s figure in my vision. Another shiver runs down my spine, my heart is pounding, and my body is suddenly hot. I rub my thighs together. “You’re leaking,” I look at Frost, following his gaze. “Son of,” my cheeks heated up, I slipped my hand under my shirt. Worst decision ever. My n*****s were so sensitive I moaned when I cupped them, causing them to leak more. “Need some help?” Yes. My p***y twitched. “No,” my body betrayed me, my p***y pulsing with need. He continued to watch, and that only made me hornier. I don’t know where my head went, but the vibration of his voice against my ear sent me on overdrive. “Sure about that,” I bit my lips as an orgasm shook through me. “What the f**k,” I whispered and clutched onto his hand. He tugged me down between the chairs, pulling my shirt up. My body wasn’t even fighting it, and my mind wasn’t resisting it. I welcomed his touch. He squeezed my breast, making them leak milk. I covered my mouth as his mouth took my breast into his mouth, sucking them like a hungry child. I arched my back, pressing my breast further into his mouth. He groans, taking my other breast in his mouth. It felt so f*****g good, his rough tongue grazing over my swollen n*****s as he drank my breast milk. I suck my lips in as my hand eagerly and desperately reached for his zipper. I took out his d**k, stroking it. He released my breast as he quickly took off my pants. He stroked himself against my p***y before resting the tip at my entrance. It was Deja vu all over again. I clenched my fist, trying my hardest not to scratch him. In two thrusts, I came, tears flowing down my cheeks. Four years with only vibrators and dildo’s yes, I f*****g came quick. He leaned forward, and I moaned out. He placed his shoulder against my open lips. His hands slid under my ass, lifting them, making him go deeper. My eyes grew wide; his shoulders muffled my screams and moans. My nails dug into his back. I wanted to scream out in pure bliss when I remember... Annika. I tapped his shoulders, and he pulled back. “Annika, she-,” I bit my lips, muffling a moan. He picked up his pace, one hand buried in my scalp as the other wrapped around my waist. His shoulder once again coming down to muffle my moans. I felt myself cumming, and his own moans became loud. I covered his mouth as he thrust harder. Soon he came undone, exploding inside of me. We stayed like this for a moment before he pulled out. I was so worried about Annika walking in on us, I f*****g forgot about his men. One of the men, the driver, I don’t know his name walked in on us. When he saw Frost and me, he walked right back and shouted something in Spanish. I believe he said ‘the boss is busy’ or ‘don’t go that way.’ It didn’t matter what he said, what matter was; he walked in with Frost on top of me. Let me know what you think by commenting and voting.
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