Chapter 18: Joycelyn

1076 Words
Happy Readings! The moment Frost left, and my mind was lust fr--- I mean, can you really blame a b***h. Hell motherfucking no! Do you know how good his f*****g hands felt? First off. His hands were rough, like a construction worker/mechanic/carpenter/electrician. Basically, all professions that require you to working with your hands. That is how rough, chilling, and f*****g tantalizing his hands felt. It just made a b***h melt. I don't remember his hands feeling like that five years ago or on the plane. But-- picture me shivering in delight. Goddamn... Whew. Yes, lordt. Okay. Now that my mind is free from him. I was able to sneak around upstairs quickly. I peaked my head in quickly, analyzing the layout and looking for an electronic device. Anything that would help me get in contact with Rosette. The only rooms up here were mines, Frost's, Annika's, and Brandon's, with four guest rooms and a bathroom to my displeasure. Having failed in acquiring a device, I made my way down to the living room. Overhearing Brandon's and Annika's conversation made my heart swell and break at the same time. "Wow! You can draw really good," Annika tells Brandon. "Thanks. I like your drawing too," Annika huffs, prompting her elbow on the table and resting her chin in her hand. "Do you want a sister?" She asks him, staring at him intently. Brandon shrugs his shoulders. "I guess it won't be all bad having another sibling," Annika scrunches her nose. "What's a sembling?" Brandon chuckles at her. "Sibling. It's a brother or sister. Like what we would be if you match daddy," Annika grows quiet, and Brandon notices."You know daddy isn't really my dad. He adopted me. My birth parents died, and he was my guardian. A guardian is someone who looks after you if your parents can't. He also adopted Aera, she's my cousin, but her parents couldn't afford to keep her, so he adopted her as he did me," Annika's mouth forms an O, and a tear begins to slide down her cheek. Brandon takes her cheeks between the palms of his hand and gently wipes her tears away. "Don't cry," He says sadly. I had to wipe away my own tears quickly. I hated myself so much right now. I start second-guessing if I should leave here or stay for the results. A war was waging in my head, battling what my next steps could be. Sure, Annika had some of his features but didn't all toddlers look like the person you thought about the most until they're older and take on more features of the parent. Could I really take Annika away right now when she was bonding with them so well? But then what if I was right. What if Annika isn't his. What would that mean for her for us? "Joycelyn," I jumped a little, not expecting anyone to be in the house with me. While I was busy searching the house, I heard chatter from outside. I figured everyone was outside. Thick but thin walls, I guess you can say. "Julian," I breathed out before giving him a quick smile. "Are you okay?" I nodded my head. "Yes. Just thinking is all," He stared at me for a moment—definitely a manly thing in this house. "You know he won't let you leave," Frost made that very clear. "He can't keep us here. I have a life. Annika has friends, school," I was stating facts. "You have a lackey on your back as long as he is out there looking for you, for her. You won't leave here," Julian states like this was an everyday conversation. But then again, it was obvious. "Okay, this is kidnapping. Like I told him I won't be kidnapped again," His father simply chuckled at me. Thoughts about going to Rosette kept popping in my mind. Now I'm not sure if going to her would be the best option for us. It was the safest. And just like that, the plan was back in action. I've been around men like Frost to know that he is in the mafia. A life I said I would not return to. It's not like he was waving around. 'I'm a mafia boss. Stay clear of me' I shook my head. I needed to get my hands on the phone. I know for certain that Rosette is waiting to hear from me. "What would you say if I asked you to use your phone?" "I would say that I may be old but not stupid," He winked at me before going into the kitchen. Well, it was worth a try. I guess I have to continue looking for one. Then it dawned on me. If their TV is a touch screen, I may be able to hack it and contact Rosette. But how will I do that? "Frost told me to inform you to be ready to go to the shop to get necessities and a swimsuit for Annika," Julian announces just when the doorbell rang. I went into the living sitting on the couch, and watch the interaction between Annika and Brandon. Annika snatched his drawing book and brought it to me. Brandon huffed, rolling his eyes. I guessed it'd happened before. I first asked him if I had permission to look at it, and he shrugged his shoulders. Going with my better judgment, I handed him his sketchbook back. He baffled me by being surprised. Is he surprised I didn't look at it? Brandon and ask if it was okay to take Annika outside to play, and I told him that it was. When they were gone, I checked around to make sure no one was around. Then it dawned on me I should also check to see if they had cameras. One camera in the left corner of the living room undoubtedly had a view of the entire room. I had to do this as subtly as possible. Walking to the tv cabinet, I found a keyboard with a built-in mouse. This was easier than I thought. Without a second thought, I hacked into the system reaching out to Rosette. "No time to talk. Meet @ Missouri old apartment building. 3 days top," I quickly sent the text and put the system back in place. It's the first time that my heart is pounding in my chest. The shopping trip will be our escape.
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