Chapter 14: Joycelyn

1040 Words
I watch as Annika returned to Brandon's side in the hall. I need to sit her down and ask her how she feels about everything that's happened. Although I don't want to, I have to. It f*****g sickens me. The way Maddock cupped Annika's private part makes me want to vomit. Not as much as I want to kill him. With a heavy sigh, I rubbed my forehead. I need a drink. I also needed to talk to Frost. Looking in his direction, I notice his brothers and father speaking in Spanish. From what I understood, Frost wasn’t going to talk to some money-hungry dog. His father moved the conversation onto Annika. All their attention turned towards me. I feel like I’m about to be summoned to the principal’s office. Frost walks towards me. I realized the slight height difference. I’m 6’1, and he’s probably 6’5. Nonetheless, he can tower me, looking down his nose at me. Now I want to punch him. “We need to talk,” I would have said ‘me too,’ but I’m going to be stubborn. Choosing not to respond, we had us stare off before he broke it. He walked away, and I followed after him. He guided us to a staircase that had photos of...anime. Talk about anime superfan. There are probably generations of anime posters neatly framed and hung on the wall. I’m full-on gawking at them. I love anime, but this was... It was like walking into the hall of fame but for anime. “You’re into anime,” I asked, amused. “Not in the least,” he said with a bored tone. I pointed to them, ready to ask my next question. “They were my mother’s. She was a full-fledged anime fan,” He rolled his eyes, but I saw the twitch at the corner of his lips. He said it was hers—poor baby. I MEAN FROST. What the f**k was that. It’s those damn eyes, that’s what. He opens a door, letting me pass through first. So well mannered, yet so rude. I took in the beauty of the room with the light cream color. The bedroom furniture, elegant yet simple. As if it was crafted by hand and for him. I’m done admiring the room and giving him my full undivided attention. “You’ll be staying in this room,” no complaints. “And Annika?” Is it weird that I’m not planning an escape from him? I barely know this man, and I’m accepting his kindness. “Why are you letting us stay here?” “Can I answer the first question,” Oh, you got jokes? I nodded my head. “She’ll stay in a room next to Brandon,” Okay. I wanted to check the room out for safety reasons, but I kept my overprotectiveness at bay for now. “Frost, while I’m grateful that you are helping us. There is a chance that Annika isn’t yours,” “You still haven’t answered my question,” Fair point. “I slept with my ex a few days before going to the club, and that night I slept with you. After that, I never had s*x until on the plane with you,” He stared at me for a moment before running his narrowed eyes slowly over my body. “That’s a lie,” my mouth hung open. I scoff in disbelief, a smile taking over my face. “Why is it so hard to believe?” “You’ve gone without s*x for four years,” he asked, c*****g his brow at me. “I became busy, and m**********n wasn’t easy,” his lips twitched before he cleared his throat. He mumbled something to himself, shaking his head. “Aside from you not believing me. What if Annika isn’t yours? What then?” “what if she is?” he countered my question. I sighed, my shoulders dropping in defeat. “Frost...I don’t want her to get comfortable with you when there is a chance she isn’t yours,” Although I think it's too late for that. “What are you saying, Joycelyn,” I licked my lips. My name sounds sexy, leaving his lips. “I think we should leave,” “and go where? Home?” He cut me off. “Yes,” “Not happening,” “Frost, I have a life - a job,” He shook his head. “What makes you think Maddock isn’t waiting for you,” Point to you. “Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t,” “You’re not leaving,” He stated. “Frost, you can’t keep us here against our will. I was kidnapped once; I won’t be a second time,” He rolled his eyes. This b***h. “Don’t roll your eyes at me,” He raised an eyebrow at me. “Joycelyn, you’re not leaving here,” Now I am pissed. “What if I’m right and she isn’t yours. What then? You kick us to the curb? Did you think about how Annika would feel if you’re not her father?” In two steps, he was in front of me. My breath caught in my throat; it was hard to breathe with him so close to me. "You're not leaving," Frost stated in a low, deadly tone. His eyes dart back and forth. He steps away, his eyes never leaving mine as he exited the room. This was not how I wanted the conversation to go—Regardless of my horny mind. I needed to set that aside and focus on getting Annika to safety. If this Maddock man was perilous, then I'm left with no other option. I would have to play along until I'm able to find a way out.
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