enimies to lovers

We brought it all on ourselves. Political disputes, the struggle for influence and resources eventually led to a war between nations. A war in which there were no winners, but only losers. Blinded by the lust for power, we cut our legs off ourselves, not even being aware of the dangers lurking in the shadows.

We were not aware that by destroying our own satellites and neutralizing enemy technologies, we would create opportunities for an attack from a side whose existence we had no idea of. Without our technological advantage, they squashed us like cockroaches standing in their way, giving us the Infinite Night.

When the monsters came out of the shadows it was already too late for humans. They took everything from us, our land, rights, dignity and life. But there's one thing they could never get, and that's our will to fight.

Now, twenty-seven years after the war I, Tamara Alson would give them a reason to fear and constantly look over theirs shoulders. Even if that's the last thing I will do.

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1. A window to the world
The beautiful cloudless sky of October morning would be something admirable if not for the task bringing me to this secluded place. I checked the time on my watch. It was barely 8am. I still have at least three hours before the show time. On the hill I was just on, I found a perfectly good tree and began to carve with my folding knife in its bark. I'm getting better at it! This time the moray looks professional, not like dozens of earlier ones. In the place with the best view, I spread my mat. It is a pity that I have to leave it behind each time. This is such a waste of resources. But I have to remember the bigger picture here. That's what I am here for. This is not a sightseeing trip, it is my life's mission! My legacy. They won't write about me in any book, but I know many support my work. As usual, I rubbed the mate and equipment with fresh mint leaves, trying not to miss any fragment. It always works to cover my tracks. I checked the time. It is 8:45. Time to get ready. From the only bag I have with me, I took my beloved PGM Hécate II. I know he's not the youngest, but he has never let me down. Who said that the French couldn't do anything right?! The weapons they made are amazing! I spread the rifle on the mat by mounting the stock and optical sight to it. I checked the magazine to see if all seven bullets were in the chamber. Ink didn't disappoint me this time either. He was so meticulous in preparing my equipment that soon I may not need to double check him. Nah! Who am I kidding?! I will always double check my rifle. When my baby was in its rightful place I stuck a little green flag into the ground next to the mat. Pops is right, I have to be more careful with wind changes, millimeters could be my failure. I checked the time again. It was 9:15. Time to peek into the devil's den! I undressed and put all my clothes in the bag from which I had previously taken the rifle. I rubbed my naked body and hair with mud and the remaining mint. You could never be too careful. I then attach my watch to the rifle's handle to have it close, but not lose it during retreat. It was a gift after all. I lay down on the mat and started looking out my favorite window to the world. Something about seeing the world through a sight gives me a sense of strength. As if I were the blacksmith of my own fate, which, unfortunately, I am not. Circumstances have created me the way I am now. The prey who tries to become a predator. I should put it in my resume, it sounds nice. Through my little peek hole I saw the full glory of the village beneath. The big house at the bottom of the slope, located less than a mile away from me. It looks calm, almost blissfully, like the perfect place to live. Of course, what are these big dogs supposed to be afraid of?! I'm glad for how lazy they are getting. This makes my job so much easier. I saw a few strong-looking warriors, but how they looked was one thing, the other was what they were actually doing. One of them was kicking a ball with a few pups, the other was lying on the grass looking at the sky and the third was dozing. This is a joke, not a defense. Even alcohol in the supermarket would not be safe with those three. Perfect! Suddenly from the big house emerged a dark haired guy with a mean face, other three seeing him started pretending they are actually on duty. A-ha, so this one is actually important. Beta maybe? I wish! Why do all the powerful ones look like Assholes though? Is this some kind of rule?! If you look decent or even nice you won't be taken seriously?! That's f****d up! But at least I don't feel remorseful for taking them down. World they created will be a better place without them, that's for sure. Suddenly from the big house came a woman with a visibly swollen belly and she wrapped her arms around Mr Important. So he's about to become a Daddy. It sucks for him that he won't live long enough to see the kid, besides Little One would be better off without a father like him. I'm the best example of that statement. Both the woman and the dark haired guy return hand in hand back to the house. I check the time. It's 9:47. A bit more than an hour left, but they can arrive any minute now. I must be ready. I put the long strap from my rifle over my left shoulder and on the right side I secured the strap of my bag in the same way. I have to be ready, every second is precious during retreat. I returned to looking through the optical sight, not even for a second taking my eyes off of the house entrance. And finally at 10:22 four leaders stepped out of the house and waited impatiently glancing to the east. There was the couple from before, a really strong looking man with light brown hair and stubble with a blond woman hanging on his arm. It's happening! Two minutes later black SUV stopped in front of the house and four men in formal clothing emerged from it, coming closer to those waiting by the entrance. I love this moment, it's like time is getting slow-motion. My heart rate is slowing down and everything around me seems to be moving sluggishly. Like those shots of a flying hummingbird I saw in one of the programs Pops likes so much. I looked one last time at my little green flag fluttering carelessly to the southwest, which means I need to point slightly to the east. I aimed first at the most dangerously looking of the newcomers. And with the exhalation I pressed the trigger. BANG They will hear that sound in about two seconds, but I can't lose time. I aim for the guy with a stubble and press the trigger once more. BANG I move slightly to his left and when that small red cross is on the blond woman's torso I shoot again. BANG I skip the pregnant woman standing to her left and focus on the dark-haired man who showed up first. BANG I take one last look, to see my work, and I see all three of the men are already dead meat, but the woman covered in blood is crawling to her man. I aim again. Press the trigger. BANG And she stopped moving. I then focus on the force I almost always keep hidden deep inside, and my body starts to transform. My naked body is getting covered in thick black fur and I visibly grew in size. I look at my both sides, checking if the two straps I secured before are still in their places. I didn't look back, but started running to the south leaving a mat and flag behind me. I ran down the slope I was on and head deeper into the dense forest. When I get to the stream, I run with its flow to the east. That should misled the eventual chase party. Two miles later I leave the stream and go once again to the south. Finally, I reach the forest road where, as agreed, a black van with open doors is waiting. I jump in and the door closes immediately. I can change back now. When I was in the middle of dressing up, the driver's door shut and the truck engine started. We were speeding through the forest, when she relaxed enough to speak. "So, what's today's score?" - asked Ruby. I smirked under my nose and joined her in the front of the truck. "One bright star and small constellation." - I admitted proudly. "So two Alphas, Beta and Gamma?" I shake my head. "No, two Alphas, Luna and Beta." - I corrected her. "Nice! Ink will have a lot of work." - she said, chuckling. "Yup!" Yeah, I did good today.

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