Chapter 5-2

2008 Words

“I’ll be there soon. I’m not too far away,” Sarah says before we hang up. Viola peeks her head around the corner, obviously having listened to my whole conversation, and glares at me. If looks could kill, I’d be six feet under. “What?” I say, smiling. She rounds the corner and comes at me as if she’s going to knock me out. “What? Really?” she seethes. “It’s only been a few hours, and you’re already breaking the house rules! I have two tests tomorrow. I don’t need your sexcapades keeping me up all night.” What“I’m flattered you think I can go all night, but…” “No. Guests. In. The. House.” Her stance is fierce, her body boiling. “Got it?” I take a step closer, feeling the warmth of her skin radiate near mine. I’ve put up with enough of her s**t for one night. “We didn’t agree on anyt

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