Chapter 18 Cleaning the Room

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Chapter 18 Cleaning the Room“Jixi, I still want to tell you. Can you let me live here?” Ruan Ling Lu grabbed the corner of his clothes and said embarrassedly,” I just came back and stayed in a hotel, but I haven’t worked yet. I’ m too expensive. “Can I stay with you before I find a job and a place to live?” When Chen Li heard that Ruan Ling Lu didn’t raise his head, he hurriedly shook his head at Shao Juexi. If this Shao Juexi agreed, then LiMan would really be angry! Shao Juexi frowned and said,” I’ll let Aunt Zhang clean the room. You can move in tomorrow.” Chen Li let out a sigh of relief from the side. This CEO really had too little experience in love and needed to improve! Ruan Ling Lu happily went back to pack up while LiMan sat alone in the apartment LengYiChen arranged, forgetting the passage of time. “It’s already 10. Are n’ t you hungry?” LengYiChen came in with the packed wonton. Seeing that LiMan was still sitting on the sofa like he had left at noon, there were still tears on his face. “Why are you here?” LiMan was startled and immediately stood up. “It’s annoying to have too much entertainment. It’s quiet here. I know that you don’t know how to eat alone, so I bought you wonton.” He placed the lunch box on the coffee table and LengYiChen upstairs. In the past, he often came here when he was upset. “You, are you staying here tonight?” LiMan looked at his back and felt helpless. “This is my house. I live here. Is there a problem?” “That’s not what I meant. But if I’ m here, will it affect you?” “Be quiet, I won’t.” The sound of running water could be heard from upstairs. LiMan didn’t say anything more and took the luggage to the room LengYiChen had prepared for her. It seemed that she really needed a job to find a house quickly. When LengYiChen got dressed, she saw the wonton on the coffee table and raised her eyebrows. She really didn’t know what women did. When she was in a bad mood, she liked to go on hunger strike. However, was it worth it for such a scum? “I know you’re in a bad mood, but you still have to work tomorrow to deal with your predecessor. If you’ re not full, will you have the strength?” He knocked on LiMan door and LengYiChen whispered. LiMan really didn’t want to eat, but LengYiChen had already knocked on the door. It was n’ t good for him to lose face. “Thank you.” “I don’t need to thank you. After all, this is because I found you. Otherwise, it would n’ t have happened.” LengYiChen had just taken a shower and her hair was still wet. There were drops of water dripping from the bangs on her forehead. Her phoenix eyes looked at the LiMan with an indescribable temptation. The Xia Hanxue who opened the door just happened to see this scene. The two of them were so close. One of them was still wearing a bathrobe, which made it difficult for people to think about it. “Yi Chen, didn’t you say that you want to come over and calm down? “Why is there someone else here?” He was as arrogant as ever. He walked straight to LengYiChen and LiMan with his eyes raised. His clothes were not to be trifled with. However, LengYiChen didn’t care. He just said indifferently,” I know I’ m here to calm down. Why are you still here?” “Looks like this key shouldn’t be given to you.” “I’m your fiancée! I can’t come to your house? “And now that you’ve left a woman here, how do you explain it?” He pointed at the LiMan and spoke in a rude tone, as if she was really the mistress of this place. “It’s just his fiancée, not his wife yet. “Also, she’s here for the time being. Do n’ t make a fuss!” After he finished speaking, he left the glaring Xia Hanxue and the helpless LiMan and went upstairs. Xia Hanxue glared at LiMan and followed. “I want to sleep with you.” Holding the door that was about to be closed by the LengYiChen, Xia Hanxue finally lost his pride. She was the arrogant and unruly Xia Qianjin, but she fell in love with LengYiChen, even though LengYiChen did not love her. “I told you, I want to be quiet.” “Then why are there people downstairs?” This is your own apartment. You’ve never brought anyone here. Even I ca n’ t live here! “Why can she?” “Because she can take revenge, I just want to gain her trust. “Stop being unreasonable!” LengYiChen was already angry. He slammed the door and shut Xia Hanxue door. He needed the money from the Xia family to support him, but Xia Hanxue he really couldn’t like it. It was fine to act on the scene, but it was not good to act on the spot. Xia Hanxue kicked the door twice. This wasn’t the first time he had been sent to the door. Although he was sad, he was used to it. He could only leave dejectedly. However, she had never given up. She always held a bit of hope for LengYiChen. The next day, LiMan woke up early in the morning and drew an exquisite makeup to cover up the dark circles in his eyes. She really didn’t know what kind of working environment would be today. “President, before going to work, I used to buy a piece of Black Forest. Do I still buy it today?” Chen Li asked carefully while driving. “Is it necessary?” Shao Juexi closed his eyes. This Black Forest was LiMan favorite food, so he would buy one every day when he went to work. But would LiMan come today? “I think so.” After saying that, Chen Li parked the car by the roadside and ran to buy a piece. “Good morning, Assistant Li!” Chen Li happily handed the cake to LiMan while looking at Shao Jixi. This meant that the President had ordered the cake to be bought. LiMan felt a slight pain in her heart. She didn’t know why Shao Xixi was still buying this thing after all. Chen Li followed Shao Jixi in and came out in a short while. He came to LiMan and said,” Assistant Li, I have to go out first. The President has something to deal with. Please help me!” After he finished speaking, he didn’t wait for LiMan to refuse and ran away. LiMan sighed and slowly entered the office. “Did you sleep well last night?” “Not bad.” “Is the cake delicious?” “Not bad.” “Did you eat it?” “Not yet.” LiMan curled his lips and said,” Chen Li said that you didn’t finish your business.” “He lied to you. He’s fine. He did it on purpose.” Shao Jixi called LiMan closer and said,” We were angry yesterday. I think we should have a good chat.” “What else is there to talk about?” “Ci Xi, I’ve moved everything over. I’ ll cook for you tonight, okay?” When Ruan Ling Lu saw that LiMan was also there, she smiled awkwardly. “I’m sorry to disturb your work. You guys continue.” LiMan stared blankly at the Ruan Ling Lu that pushed the door open. Did she hear wrongly what Ruan Ling Lu just said? So quickly, the two of them moved together? It seemed that he was right to leave! “If the president is busy, I’ll go out first.” Without giving Shao Juexi the chance to speak, LiMan went out.
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