Chapter 213 Hypnosis Again-2

2010 Words

After hearing what they had been saying, Shanshan did not say anything in the corner. She blushed and said,” What are you talking about? Who said that I like Song Anyang?” After that, they were playing with the tissues in their hands with embarrassment. When they saw her shyness, they felt even more convinced.” Aiya, don’t be shy and admit it. You always ask me about Song Anyang, and even ask me if he likes someone or if he has a girlfriend or something. Is n’ t that what he likes? Do you want to introduce her to others or do you want to see him with other women?” When Shanshan heard this, she quickly argued,” He won’t be with another woman. Well, I admit that I feel a little bit about him, but I always feel embarrassed to take the initiative. Do n’ t force me. I’m very shy.” Even though

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