Chapter 169 He needs you-28

2035 Words

When the girl heard this, she pouted in dissatisfaction and said,” What do you mean, Dad? Do I look like the kind of person who can mess things up? Don’t worry. I, such a good girl, wo n’ t give you any trouble.” When Old Man Cheng heard that, he happily said,” Of course I believe in you, baby. But, I’m afraid that some people do n’ t know your identity and just bully you.” Only at this moment did the girl go over and hug her father’s arm in satisfaction and say,” Do n’ t worry. I won’t be bullied by anyone. If someone bullied me, I will definitely bully them back. You do n’ t have to worry about this.” When everyone present saw that Old Man Cheng was so fond of his precious daughter, they also had their own thoughts. In the future, they should respect this old man’s daughter a little. Al

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