Chapter 71 had a deep meaning-5

2008 Words

“So you didn’t get things done. She already knows she’s pregnant?” “Yes, that’s a child after all. We can do it.” Wan Junyi hesitated and said,” I’m afraid I really ca n’ t do it.” “Can’t do it?” “What? I don’t like Shao Juexi anymore?” Leng Lingfeng asked. “Aren’t you afraid that Shao Juexi’ ll see those things?” “Where exactly is that thing?” Wan Junyi pair of peach blossom eyes were filled with fear as they looked at Leng Lingfeng pleadingly. Leng Lingfeng held Wan Junyi chin with his hand and a cold voice sounded. “If you want to bring that thing back, you have to do a good job.” “With such a beautiful face and such an enchanting figure, I really want to know what you look like when you’re in bed?” “You, what are you trying to do?” “I didn’t want to do anything. I just wanted to

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