Chapter 3-2

907 Words
Two weeks later, Saber stood outside the transport Hunter had obtained for them to search for the females. They were near the former downtown area of Seattle. Abandoned buildings in various levels of destruction stood as a testament to the ravages done to the city since the Trivators’ arrival four years before. The destruction was not what Saber was currently thinking about though. No, at the moment he was thinking of all the ways he could throttle the three females. He released a tired sigh and stared down at the scanner in his hand. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was Taylor’s body lying somewhere out in the crumbled ruins. His eyes lit up with hope, then fear, before a dark, primitive rage swept through him when a new reading showed up on the scanner. Fifteen dots surrounded three. “Hunter,” Saber growled in fury. “Over here!” Saber held the scanner out to Hunter before turning it to Dagger. Without another word, he attached it back to his belt and turned toward the alley leading in the direction where the figures were located. He broke into a run when he heard the sound of a scream. It was Taylor. Saber, Hunter, and Dagger immediately assessed the situation when they reached the target area. Fifteen men circled the women. Rage unlike anything he had ever felt surged through him when he saw one of the human males strike Taylor across the face. As if in slow motion, he saw her collapse in the rubble-strewn street. The man bent over her and began ripping at her clothing. “Kill them,” he roared as he barreled through the men standing between him and Taylor. Saber pulled his laser sword. He cut a path through three men before they were even aware that they weren’t alone any longer. He sliced through a fourth man as he tried to scramble away, severing the main artery in the man’s throat with a clean stroke. The man kneeling over Taylor would not die so quickly. He sheathed his laser sword at his waist. Reaching out, he grabbed the man by the back of his shirt and lifted him away from Taylor’s unconscious body. “Hey, this one is mine…,” the human started to protest before he saw who had grabbed him. “Oh, s**t!” The male whispered, paling. “Yes,” Saber agreed, flashing his sharp teeth at the male. “Soco ballast, human! Now, you die… slowly.” Saber caught the man’s hand in his when the human tried to strike him. He closed his fingers around the man’s hand and squeezed. He could feel the bones breaking under his grip. “No!” The man screamed, fighting to break free. “Help me, damn it!” Saber shook his head. “There is no one left alive to help you this time, human,” Saber snarled as he twisted the man’s arm, breaking it with a sickening snap. “Why?” The male blubbered. “Why? They’re just a couple of bitches. Why do you care what we do with them?” Saber grabbed the male’s other arm when he tried to push him away. His fingers wrapped around the human’s wrist and he quickly twisted it, breaking the human’s other arm. Leaning in, he made sure the human could hear him before he died. “A true warrior protects those weaker than he,” Saber hissed out. “This female belongs to me, human. She is not a b***h. She is a fierce warrior who will one day be my Amate.” “I didn’t know,” the man cried. “Please, I didn’t know.” Saber stared into the man’s eyes. “What did you do when she asked for mercy?” Saber whispered as the sound of fighting faded behind him. He watched dispassionately as the man’s eyes widened when he realized there would be no reprieve. He released the human’s broken arm and wrapped his hand around the man’s neck. With a quick twist, he snapped the bastard’s neck before tossing the male’s body to the side. Stepping closer to Taylor, he knelt down beside her and carefully drew her torn shirt closed. He could see the steady rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. His fingers trembled as he ran them over her temple and cheek where a fine line of blood stained her skin. He tenderly ran his hands down over her body, checking to make sure that she didn’t have any injuries that would prevent him from picking her up and carrying her back to the transport. Confident that it was safe to move her, he slid his arms under her and rose back to his feet. He was shocked by how little she weighed. Turning, he glanced over towards Dagger who was holding Jordan. He watched in concern as Jesse turned on her heel and started to walk away. Gazing down at Taylor’s pale face, he couldn’t help but think she looked incredibly young and fragile. She also needed immediate medical attention. He strode over to Hunter and Dagger. “Get them to the transport,” Hunter ordered, glancing at Taylor’s bloody and bruised face with regret. “I will meet you there.” Saber glanced at Jesse’s stiff back as she walked toward an alley opposite to their entrance onto the scene. “She won’t come willingly,” he warned. Hunter glanced at him before he turned away. “I would expect nothing less from her,” he muttered as he walked away. Saber glanced one last time at Jesse before he turned and strode back toward the transport. He would let Hunter and Dagger worry about the other two sisters. His main concern was for the one in his arms. She was his world, whether she realized it or not. “Goddess, help me,” Saber muttered as he carefully palmed the transport platform open. “Something tells me I am going to need it before she is old enough to claim.”
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