Chapter 17

2148 Words

Chapter Seventeen Saber moved in silence, striking down any unlucky guard that stood in his way. Fear, anger, and a touch of exasperation with Taylor, fought for dominance inside him. Why he was surprised that she would not only try to escape, but succeed at it, was beyond him. They had worked their way over to the lower tower to make sure she hadn’t broken her fool neck. Saber had picked up the slight scent of her the moment they entered the lower entryway. The tracks of her boots in the accumulated dirt proved that she had made it down the stairway. “She’s lucky she didn’t kill herself,” Dagger had muttered as the three of them stood at the bottom of the dilapidated wooden staircase. “That’s a long way up there,” Trig added, rubbing the back of his neck. “She’s as crazy as Jordan.”

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