Chapter 31: The world

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Kate’s pov “Drive to Maxim’s home,” I said and Lewis shook his head and didn’t move. “Ma’am, Mr Callas doesn’t live with his parents anymore. He lives in a penthouse,” Lewis said. I looked at him and he nodded before running and opening the door for me. I think I know what penthouse he is talking about. It’s the same one that Maxim bought for us. He wanted us to move there after marriage since his parents weren’t happy with our wedding. But I knew that he was his parents’s golden child and I couldn’t take him away from them. So he agreed to stay with his parents for a few years and then we can move out. We never did, I regret a lot of things now looking back. Would things be different if we moved into the penthouse he bought? I got there and rang the doorbell but no answer, you can use a code to enter the place. I entered the first code I could think of and it worked, our secret numbers worked. I walked into the penthouse and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Maxim is the kind of person who likes luxury things and his room was always like a hotel. Even his own home didn’t feel like at home at all but this place was completely different. It had bright colors and was cozy, something that I would have loved more than anything. It even has a beautiful fireplace and just above it was a large portrait of us on our wedding day. Here I was under the illusion that he didn’t love me anymore nor cared about me. Although the place was cozy it was also disorganised which isn’t like Maxim at all. I looked around and couldn’t find him until I found him on the floor in his bedroom. I looked around, even his bedroom was full of pictures of us. He was sitting on the floor drunk as one can be. “Kate, I am dreaming aren’t I,?” he asked looking at me. I sat next to him, his face showed me the kind of pain he was in. “Do you want it to be a dream?” I asked him and he put his head on my shoulders. “No,” he answered and I let him rest his head on me for some time. “I am so sorry, I am sorry for divorcing you. I thought doing so would prevent you from getting hurt, all I did was hurt you even more,” he said. I placed my hand on his face, “you didn’t hurt me even one bit,” I said. “All you did was love me, you gave me the kind of love that would even make Shakespeare blush,” I said with a smile. He started crying, I also couldn’t stop the tears from falling off my face. He didn’t stop drinking though, I didn’t stop him and let him drink. You should have seen the kind of mess I was when my entire family died. All I wanted was to forget even for a few seconds. I think even he deserves that kind of luxury, to forget for a second about everything. To drown down his sorrows. “You are my Kate, right? My beautiful Kate with those beautiful eyes,” he said looking into my eyes. “Yes, and you are my Maxim. Do you know, that day when you called me your Kate I knew then and there. I knew that I would love you until the end of time,” I said. I know my heart wavered, but even then I still had that love for him deep in my heart. Like Dad said the other day, he said that hate couldn’t have been so deep. I hated that despite everything I still loved you more than anything. “I knew the moment I saw you, I knew that I can only love you. This heart of mine is completely yours,” he said and I smiled. “You always look so cute when drunk,” I said with a smile. He looked at me and his eyes landed on my lips. “Just one more time Kate, just one more time,” he said pulling me closer to him and kissing me. I found myself on his lap once again, I missed this feeling. His hands are all around me, I miss his lips on mine. The feeling is as if I am on fire, it feels so familiar and yet so different. I know I should push him away, he is drunk, and sleeping with him would hurt me. I know that this could end very badly, but I also know he hardly remembers things when he Is drunk. He started kissing my neck. “Why the heck not? Just this once,” I whispered and went with the flow. We both want this, this will be my last hurrah. “I love you, Kate,” he said in between the kisses. “There is no one else but you, you are my Kate and I am yours. Mine to touch, mine to love and every inch of your body belongs to me,” he said. Those words have had a place in my heart. Hearing them again made me want to explode with joy. Flashback “Look at her, acting all great and mighty,” Clara said and I looked at her. “And how did I do that? By breathing, is my existence that great and mighty that you think I am acting all great and mighty?” I asked her. “No, it's because a rich boy has shown interest in you,” she clarified. “But don’t worry Clara, guys like him like using girls like her all the time. When he is done with her he will throw her away like the trash she is,” Mia said. “Really? Jealousy is making you resort to such stupid antics” Daisy said. “No it's okay, they might be right. But he didn’t choose you, did he? If I am trash and he chose me what are you? You are below trash, so why would I listen to someone who is below me?” I asked them. “Because, uh because,” Clara said but now she seemed scared to death. “I could have you kicked out from this college, how dare you disrespect my woman?” I heard Maxim’s voice. I was about to turn around but stopped when I felt his hands around my waist. He hugged me from behind. “I like your scent,” he said. “Why am I still looking at your faces?” he asked them. I have never seen anyone run that fast, and that too in heels. “Let me bounce as well,” Daisy said going to her car. “You are stiff, what is wrong?” Maxim asked me. “This city is just suffocating me, everyone around me is suffocating me. I just wish I could fly away,” I said and he kissed my forehead. “Your wish is my command my Kate,” he said and I chuckled at this. “My Kate?” I asked him and he smiled. “Let’s go,” he said holding my hand and we walked towards his car. “Where are we going?” I asked him and he smiled at this. “Just follow me,” he said and we got into his car. He started driving. When we stopped at the airport and I looked at him confused. Did he bring me here because I said I wanted to fly and he wants to show me planes? Was it necessary? “What is happening Maxim?” I asked him and he stopped and looked at me. “You and I are going to Paris,” he answered casually and I couldn’t stop laughing. “We don’t have our passports, hell I never got one made. Stop this and let's go home,” I said trying to turn around. Instead, he picked me bridal style, “just trust me,” he said. That doesn’t sound good, usually when a guy says that he reveals that he is a vampire or an ancient witch. He put me down and then held my hand and I just followed him. I looked at Maxim, he didn’t seem to have any evil intentions and I wanted to see what he was trying to do. “Mr Callas welcome, the private jet is ready,” a man in uniform said and his eyes landed on me. He didn’t say anything and I looked at Maxim, “you can't be serious,’ I said. “No Maxim, let's go home now,” I said and he looked at me. He picked me up bridal style again and went through the gates and into his private jet. “Trust me,” he said and then we both sat down and I couldn’t believe this. I mean I know he is wealthy and all but it didn’t register how much until now. He has a private jet ready for his personal use and command. “Where are we going?” I asked him and he smiled. “You will see,” he replied and I only had a few thoughts in my head. Since I don’t have a passport and clothes we must be going somewhere near. I looked at him and I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. “Are you doing this because I said I wanted to fly away?” I asked him and he smiled. “I told you, I told you that your wish is my command,” he said and then held my hand. “You are my Kate, I will give you the world,” he said and I looked at him. Only one question came to mind as he said that, does someone like me deserve the world he is promising me? end of flashback I looked at Maxim who was now fast asleep and I couldn’t help but smile. I guess the more things change the more they stay the same. He is older and more mature now but he still falls fast asleep like a baby after s*x. Now I have the answer to that question back then. I don’t deserve the world you wanted to give me. I don’t even deserve you so how can I deserve the world?
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