Chapter 33: Smile

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Grace’s pov “Will he be okay? It's been a week since he found out and he hasn’t been to work,” Charles said as we were going to the office. I looked at him and smiled. “Are you concerned about Maxim? I thought you didn’t like him,” I said and he frowned. “I don’t like him, just that with his absence you had to do all his work,” he answered and I smiled. “He is still licking his wounds, and anyways I don’t mind doing his work,” I said and he nodded. “Lewis, any news on what I told you about?” I asked my bodyguard. “Yes ma’am, just as you thought. The contract with the security company will be expiring soon and they will be hiring a new one,” he answered. “Huh so you were right, instead of giving them money for their involvement, they were guaranteed a spot. How did you even think that? You are truly brilliant do you know that?” Charles asked me. You see the night my family was killed there was no service for miles and miles. I knew that they must have used a company that has such a high tech equipment and our investigation led us to Isaac Platt. Everyone else didn’t seem to benefit from us dying except him. Suddenly out of the blue, he was getting high-status clients for his security and one of them was the Callas. The Callas family has used one security company for years. So the changing out of the blue was suspicious. So when I looked into the own of the security company You Are Safe it led me to Isaac Platt. A completely corrupt individual who would do anything for money. The Callas couldn’t hire his company for their company because the contract with the company they were working with hadn’t expired yet. And now that it has they have decided to apply which in doubt they will selected. Or should I say that would have, I am not going to let them win even one bit. “And your father? Has he gotten everything ready?” I asked Lewis. “Yes ma’am,” he said and I nodded. “You do know that I can't use my connections to make this happen. Your family has to work hard if they want this, otherwise. I wouldn’t be that different from the Callas family,” I told him. “I understand ma’am, and please could you let Mr Callas be the one to make the final decision?” he asked me. Charles chuckled at this, “He Is calling emotional and soft isn’t he?” Charles asked and I glared at Lewis. “I don’t mean it in a bad way, ma’am, it's just that I know you, I don’t want to put you in that position,” he clarified. “I totally understand, do not worry about it,” I said. Lewis is about the same age as my brother David, we met in such a strange way. When it happened something inside me told me that it was fate that we met. You see Lewis’s family knew Mr Isaac Platt well actually. Mr Platt and Lewis’s father Mr Benson started that security company together. But then Mr Platt betrayed Lewis’s father and pushed him out of his own company. As I was looking into Mr Platt I saw Lewis following him around. That’s when I approached him and told him my story. He agreed that we work together to destroy Mr Platt, and so people wouldn’t suspect us I hired him as my bodyguard. The man is good at Taekwondo, martial arts, and even Karate. He is the perfect bodyguard and is good at finding information. We got to the company and as the elevator doors were about to close someone put their leg and stopped it. I looked up and he was standing there looking at me. His blue eyes landed on mine, the elevator door opened and he came in. “Well Mr Callas, I thought you had given up and have seen that I am the man for the job,” I said and he scoffed. “In your dreams Miss Allen,” he answered and I looked at him and he looked at me and we both smiled. “I am sorry, the way I revealed the truth about Kate was ruthless and evil,” I said and he didn’t say anything. “I shouldn’t have doubted you, or taken out my frustration on you,” I added. “You were right to tell me the truth, just the way you went about it was wrong,” he said. “And there is something else I think you should know as Kate’s friend,” he added. What? What could he want to tell me? “My love for Kate is the biggest truth of my life,” he said, and that too with a smile. “I am happy to hear that,” I said and the elevator doors opened and we went our separate ways. “There is still chemistry between the two of you,” Charles said and I scoffed. “A few days ago you couldn’t stand him, go do your work,” I said and he frowned before going outside to his desk. I took all the files that I had to do that were Maxim’s work. I need to help him catch up with what I have been doing so far. I knocked on his office door and went in, “These are all the files you should look at,” I said. He looked at the stack and frowned. “You did all that work alone in 7 days?” he asked me. I looked at the files, they weren’t much really. I sat down and started telling him about the work and summarising everything. I looked up when I realized that he was looking at me. “Is everything okay?” I asked and he seemed like someone who just snapped out of a dream. “You are very intelligent, it reminds me a lot of Kate and how fast she would do her work. And so organized,” he said. “Well you know what they say, birds of a feather flock together,” I said and looked down at the file. Sara warned me about this. I can't in any circumstance make him compare me and Kate. He needs to think that we are two completely different people no matter what. As we were working Christina came in. "Sir you have received an invite from the Mayor,” she said. “Tell him I will be there, that man has been avoiding me ever since I came back,” Maxim said. “Okay sir,” she said and then put the invite on the desk before leaving. The mayor is throwing an anniversary party to celebrate his 30th marriage anniversary. I love it when things just come together so well, it feels as if fate is on my side. I am going to hit two birds with one measly stone. Lewis will be happy to hear this. “Why?” I suddenly heard Maxim say and I looked at him confused. “That smile of yours, it's scary, it’s the same smile you had when Mr. Brown’s house was burning to the ground. Why do you smile like that?” he asked me with a frown. “What Mr Callas, is that your way of telling me that my smile is ugly?” I asked him and I couldn’t help but smile. “No, you have a really beautiful smile,” he said and I looked at him surprised. “I mean you don’t smile badly, but there is another smile, the one you did just now. It's more of a smirk, it's scary,” he said and I got up. “Maybe it could be because I am a really scary woman, Mr Callas,” I answered and he looked at me. “Usually people who are scary are usually broken,” he said and I just shrugged. “Maybe I am broken,” I said and left his office and went to mine. I found Charles sitting on my chair like he was the owner of the office. “A massive birthday party organised by the mayor Mr Benjamin Kutcher,” he said putting the invitation card on the desk. “But I do have a question, how on earth will this help? How will you use the mayor to destroy Mr Isaac Platt and also to reopen the case?” he asked me. Lewis who was sitting in his corner like always looked up from his book and smiled. “You are not that intelligent are you?” he asked him and I couldn’t help but laugh. Charles and Lewis are completely opposite people. Charles is so feminine, his entire appearance screams I am gay and fabulous. While Lewis is extremely masculine with big muscles and a stern look. They seem to get along just fine so I guess that would be a plus to me. “Well the mayor is one of the most influential people in our community, he is a man whose reputation is everything. Once destroyed there is no going back,” I said. “If Mr Platt pisses someone like him off there is no going back, “ I said and looked at Charles with a smile. “There it is, that scary smile on yours,” he said and I looked at myself in the mirror. “Is it really that scary?” I asked Lewis. “Very scary ma’am,” he replied making me frown.
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