Chapter 15: Durand siblings

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Grace’s pov “What’s on your mind?” Dad asked me, and I didn’t know why but I felt restless. What’s this feeling? Everything is going well but why am I restless? “You got the shares, what else could be the problem?” he asked, and I shook my head. “Maxim has been back for days now, knowing him he would have immediately met up with shareholders,” I said, and he nodded. “That is true, but the person who has an eye on him hasn’t seen him in his own home or company” Dad added. “Why? Why would he go AWOL at such a critical moment? And with him always being on top of everything he should know by now about me being a majority shareholder” I said, and Dad nodded. “That is true, you know him better than anyone. Then why would someone like that be stuck in his own home for days? As if he is grieving” Dad said, and I shook my head. “The reason doesn’t matter; he will eventually find out that I am the next shareholder in tomorrow’s meeting,” I said with a smile. I will destroy every single one of them from the inside. I will avenge my family’s deaths, Kathrine had so much life left in her. She had promised her husband before he died that she would live a long life. And this time I won’t stop with the Callas family but with everyone that made the lives of my loved ones miserable. I need to look into the killer who hit my sister’s husband and then disappeared. I didn’t want to bother Maxim back then about it. So I didn’t ask him to look into it. But since now I have the power, and honestly, I am pissed enough, and someone should pay for my anger. “I will come with you, is that okay?” Dad asked me, and I nodded. “Thank you,” I said, and I could tell that he just wanted to support me. I am honestly curious as to why Maxim is nowhere to be seen. But that is a matter of another day, today we focus on the most important thing. “You need at least two shareholders on your side so your plan can work,” Dad said, and I smiled. “I know, I already have two people in mind. They don’t know it yet, but they will support me” I said, and he nodded. “Don’t wait up” I said and then kissed his cheek before leaving. The car stopped at the beauty salon. “Lewis you can take a break, I will be in there for some time,” I told my driver who is also my bodyguard. He nodded, I went inside and then sat down. “Welcome back Grace, the same shade as usual?” Beauty asked me and I nodded. “That’s a good choice, my friend loved that shade of pink,” a girl said, and I turned to her. “Well, your friend had great taste,” I said, and she kept looking at me. “You look so much like her, the green eyes and the brown hair,” she said, and I looked at myself in the mirror. Even though I don’t look like I used to I also don’t see much difference between the old me and the new me. Those who knew me can tell the difference but from afar it’s as if I am still the same person. “Then your friend must be really beautiful,” I said, and she smiled. “She was extremely beautiful, the most beautiful person I have ever met,” she said. “Was?” I asked her and she nodded. “She died 3 years ago, by the way, my name is Daisy Durand” she held out her hand. I know who you are Daisy. I know very well who you are. “I am Grace Allen, nice to meet you,” I said shaking her hand. “You remind me of her,” she said, and I smiled. “I hope in a good way,” I said, and she nodded. “You have a special occasion coming?” Beauty asked and I nodded. “I have an important meeting; my entire life depends on it” I answered. “Wow sound big,” Beauty said, and I smiled, “it is, so I will need all my feminine energy,” I said. “I love that, we live in a world where if you want to be successful people expect you to behave and act like a man. I think I can wear pink and still be CEO” Daisy said. “Exactly, we live in a world where being feminine is associated with being tough” I added. “I like you; I hope we meet again and good luck with your important meeting,” Daisy said getting up. “I will need all the luck in the world” I and she left. One down and one more to go, the Durand siblings will be my ticket into the Callas empire. After a few hours of getting my nails and hair done, I went to my car. Lewis was already waiting, and he had the information I needed. He drove me to the club where I will be meeting my next ally. I got out and went to the VIP club, only the rich hang out here, and among them is my best friend’s brother Christo Durand. Who also happens to be Maxim’s best friend or was because the two haven’t been seen together in years. They used to be as close as brothers. I wonder what happened that changed their entire relationship. Anyways as long as their estranged friendship works in my favour. I found him sitting at the bar, he seemed lost in his thoughts. “Christo Durand,” I said, and he didn’t look up but kept looking at his glass. “What do you want?” he asked, his voice was cold and distant. Christo was always so bubbly and happy like his sister Daisy. Why does he sound almost like Maxim now? “It's bad manners to not look at a beautiful woman when she addresses you, sir,” I said, and he looked up. He froze looking at me, I smiled as I took a seat. “I am sorry for staring; you just look so much like an old friend of mine,” he said, and I chuckled a bit. “That’s the second time I have heard this, my name is Grace Allen,” I said, and he shook my head. “My name is Christo Durand, but you already knew that,” he said with a nervous smile. “I will get straight to the point Mr Durand; I need you to vote for me in tomorrow’s board meeting,” I said. “You know of tomorrow’s board meeting? Wait are you the one who wants to co-CEO with Maxim?” he asked me surprised. “Yes, and I hope that you will vote in my favor,” I said, and he sighed. “You are a beautiful woman no doubt, but I don’t even know you. So why would I vote for you?” he asked me. “Because we are going to make a bet and I will win,” I said, and he looked at me intrigued. “A game of chess, I win then you will consider voting for me. If you win then I will leave you alone” I said. “Its own,” he said, and we went to sit somewhere a little private and as you guessed it I won. “You don’t only look similar to her but are as cutthroat as she was,” he said, and I got up. “I hope you will consider voting for me,” I said and left him to think about it. You see Christo hates lies more than anything, had I not been upfront with him he wouldn’t vote for me. So, with him the more honest you are about your intentions the better. I went back home, “so do you think they will vote for you?” Dad asked me. “I hope so, Daisy wasn’t a huge fan of Maxim and I bet a part of her still hates him. You see when we lose someone we care about we look for people to blame, I bet Daisy blames him for everything” I answered. “Her brother? he is good friends with Maxim, you said it yourself that more like brothers” he said, and I nodded. “True, and yet he hasn’t even made plans to see him ever since he came back. He was drinking alone in a bar looking all miserable. I don’t think they still share that bond anymore” I said, and he nodded. “Let’s hope everything goes the way you want it. Then you can begin your revenge” he said. “I will go out for a run,” I said, and he frowned looking outside since it was already dark. “I will be careful; I will have Lewis follow me. I will be okay” I said, and he nodded. I got changed and went on a run, our mansion is near a little cliff. From there you can see the city, and also the Callas mansion. I was running passing by the cliff when I noticed a figure, and the person seemed like they wanted to jump off. From the broad shoulders and height, it’s a man. “Sir, are you okay?” I asked him. No reply, “sir don’t do anything you might regret” I said, and still no reply. I noticed that he took a step forward and quickly did the first that came to mind. I hugged him from behind and held on, but what was this feeling? Why does this feel so familiar?
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