Chapter 35: White Lilies

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Maxim’s pov “Sir Is everything okay?” Christina asked me. I looked at her and nodded, “Yes everything is fine, but could you tell me something?” I asked her and she nodded. “This Grace woman, what do you think about her?” I asked her and she thought about it. “Honestly sir I won't lie, she is someone I can't seem to read or tell what is going on in her mind. She smiles when she should be angry, and she seems to be hiding something,” Christina answered. I nodded and she turned to leave and then looked at me. “But also, she is so similar to Mrs Callas at times,” she added and then walked out. It is true what she said about Grace being similar to Kate at times. But it is also really clear that they are different people, they are completely different. I guess as people who were friends they probably picked a few habits from one another. There was a knock on the door and that annoying Charles came in and he looked me in the eyes. “You really still don’t remember firing me?” he asked me, and I shrugged. “I fire a lot of incompetent people daily, I don’t remember them at all,” I answered, and he scoffed. He then put a key on the desk, “she said that you can visit Kate’s grave if you want to,” he said. He then turned to leave but stopped, “bring back the key once you have visited her, I don’t know why she is even letting you . You are only allowed to visit Kate and no one else,” he added and then left. Why am I only allowed to visit only Kate? Before the divorce happened I was quite close to her family. And wouldn’t Kate be buried in the same place as them? I mean If they are buried next to one another then I would automatically be visiting them. Are they buried in different places? And how is that even possible? I called up Mr Jackson and went downstairs so he could drive me there. “You are going to meet Miss Kate, I miss her very terribly sir,” Mr Jackson said. “I do as well, it kills me that I didn’t even know all this time,” Mr Jackson said. “You know sir, a few days before she died she attended my daughter’s wedding. With that assistant of Miss Grace,” Jackson said, and I looked at him confused. “She attended your daughter’s wedding; do you have any photos of her from that day?” I asked him. “Yes sir, I can even have my daughter look for them,” he said. “Thank you, Mr Jackson,” I said, and I looked outside at the trees. It seems like the flowers are blooming and the trees seem to be greener right now. Her favorite season was summer, she loved dancing in the rain and getting her hair all wet. She loved going to the countryside on moments like this. She always spoke about how she loved the different kinds of scents that come with it. It's summer Kate, I hope that they have beautiful flowers surrounding you wherever you are. I got off and the guards let me in and also guided me to where Kate was buried. Just like I suspected she was buried alone and not around her loved ones. But that doesn’t make any sense, Kate and her family were inseparable. When both our families didn’t approve of us getting married I asked her to run away with me. To get married without our family's approval and she flat-out refused me. She wanted them to be there, and she once told me that her family was her everything. I looked around her grave and she was surrounded by dandelions which didn’t make sense. Kate loved white lilies; she even had a tattoo design made of white lilies. Then why is she surrounded by dandelions? I looked at her grave and the words written on them also didn’t remind me of Kate. “I HAVE LIVED,”, that doesn’t make sense one bit. The one time we spoke about death she told me that she would want something really touching to be written on her grave. She wanted maybe a short poem, the words are too short and don’t remind me of Kate at all. The more I look at this tombstone, even more detached it is. As if my Kate isn’t the one buried in there at all. I know my Kate; she wouldn’t have changed so fast and that too in such a short time. Then what is going on here? I looked at the tombstone and I was completely speechless. Why don’t I have any words to say to her? Honestly, why does my own wife feel like a complete stranger to me? “What is wrong sir?” the guard asked me. “No, for some reason it doesn’t feel like my wife is buried here,” I answered, and he chuckled. “Sir it seems that it is your wife who is buried there, I can tell,” he said, and I looked at him confused. “Because sir you have clearly lost your mind after she died,” he said laughing once again and leaving. Have I really lost my mind? I looked at her tombstone and I couldn’t find the words to say to her. My Kate didn’t like dandelions, the quote she would want on her tombstone wouldn’t be this. Not to mention the direction her tombstone was facing. She never liked sun rises, she wanted to be able to see the sunset. Everything about this makes me feel like someone else is buried here and not my Kate. I went home to get ready for the Mayor’s party. Mayor Kutcher has always been someone who wanted to be in my good books way before he became mayor. He wanted me to marry his annoying daughter Ariana, but I wonder why he has been avoiding me. Someone who has wanted to be in my good graces for years is now avoiding me. Is it because he knows that I want to ask him questions about Kate? What the hell is going on here? How is it that everything feels like someone is deliberately changing a few things? Kate’s death is suspicious, that Grace girl I suspicious, my family is suspicious and now even her grave is suspicious. Are all these things a coincidence? Or is the guard right? am I losing my mind? I mean Kate probably went through a lot during the days she had cancer. Could it have changed the kind of person she was? There was a knock on the door and Allen came in with an envelope. When I opened it I found pictures inside, pictures of my Kate a few days before she died. She had a few white lilies on her hair, she still loved them a few days before she died. Then why the white dandelions? I got ready and went to the Mayor’s party. As expected everyone who was anyone was there all dressed up. As I was looking around my eyes landed on someone who was wearing white. She reminded me of a beautiful white lily, she turned around and there she was. Grace Allen was talking to her father and a few other people. Why did seeing her from a distance remind me of Kate? The way she was talking and engaging with the people around her. I am losing my mind, that is the only possible answer to all of this. First Kate’s grave didn’t feel like it was her grave and now Grace seems like Kate. I am losing my mind, my eyes landed on the Mayor who went to talk to Grace. I walked in their direction and the moment the Mayor saw me he smiled. “Mr Callas, I am glad that you are here,” he said, and my eyes landed on Grace. She was smiling, the same scary smile she had all day long. How can I compare someone evil to my kind Kate? This girl is clearly someone who isn’t up to anything good. “Oh yes there is someone I would like you two to meet,” the Mayor said, and he hugged some man. “This is a dear friend of mine Isaac Platt; he owns a security company and is in charge of my security. He is the best I tell you, and he is even applying for the contract of your company,” the Mayor said. “Wow Mr Mayor, introducing an old friend at a time like this. If I didn’t know any better I would think you are asking us to give him the contract,” Grace said with a challenging look in her eyes. “Oh No Miss Grace, it is not like that at all,” the Mayor said but we all know the truth. “All the guests are here sir, you can start your speech,” a man said. Everyone gathered around to listen to his speech, midway through the speech I couldn’t stop looking at Grace. I noticed she had that smirk on her face, and her fingers were up, and she was doing a countdown. When she finished a video appeared on stage. The Mayor was with about 10 other young women. They were doing really nasty stuff, my eyes landed on Grace who still had a huge grin on her face. What the hell is going on here?
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