Chapter 26: Nostalgia

1313 Words
Maxim’s pov “Don’t get things wrong, there will be no love story between us,” I said, and I heard her scoff. Suddenly it wasn’t dark anymore because she had taken out a torch. “Do you go around with a torch in your purse like such things happen to you?,” I asked her. “You will be surprised at how many times they have,” she said and took out her phone. She chuckled a bit as she was looking at it, “there is no service,” she said. She then sat down like someone who is making themselves comfortable. I took out my phone and just like hers there was no service. I sent Christina home and she sent that annoying guy home. “Don’t worry Mr Callas, your family will realise you aren’t home and send for help,” she said. “Actually, I don’t live with my family anymore. I moved out to an apartment, but your father will worry about you right?,” I asked her. “I called my dad just before leaving the office, he has to perform an emergency surgery,” she replied. So, we seem to be stuck here until someone has opened the door. “So, we will be stuck here for some time it seems,” I said sitting down as well. My stomach grumbled. I didn’t eat all day and now I am really hungry. She looked at me and opened one of the many bags she has in her hands. Why do women carry so many bags? “Why do you have so many bags?,” I asked her. She took out containers and a flask and put it down. “Because I spent most of my hours in the office,” she said and then took out a blanket. She covered her legs before opening the containers revealing food. She had some sandwich, fruits and also brownies as well. “Please have some,” she said pouring something in a flask’s lid. The scent hit my nose; I know that scent like the back of my head. That’s rooibos tea. I took a sip and it tasted exactly like the one Kate used to make. “Are you okay?,” she asked me, and I looked at her confused. That’s when I felt it, a tear on my cheek. I wiped it away and shrugged. “It’s nothing” I said, and she handed me the sandwich. I took a bite, the tears I was holding back just came back flooding. Why? Why does everything taste like what Kate used to make? “Maxim are you okay?” Kate. I mean Grace asked me. I tried hiding the tears, “are you scared of the darkness?,” she asked me. “No, you are not, and you are not claustrophobic as well then what is the problem?,” she answered herself and asked even more questions. “I am sorry, I just feel slightly nostalgic, Kate and I have been in a somewhat similar situation,” I said, and she nodded. Even though I don’t have a photographic memory I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I looked at Grace, she isn’t my Kate but then why is this feeling familiar? Flashback: “What are you doing here again? what did I tell you about sneaking into the girl’s dorm?,” Kate asked me. “You said not to do it, but I can’t wait until tomorrow to see you,” I said, and she smiled. “You will get me into trouble someday,” she said. “Come on, let me stay with you for some time,” I said, and she rolled her eyes. “You always say that, and then you stay for hours and end up sleeping here,” she said. “Baby its cold outside,” I said which made her chuckle. “Yes, please sing that song. Its really helping your case right now,” she said. My stomach grumbled and she looked at me. “Let me make some tea and sandwich” she said making me smile. “But we will eat it in your car, I don’t want any troubles okay,” she added. She made the food and together we left her dorm room. “Hey you, what are you doing here?,” someone said behind us. “Ohhh s**t, security,” I said and held her hand and started running away. “Here, the basement,” she said, and we entered an empty room. There was nothing there, we listened as his footsteps got lower. Suddenly the lights went out, “ohhh s**t,” Kate said. I pulled her towards me, “do you know what people do in the dark?,” I asked her. “They pray,” she answered making me smile. “Come on let’s get out of here. It’s cold in here,” she said. She tried opening the door but then looked at me, “the door won’t open,” she said. I tried opening it and it still wouldn’t move at all. So, I sat down and switches on my phone’s torch. She looked at her phone, “there is probably no service right?,” I asked her. “Yes, there is no service,” she said I gestured that she come and sit next to me. She sat down. “I am still hungry” I said, and she smiled taking out the food she made. We started eating. I am not a fan of rooibos tea but since I will be around her I better start getting used to it. She then took out a blanket from her bag. “I get cold easily,” she said and then covered my legs and hers as well. She put her head over my shoulder. I am stuck in a cold and dark room, but I don’t mind. We both fell asleep, but she sleeps like a log. I got up when I heard someone open the door, the guard stood there looking at us. I quickly got up before he could talk and pulled him far away from Kate. She looked so peaceful sleeping. I took out my wallet and wrote a cheque. “You didn’t see anything; do I make myself clear?,” I asked him and he nodded. I went to Kate and picked her up, then put her on her bed in her room. I kissed her forehead before writing a small note to her. She really does sleep like a log doesn’t she? End of flashback I opened my eyes when I heard voice. I looked around, Kate, s**t I mean Grace’s head was rested on my shoulder. How on earth did we fall asleep? I haven’t been able to sleep for years now, and I easily fell asleep in an elevator? I looked at her, she seemed so peaceful and reminded me a lot of Kate. Why is that? They are so different then why would she remind me of Kate? “Hey, wake up,” I said, and she opened her eyes way too fast. She isn’t anything like my Kate. Kate could sleep through an entire thunderstorm. “Wait did I fall asleep?,” she asked looking around and her eyes landed on me. Those eyes, she quickly got up and started sorting out her things. The elevator doors opened, “goodnight Mr Callas,” she said. “It’s almost 5am” I said, and she looked at her watch and seemed surprised. I also can’t believe that I slept for 6 hours straight and that too with her. She then looked at me, why did she look at me differently? The look in her eyes is different from before? Where did all the hate in her eyes go?
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