Chapter 13: love and hate

1272 Words

Grace’s pov Looking at him on TV made me feel slightly nervous. I have prepared for this moment for years; I am confident now and I have a goal I will achieve no matter what. But now seeing him on TV, that cold expression he always has on his face. The clean look and confident walk as if he is some king was like a hard slap on the face. A reminder that from now on I will be dealing with Maxim Callas, the best businessman in the world. He has many awards to his name, many nicknames that can attest to his abilities. He has a lot of name. “The man who makes miracle happens”, “business prodigy”, “the gold maker” and many more. I know how powerful the Callas family are, but I guess I got a ted bit overconfident. “You loved him once, are you sure that you can do this?” dad asked m

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