Chapter 2 The Savior Episode 2

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The name of this post is very simple, it is called "A biochemical crisis is about to occur" The content is as follows: I know you won't believe what I'm going to say next, but I hope that when you see this post, even with a playful and abusive attitude, you should read it carefully and preferably save it. Because in the chaotic times of the future, this post will be your life-saving guide. Am I not alarmist?? This statement is so pale. In your eyes, what I said must be sensational, but no matter what, I still want to say: an unprecedented biochemical crisis is about to erupt on Earth, around 9:15 pm London time on September 26th. The harm of this biochemical crisis is beyond your imagination. In fact, our atmosphere is already filled with terrifying biochemical viruses. At the moment of this virus's sudden explosion, all people on Earth under the age of 14 and over 33, as well as those with poor resistance to viruses, will become biochemical zombies. Remember, it was just a momentary mutation process, without any signs or pathological changes, just a moment! If you have such people around you now, please immediately stay away from them! I know someone must be cursing me. I'm not cursing you, I'm just stating the truth. Your parents, loved ones, or children will all turn into mindless zombies in that desperate moment. Perhaps this is the price that humanity must pay for its evolution towards a higher stage. In short, you need to be mentally prepared. When your loved ones or friends become zombies, never hesitate to kill them. Remember, at that time they were no longer living beings, they had become terrifying zombies! They will bite you with protruding teeth, tear you apart with sharp nails, and if you don't want to look like them, you must ruthlessly smash their heads! Attacking other parts of them will not cause fatal damage to them, be sure to take the lead! Also, don't be caught by their teeth or nails, as you may be infected with biochemical viruses and turn into biochemical zombies. Do not come into contact with the blood of zombies in the injured area, as their blood also contains biochemical viruses. If you are still alive within a week after the disaster, congratulations, you will face an even more dangerous situation. One week after the outbreak of the biochemical crisis, all zombies will evolve into "true zombies" with "brain nuclei" on their own. Their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. At this point, zombies will be classified into different types under the catalysis of biochemical viruses. Those whose eyes always remain crimson are agile zombies that are developing towards agility. Their speed will be much faster than that of ordinary people, just like an electrified motor. Be careful when encountering these zombies. PS: Agile zombies will be the largest number of zombie species in the future world. Some zombies will have their eyes turned dark green, and their muscles will expand, resembling the Green Giant in movies. They are powerful zombies with strange powers, and their killing power is very terrifying. Fortunately, their number is much smaller than that of agile zombies with red eyes. In addition, a small portion of zombies have light purple eyes, and their bodies are slimmer and longer than regular zombies. They are more terrifying shapeshifting zombies than power zombies. In the early stages, these zombies will have suction cups on their hands, fly eaves, climb buildings and windows, and do everything they can. Be careful of them. In addition, there are a very small number of zombie eyes that will turn pure black, looking like mutated vampires, with much larger pupils than ordinary people, very easy to recognize. This type of zombie is the most terrifying undead type. After their bodies are smashed, they will recover on their own, and the fatal point is no longer the head. They will hide their fatal point "brain nucleus" in any part of their body. When encountering this kind of zombie in the early stages, please run away quickly. You are definitely not its opponent. In addition, there are other types of zombies, such as those with pink and blue eyes, but due to the limited number, I won't go into detail here. Let's explore them slowly in the future. Time is running out, so I quickly say something serious: When you are fortunate enough to kill a real zombie, remember to remove the "brain nucleus" from their head. Their brain nuclei are very hard. After removing them, they try to drill a hole in the shell, pour out the "biochemical crystals" inside, and drink them. This type of crystal can enhance human safety and also has a certain level of virus resistance. People who have consumed crystals and are bitten by zombies will not easily turn into zombies. Of course, excessive infection with biochemical viruses can still turn you into zombies. It is also important to remember that zombies constantly evolve, and as they break through each limit, their appearance will undergo significant changes and their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. At the same time, the crystals in their brain nuclei will also upgrade, and the enhancement effect will be greatly improved. Eating the brain nuclei of high-level zombies will greatly help improve your combat effectiveness. Due to time constraints, I won't go into detail here. Finally, I would like to remind you that in the face of this biochemical crisis, please do not live a life of evasion, as the biochemical viruses that permeate the air will also evolve over time. If you don't eat the brain nuclei of zombies to strengthen yourself, then with your own immunity, you will definitely not be able to resist the increasingly powerful invasion of biochemical viruses, and become a terrifying zombie! To put it simply, this biochemical crisis is actually a battle that you cannot avoid at all. Either you choose to die, or you must fight bravely! There is no third way! Remember, what is in front of you is either war or death! Either kill all the zombies on Earth, or be unified by the zombies! Finally, I really want to say something inspiring like other speakers, but I am not someone who is good at eloquence and cannot say things that are so shocking that they can make people's adrenaline rush. But I want to tell everyone that the upcoming biochemical crisis will be the greatest test for humanity by the Creator. I don't know how humans evolved in the past, but in the future, if humans want to survive, they must evolve by killing zombies! No matter which race or country you are a survivor of, please remember that our goal is to kill all the zombies! Only in that way can we have a happy life again! Forget all the pain and sadness, and be strong. For those who are still alive, the future of humanity is in the hands of each of us survivors. Perhaps our generation cannot achieve the goal of killing billions of zombies, but as long as we work hard, I believe that in the near future, we will surely reclaim every inch of land under our feet! Our descendants will once again enjoy mild sunshine and fresh air! And have a stronger body and intelligence! For tomorrow's tomorrow, survivors, please be strong and live on!
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