Chapter 3

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Iris’ POV It’s Thursday night and I should be getting ready for bed to go to school tomorrow but Alpha Arthur and Luna Drea have called the school to tell them I won’t be coming because I’m required to help them prepare for the guests that will be here this weekend. Just what I wanted to be doing on my birthday. Happy 18th birthday to me, I suppose. I look up at the clock and it’s 11:45pm. I put down the meal plan and shopping list I put together for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday on the kitchen counter so the Omegas that do the grocery shopping can find it easily. With that done, I head into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I wash my face first and as I’m brushing my teeth, I get a very intense headache out of nowhere. It hurts so bad it’s like someone has just hit me in the head! I turn around and there’s no one to be seen. I feel around my scalp and find no wound. Weird. I’m about to continue brushing my teeth when I hear a voice in my head. “Hello Iris. I’m so glad to meet you.” and I physically jump and let out a small yelp. I turn around and there’s nobody there. Then it dawns on me who that might have been so I peek out the door at the clock in the hallway and see it’s midnight. Excitement immediately floods my body. “Are you my wolf?” I ask the voice in my head. “Yes, I am. My name is Willow.” she replies and I can’t help the tears. I have my wolf! I am so overwhelmed with excitement I begin to cry. “Don’t cry, Iris. We are destined to do great things together but, for now, you should rest.” she says gently. She must be mistaken. I’m a lowly servant girl. A worthless Omega. There’s no way I’m destined for greatness. “You will see soon enough. For now, go to sleep and rest knowing I’m here.” she says and I nod. I don’t believe her but that doesn’t matter right now. She’s here and I will never be alone again. With that in mind, I take off to my room to rest. I know when I wake up in four hours the day will drag on until bedtime but I will have Willow to keep me company now. Finn’s POV I’m in the office delegating assignments to various team members for a huge project my company has taken on. I just finished presenting the blueprints, timeline, and budget and the client was signing the papers before I was even finished with the presentation. “You get what you pay for and I want the very best.” he says as he reaches out to shake my hand. I give him a bright smile as I grab his hand and shake it. “I appreciate your confidence in me and the compliment, sir. I won’t let you down.” I reply genuinely and he nods before turning to leave. “Thank you for your time, Mr. Rayner. I look forward to doing business with you.” I smile again and thank him for his time and his business. It feels good to be the best in this field. Once the assignments are handed down and I finish filing everything away, it’s 2pm. With the office and project handled, I decide to head to Silver Moon early to get it over with. I pick up my phone and call Alpha Arthur as a courtesy to make sure everything is ready. “Hello?” I hear his rough voice on the other end. He sounds exactly like you’d think he would if you met him and experienced his negative energy. “Yes, this is Alpha Finn. I wanted to see if it was okay to head to you a bit earlier than planned as I finished my work day a couple hours early.” I say getting straight to the point. I hear the hesitation on the other end of the line but before I can speak again he speaks. “Um.. yes.. that should be fine. I’ll make sure everything is prepared posthaste. How many rooms will you be needing?” he asks and it suddenly occurs to me that I never told him who I was bringing. “Oh yes, I’m sorry. It will be myself and my Beta, Leon, plus our two head trainers, Tyler and Vince so we will need 4 rooms.” I tell him wishing I had a Luna to bring. “No Luna?” he asks as if he can read my mind. I reign in the annoyance that washes over me before answering his question. “No Luna. I haven’t been lucky enough to find her yet. We will be there around 4:30 or 5:00. See you then.” I say and quickly hang up the phone. I take a deep breath to center myself before standing up and gathering my things to leave the office. Once I reach the entrance to our pack lands, I open a mindlink to Leon, Tyler, and Vince. “We are leaving early for Silver Mountain. I will be there in like 5 minutes to pack a bag. Let’s plan to meet in front of the pack house in 45 minutes.” I say down the link. “Yes, Alpha.” they reply in unison and I close the link before there’s any incessant chit chatting. Upon arriving at the pack house, I hustle up to the fourth floor and throw together a weekend bag. I strip out of my dress pants and dress shirt to jump in the shower before replacing my work attire with a pair of dark denim jeans and a plain white T-shirt. I replace my dress shoes and dress socks with my black ankle socks and black Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Sports shoes. I’ve got about 15 minutes until I’m meeting the guys out front so I toss my bag over my shoulder and jog down the seven flights of stairs to get a quick bite to eat from the kitchen. “Good afternoon, Alpha. What can I get for ya?” says the kitchen omega, Ms. Sherry, as she extends her arms for a hug. Ms. Sherry has been the kitchen Omega since I was a 7 years old. She’s like an extra mother or grandmother to everyone in the packhouse. “Hey, Ms. Sherry, I just need something quick before I head to Silver Mountain with Leon, Tyler, and Vince.” I reply with a smile as I squeeze her. “I’ve got just the thing.” she says as she pulls away and walks to the fridge to reveal a container of apple hand pies. “Take these and share them with the boys. There’s 16 in there, so you each should have four.” she says with a smile as she hands me the box with a knowing look. I take the box and give her another hug. “Always taking care of us. Thank you, Ms. Sherry. I will be back Sunday night or Monday morning.” I say before walking out front to meet the guys. Iris’ POV “The Alpha of Mystic Moon will be here early. You better have four rooms cleaned and ready for him and his men. If you embarrass me, there will be hell to pay, Iris.” says Alpha Arthur as I’m helping put the groceries the kitchen Omegas bought away. “Yes, Alpha.” I say and I rush to the laundry room to gather fresh bedding , towels, and toiletries. I quickly go through each room changing the bedding, stocking the towels, and placing toiletries on the bathroom counter. Once everything is changed and stocked, I grab some disinfectant wipes, Febreze, and the vacuum to go through each room vacuuming, cleaning the surfaces in the room, and making each room smell fresh. After the rooms are completed, I run to the kitchen to continue helping the kitchen Omegas with their duties. Alpha Arthur is meeting the guests outside so I’m trying to stay busy and out of the way so as not to get myself into trouble. “Iris!” yells Alpha Arthur from the foyer of the pack house. It might be the first time he doesn’t sound so angry hollering for me and I am confused. I walk to the foyer with my eyes to the floor. “Yes, Alpha?” I say quietly but before I can fully register anything, the most unbelievable thing happens. The most intoxicating scent fills my nostrils. It is the most delicious thing I’ve ever smelled. It smells like a mix of fresh rain and cedarwood. I’m brought out of my thoughts by a thundering growl and the next thing I know, I’m pinned against the wall being held a foot off the floor by this man I’ve never met. “Mine.” he growls into my neck. It’s one word but it travels straight to my lady bits and Willow is purring in the back of my mind. “Mate! Mate! Mate!” she shouts over and over in my head. No way. Is this really happening? Did I really just find my mate?
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