Chapter 25 Never Spare Them

1110 Words

When Joey arrived at the hospital, her father was in the emergency room being resuscitated. She struggled to approach the warden, her voice trembling. "How is my dad?" "He's being resuscitated. We don't know the situation inside yet. He attempted suicide by cutting his wrists and has lost a lot of blood. Plus, he just had heart surgery, which complicates the situation." Hearing this, Joey staggered backward, nearly falling to the ground. The warden quickly steadied her, saying, "Ms. Renfro, don't worry. A specialist just went in; I'm sure Mr. Renfro will be okay." Joey tried her best to keep her tears at bay. Then, she asked, "Why did my father attempt suicide?" Hesitating, the warden replied, "Mr. Renfro seemed very down yesterday and looked rather pale. We thought it was his heart co

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