Chapter 38 The Mistress He Keeps

1370 Words

Harris chuckled wryly. "You know, Frederic, my wife has me under strict orders. She threatened divorce if I breathed a word of it to you. Told me flat-out, 'He doesn't deserve the truth.' So, sorry to let you down, brother." Before Frederic could get another word in, Harris had hung up. An expletive escaped Frederic's lips in his irritation. Joey hadn't gone far when Stan's call came through. "What's up, Stan?" "It's Carl. He's skipped town. Our key evidence for the hearing the day after tomorrow... It's gone." Carl was her rescue, her sole piece of evidence. Without a second thought, Joey knew what had gone down. Her foot slammed the brakes, the tires screeching in protest. Frederic, hearing the commotion, ran to her side. Banging on the car door, he shouted, "Joey, open up!" B

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