The fun begins

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Clara wondered what the unknown messenger meant, probably something fowl. She heard dripping coming from the bathroom. She sighed and went to check the sink. When she opened the door, she found out that it wasn't the sink. Hanging from the shower curtain was a dead bunny. She gasped and ran to her room and locked the door. She got her phone and called Ryan. "I need you. Someone broke in and they uh left something." She said in a hushed voice. "I'm coming, love." He said. In minutes there Ryan was at her door. He felt her shaking when embraced her. "It's okay I'm here. Look at me, it's okay. What did the intruder leave?" He said softly. She pointed to the bathroom. He went to go check and returned with a confused expression. "There's nothing there." He said. "No there is I saw it. I saw it. Blood there was so much blood." She said in a shaky voice. "Breathe and calm down. We'll figure this out. For now, let's go to my place for a bit. I'll make sure you are safe there. Does that sound good?" Ryan said while holding her hand. Clarabell nodded. He gently put his arm around her as he walked her to his car. They arrived and he made her some herbal tea.The tea tasted strange. "Once you calm down a bit let's go to the police and report it." He said. " But you said there was nothing there. What if I really am imagining it?" She responded. Ryan sighed and said "That doesn't matter. If you think someone broke in and left something disturbing, then proper precautions must be taken. Tomorrow I'll call a locksmith to get your locks changed and I'll get a security system installed for you. You can stay here with me for as long as you like." "Thank you" Clara said. "Anything for you, love. Now go get some rest. You've had a rough morning." Ryan sid softly. "Im not tired" Clarabell responded. He looked somewhat surprised at her response. They then headed to the police station. Ryan dropped her off and said he had something to care of and to text him once the report was filed. Clara was questioned a lot about her situation. Many questions she could not answer such as "Do you know of anyone that might have a motive to hurt you?" or "Is there anyone that showed particular interest in you?" She did not have any current enemies and the only person that really paid attention to her was Ryan but it couldn't be him. He'd never harm her. Despite the incident several years ago and his past he's harmless. He really is without a doubt harmless. Absolutely harmless especially to her. Ryan took her back to his house and insisted she stay at least until security cameras were installed. The police searched her house and found no evidence of a break in. There was truly nothing out of place. The next morning Clarabell returned home against Ryan's advice. He came by later to install the cameras and told her the locksmith should be there tomorrow. "Are you sure you don't want to stay with me longer?" He asked. His eyes held a desperate look as if he was silently pleading for her to say yes. Clarabell shook her head. He sighed as said "Okay but take this just in case." He handed her a knife and a necklace. "The necklace has a tracker in it. Where it at all times so if something happens I can find you." He said as he placed it on her. He hugged her tightly and whispered "I love you" before leaving. She decided to go out to the park with her sketchbook to get some fresh air and draw some trees. She found a bench by a big oak. She was lost in het own world focusing on the tree. Drawing each curving branch and perfecting the texture of the bark. Once finished capturing the look of the tree she begin to add her own details. She drew subtle faces and eyes hidden along the branches. Each had a unique expression portraying different emotions both positive and negative. In the leaves she hid a mix of words. She was so invested in her work that she didn't notice Jack come up behind until he spoke. "That's pretty good. What is it?" She looked up and said "Thank you it's a tree of life." "It's got some darkness for a tree of life. Most I've seen are just peaceful. Yours has agony and rage mixed in with peace. Its intriguing." Jack said "Clara smiled and responded " Life isn't just peace. The distressed faces show the downsides of life. It's meant to be a tree of life based in reality not its usual symbolism." "Nice. Um since I'm here can I ask you a question?" Jack said. Clara nodded. "Well um I keep seeing you around and I'd like to get to know you more. So I was wondering if you would like to go to an event this Friday at 7 pm at the art studio I work at? You quite artistic so I thought you might be interested" Jack ask awkwardly. His face was slightly red and he was figity. "Um sure. I don't work that day so sure." Clara responded. "Cool I'll give you my number and text you the address." Jack said excitedly. They exchanged numbers and Jack headed off after waving goodbye. Later that day Ryan called Clara. He asked about her plans lately and she told him about meeting Jack. "What! That's tomorrow! You have not had much time to recover. Also he gives bad vibes. I need to go for a second talk you later." Ryan said. He sounded upset. He was usually a lot calmer. A while later she heard loud knocking on her front door. She opened it to find Ryan on her porch with a frustrated look on his face. "Hi I wasn't expecting you." She said. "How did this come about? Why him?" Ryan asked. "He saw me in the park and asked me." Clara responded. "So you're really going? " Ryan asked. Clara nodded and said "I don't see why not so yes I'm going." "Don't! Please don't. What if he hurts you? I've seen how he looks at people. He's creepy. Stay away from him! Please stay away from him." Ryan begged while tightly grasping her hand. His voice sounded desperate. "Ryan please calm down. Is there any proof he's bad? Has he done anything wrong?" Clara responded. "No but I just have a bad feeling." Ryan said. "I understand you're worried but you can't just assume things. I'll be careful I promise." Clara said while looking him in the eyes. He sighed and said "Okay." He looked defeated. "Since you're here do you want to stay for a while?" Clara asked. Ryan nodded and they hung out until night fall. "Good night Ryan get home safe." Clara said. "Good night love." Ryan said. When she fell asleep that night Clara had a strange nightmare. In it she was a child. She heard voices talking about an incident. She didn't understand what they were talking about. It seemed like the nightmare was a repressed memory. She woke up with her head hurting and felt uneasy. What greeted her when she fully opened her eyes did not help. There right beside her was a box. She hesitantly opened it and found another note, "Do you know who I am Little Bunny? Do you remember who you were? I can see you still have some of that sickness lingering in you." She quickly disposed of it and left her house. She did not want to think about it. She had an event to attend and thinking about her situation will only soil her mood.

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