Chapter 6

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(Ethan's POV) "Mr. James the doctor will be here for your son's check up before we discharge him." the nurse said hiding her laugh behind a fake cough. But that gave my parents and Mathew another reason to laugh at my misery... I'm fuming!! After the assault on my family jewels I wasn't able to do anything but curl myself in a ball in the backseat of my car. When I called my bastard of a brother for help he was with my parents who decided to tag along with him. That's when they saw me crying in the backseat of my car, curled up in a ball. What!! Yuppp…! I was crying so what!! It's not like I got kicked in balls by a women on daily bases and I must mention "Repeatedly kicked in balls" That women should be in the national football team. The girl can kick dude. I can't move without feeling pain in my poor balls... I'm done with people.. done with this planet! I can't even press any charges against her damn what I'm gonna say to police that 'sir this woman who is my Ex-wife kicked me in my manhood and I want to press charges.' Come on man I'll die before telling anyone that she kicked me... The doctor entered the room and I pushed aside my foggy thoughts.. "So Mr. Ethan tell me how are you feeling is there still pain in your groin?" He is a old man probably in his late fifties. "Yeah I'm fine." I grumbled. "Are you sure that you tripped over something?? Because I must say you tripped really badly." The old bastard said stifling a smile. O God he knew that I'm kicked not tripped! "I think I'm fine doctor and ready to leave." "Okay I'll suggest you not to walk much for some time huh.. you know it's not good for you." All this time my family was laughing at me like lunatics. I think I need a new family... Definitely I need a new family!! That's when a fresh layer of pain engulfs me. I'm dead.... Why Ana why... how could you be so heartless!! I'll never forget this assault... _______________________________________ (Ana's POV) "O God I can't believe!! You're a monster Ana.. it's not like I'm not happy that you kicked him but as a man believe me I'm feeling his pain. I'll be surprised if he f****d any women without thinking about you." that's when Mark lost it again and started laughing. "It wasn't my fault Mark I was just scared and when he kissed me forcefully I lost it I really lost it." "Ana I must say that there was no need to kick him three damn times. Woman I don't feel safe around you anymore." Mark said with a fake shudder. God... Now I'm feeling guilty. "But I was just making sure that he doesn't follow me that's why I kicked him repeatedly." I said in my defense! Okay I must have kicked him with more force than necessary but he can't just bang in my life after eight years and expect me to welcome him with open arms and legs. "Mark is it a bad thing that I still want to chop his balls off." "Never in a million years I thought that you could be this dangerous Ana. I can't help the need to protect my manhood around you. Remind me to never be at your bad side." "Gosh Mark it was like one day my life was perfect and then suddenly he banged in my life and he was literally trying to stake a claim on me. I'm doomed ! Why can't he just leave me alone.” "Maybe he still loves you" "Believe me Mark he's not capable of loving me no one is, hell my own father hated me. I'm so sick of men. I was nothing but good to him but he humiliated me, treated me like trash. I hate him with all my guts." "It's okay Ana he has no power over you. You know you are an independent woman and he can't harm you . I'm with you. Your little gangsters are with you. Don't worry about him." "You are right he has no power over me.." whom I'm kidding... when he kissed me it took my whole willpower not to respond to his damn kiss. f**k he has the same affect on me after all these years. I didn't learn any lesson from my past. I'm still a weak little girl. But on the other side it's been eight year since I last slept with someone. So me responding to his kiss might be a normal thing… "Mark I should leave it's already late, those three little monsters are going to kill me." With that I left Mark's office and headed towards home. I can't help but feel satisfied after inflicting back a small amount of pain to him but deep down there was still a spark of guilt in me but I ignored it. He deserved this. He broke my heart. I'll never forgive him. ================================
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