Chapter 16

417 Words

(Ethan's POV) Two hours... two damn hours.... Here I'm waiting for two damn hours and that bastard didn't show up! "Excuse me sir Mr. Sebastian is here." From inside I was fuming with silent range, I put on my best poker face and followed that girl into a vast, luxurious office. And there that charming bastard was sitting behind large table looking amused. "Mr. James" "Mr. Sebastian making me wait was really unprofessional." I said in a monotone. "You were 5 minutes late Mr. James, I don't know about you but I'm a very busy man and in my field of profession time is money and I like making money." He smirked. That's enough! "Let's just cut this s**t and come to the point." I said harshly, losing my calm attitude. "Indeed.." that was his short reply. "Look I know y

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