Wh– what are you talking about? I…I have a sister?”
Milan's eyes widened in determination. “You must find her, Adrian,”
“One more thing Adrian, locate a secret safe in my private study and sign the documents there. You'll recognize it once you see it. The password is your birthday,”
Adrian struggled to process what he just heard. First, he had an unknown sister and now his grandfather was asking him to sign some documents?
His thoughts were distracted by the sound of his grandfather's hard cough. “Careful Pa,” he said, handing him a glass of water.
“How was my sister kidnapped, and why don't I know anything about her?”
“You were two years at that time and too young to understand anything,”
“No information about the kidnapper?”
Milan shook his head sadly. “I'm afraid, nothing,”
Milan grunted, squeezing Adrian's hand in his warmly. “You're strong. You're a warrior. A survivor. You can do anything despite the challenges and obstacles. I believe in you,”
Panic set in at the unexpected words. “Wh…what are you talking about?”
“I'm sorry, I wish I had more time,” A tear escaped Milan's eyes as he cupped Adrian's face. “I love you, son and I'm glad of the height you have and will achieve. You're all grown up now and your parents would be so proud of you,”
With a small sad smile, Milan closed his eyes and the monitor began to beep as the lines went flat.
Adrian stood up in shock, his lungs refusing to work in his favor. He tapped his grandfather gently at first, then vigorously while urging him to open his eyes.
“Help! Help me!! Doctor!!!”
The door burst open and nurses rushed in. They inspected Milan's lifeless body before turning to Adrian with a pitiful expression.
“Accept our condolences, Mr Adrian. The president just passed away,”
Adrian stared into space blankly. He refused to speak because he feared it might trigger the tears clogging in his throat.
His world came to a screeching halt and his heart sank into the lower pit of his stomach, heavy and hurting. It almost caused him to double over, but he fought off the urge.
There was this empty feeling of loneliness that wrapped itself around him, like he was stripped bare of all his armor and left to freeze in a dangerous wave of snow.
Only, if only life gave him more time to be with his family.
“I'm deeply sorry for your loss, president Adrian. The poison had already eaten deep inside him before he was brought in,” The doctor explained.
A gasp escaped Adrian's lips. “Poison? What do you mean poison?”
The doctor nodded slowly. “Yes, Mr Milan was poisoned and the poison began to damage his organs hours before it was realized. We tried our best to neutralize the effect, but it was futile,”
There was a pause as Adrian choked back a sob. “He asked us to pause with the operation and requested to speak with you urgently before he passed on,”
“My grandfather knew he was going to…die? I thought it was the damn cancer. Who dared to poison him?! I'd haunt that person to the grave!” Adrian hissed, his words directed to no one in particular.
His thoughts whirled. Who would have attacked grandfather, and why? Did the attack had anything to do with him?
The questions roamed in his brain, but no answers came, instead his heart crashed, each wall breaking against the other until there was nothing tangible left.
The weather for Milan's funeral was gloomy, just as Adrian's heart was. He struggled to put on a smiley face, at least to acknowledge the crowd who had come to pay final respect to the legend.
Adrian was dressed in a black three piece suit and as he stood watching his grandfather's tomb, he let out a heavy sigh, almost imagining that it was a prank and that his grandfather was not dead.
The words of the doctor still tormented his mind. Someone had poisoned his grandfather to death. Someone who bore grudges. Someone close enough to know the dealings within the mansion.
Right now, everybody was a suspect. He would smoke out the bastard who did this and make him pay.
“It must be tough, huh?” A voice said beside him and when he turned, it was Felix offering him a cigarette.
Adrian shook his head. “No, I don't smoke. It only increases my anxiety,”
“Oh,” Felix said, putting the box of cigarettes back into his pocket. “Are you okay?”
“I'm managing,” Adrian chuckled. “I still can't believe he's gone. I miss him already,”
“I bet he's looking at you from the sky right now urging you to be strong. The culprit would be brought to book soon, I promise,” Felix said as Adrian already told him everything.
Adrian sighed. “I won't fail him or make him regret handing over the company to me,”
The two stood in silence on the empty balcony until they were interrupted by the sound of dragging footsteps.
Turning around, they saw a group of policemen walking towards them, led by Ryan who didn't look like he was bringing good news.
Adrian frowned. The least he expected was for police to show up at his grandfather's funeral.
“Mr Adrian, you're under arrest for abetting murder and committing national fraud,” The head officer stepped forward with his cuffs to place on Adrian's hand, but Felix beat it off with a glare.
“Are you kidding me?” Felix scoffed. “Murder? Fraud? What the hell are those allegations for? Provide evidence or I might have to ask the guards to escort you out,”
“What is this?” Adrian asked, his question directed at Ryan who smirked. Gosh, it was the audacity of this man to show his stinking face here. Had he not learned his lesson to keep off?
A man stepped forward with a suitcase. He cleared his throat, adopting a stern posture. “I am President Milan's lawyer and I'm here to correct the rumors about you being the new president of Nilean Group. In his will, President Milan did not bequeath Nilean Group to you, neither did he leave any of his properties under your name,”
“His written will proves you're nothing but a filthy thief reaping where you did not sow,” Ryan completed, the smirk plastered all over his face like glue to a paper.
In his mind, Adrian was completely ruined.
The bastard was going back to jail where there would be no one to help him. This time around, his sentence would be worse.
He wanted to laugh his ass out at the humiliating look on Adrian's face, but he sucked it in. That would be weird.
“Game's over, loser,” He whispered slyly to himself, his eyes fixed on Adrian as if he could see right through his soul.