Chapter 17

782 Words

17While Mom and Baba Tereska fed and tended most of the kids in the living room, my sisters and I set up pizzas in the kitchen and stood or sat around the table to eat. It was the first time in at least three years that we’d all been together like that, just us, eating and talking. It felt familiar and strange all at once. In many ways, we were the same family we’d always been...yet we weren’t the same at all. Though Dad had been gone from our daily lives for years, he’d left a huge hole behind when he’d died. And then there was the matter of all the water under the bridge. The Furies and I weren’t exactly best friends anymore. So how was I going to ask the difficult questions that kept popping into my mind? The ones about Peg’s murder theory? Especially since the Furies had their

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