Chapter 10

940 Words

10Twice around the dance floor was plenty for me. The second time Peg whisked me toward the stage, I pulled away and walked over to check it out. Five long tables were set up on the stage, overflowing with equipment. Looking up from where I stood, I saw a control board on the middle table, studded with plugs and wires. A digital clock with red numbers on a black display sat atop the rear edge of the board, facing outward. The display showed the hour, minutes, and even the seconds as they raced past. An old-fashioned turntable and reel-to-reel tape machine occupied the table to the left. (Lou’s music library still included plenty of vinyl, and he recorded all his shows on reels of tape.) The table on the right was cluttered with CDs and record albums. Blocky speakers were stacked o

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