Chapter 29

772 Words

29Peg and I were still standing in the middle of Polka Central when the front door flew open and Eddie Jr. burst in. He did not look happy. “Oh, God.” When he saw us, he closed his eyes and winced. “I am so sorry I’m late. What a morning.” Peg planted her hands on her hips and glared. “A phone call would’ve been nice, Ed. Required, in fact.” “I know, I know.” Eddie grimaced and pawed at his rumpled brown t-shirt. It was so wrinkled, it looked like he might have pulled it out of the hamper for a second or third wearing. “It’s my dad. His car’s still in the shop, and he needed me to drop him off at another doctor’s appointment.” Peg pushed her glasses higher on her nose. “Didn’t you take him to the doctor yesterday?” “Different doctor,” said Eddie. “Rheumatologist yesterday,

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