Chapter 4 - Midnight Snacks Pt.1

1442 Words
Stella POV I can't believe that Paige brought home the future Supreme Alpha. I wonder why? I hope he is not her destined mate. I love my sister, but sometimes she is selfish and spoiled. I don't see how she would be the mother of all the werewolf realm, without a single kind and caring hair on her body. It is part of her personality. So I hope the Moon Goddess can see through her and do the realm a favor by not pairing him with my sister. After my stupid introduction to the future Supreme Alpha, I decided not to go back down. I know for a fact, that my family will always want me to stay clear of their business since I only bring them disappointment and shame. After everything, I disappeared and no one cared about coming to get me back, so I knew I was not needed. I jumped into the shower and relaxed, cleaning the sand and salt from the sea. Today was a good day. Brad and Pete came to the rescue and although my family didn't care about my birthday, I was content with the love shown by my friends and boyfriend. Paige and Romeo would be sleeping over at our home, so I decided to become invisible. Well, that was one of my specialties, so I was locked down in my room, mainly hiding. Suddenly, I remembered that my only meal was the food I ate during my lunch date with Brad. My stomach grumbled, and I was just waiting for everyone to fall asleep to raid the kitchen. Paige's room is right across from mine, and as soon as I didn't hear any noises coming from my parents' and Paige's room, I quietly opened the door and tiptoed my way downstairs to raid the kitchen. I opened the fridge and half of my body was inside the fridge. My ass was peeking out of the door trying to look for something delicious to eat, when I heard a throat clear behind me. I immediately stood up and turned around, only to see Romeo standing quite close behind me. I stiffened up. Why does life keep setting me into these embarrassing situations right in front of the highest-ranking Alpha in the Realm? I was still facing the fridge when I lowered my gaze, only to notice I was wearing skimpy PJs with no bra underneath. I tried to compose myself and quietly asked “What are you doing here? I thought you all went to sleep.” I mumbled, hoping he would not hear the whole thing. He laughed, and I turned to see him over my shoulder, not daring to face him full-front. Now to make my situation worse, the cold air from the fridge had my n*****s showing through the fabric of the pajama. “You are very noisy, Stella. I went to see who was around. I couldn't risk having a burglar coming inside the house, could I?” He said. “Well, I live here, you can go back to your room,” I said nicely, but by the time I said that I felt a little venom rolling in my tongue. I had no idea why, but I hated that he came here with my sister. “You don't seem happy,” he said matter-of-factly. When I heard that, I couldn't help it, and forgetting about the almost translucent PJs, I turned around, giving him an angry look, “How dare you? You don't know me? I love my...” I was speaking, when he interrupted me. “You are right Stella, I don't know you, but I can see through you.” Only then, did I notice his eyes roaming my body and his eyes darkening. I quickly covered my breasts and tried to run towards my room. He quickly caught up with me, of course, he is super fast, and I am a wolf-less daughter of an important Beta. He grabbed me by my arm and his eyes opened wide. “I was just joking Stella, I didn't mean to disrespect or scare you.” He said, softening his voice. I looked into his eyes and nodded “Well, apology accepted. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to go and eat, I am starving.” I said as politely as possible, trying to dismiss him, but he was not letting me go. “So what are you having?” He said, letting go of my arm, and when I turned around I noticed he subtly smelled his hand. Goddess! That was weird. “I don't know, some leftovers” I responded, walking towards the kitchen again. “Mind if I keep you company? Aside from being your future Supreme Alpha, I would also love to be your friend,” he said, and my reaction on instinct was to ask “Why?” “I already told you, you are part of my family, every werewolf is." He said and I scoffed. “Sure..” then I spotted it, my next victim. Leftover chocolate cake, I couldn't help but start doing my stupid victory dance, and then I said “Yei, chocolate cake!” I said, turning around with a big chunk of cake. “Want some?” I asked Romeo, and he shook his head. “No, thanks, I already had some earlier. My favorite cake is not chocolate, it is strawberry cheesecake.” He said. I grabbed two plates, a knife, and two forks. Then I went to the cupboard and got two glasses. He looked at me with a questioning look. I settled everything at the kitchen counter, he was sitting on a stool. Then, I walked to the fridge and pulled out some leftover strawberry cheesecake. I must confess, that strawberry cheesecake is my favorite too, so yesterday I was in the mood for baking and I prepared one. My life is quite boring here, my friends are away, so I have developed some baking skills for desserts. Of course, it was almost complete because I was the only one eating it, my family didn't dare try my baking goods. Maybe they are afraid of me poisoning them because they have been quite shitty to me... Romeo's face lit up. “Wow, it looks delicious.” He said and I smiled at him. “Wait until you try it,” I said, cutting a big piece of cheesecake and placing it on the island in front of his spot. He took a bite and his eyes closed, and a little moan left his lips. “This is the best cheesecake I have ever had, where did you buy it?” He said and I knew that I was blushing. “I didn't.” That was my only answer. I fixed a piece of chocolate cake for myself. I poured two big glasses of cold milk and sat on the stool next to him. “So are you in college?” He asked me to make small talk. “No, I am not.” I quickly responded. “Why?” He asked, and I hated to sugarcoat whatever was going on at my home, if he was going to be my friend he might find soon enough. “Because my parents didn't think it was worth sending through college the weakling and wolf-less daughter of Beta Sebastian,” I said, shrugging my shoulders and I stood up in haste, placing my plate back at the sink. I looked at the clock on the wall and then mumbled “Well, I guess my birthday is over.” Shit I forgot he has super hearing, because by the time I turned around his shocked expression let me know he heard me. I was about to walk away, and he stopped me again. “Hey, Stella. I don't know what is happening to your family, but I want to offer my honest friendship." He said with a wink. I was wrapped around his gorgeous features when I heard “So a little party without me?” Paige's high-pitched, annoyed voice sounded all over the place. I quickly yanked my arm away from Romeo and shrugged my shoulders to Paige. “I have to go,” I said, lowering my head. Honestly, I was having fun with Romeo. He seems like a good guy despite being here with my sister. While I walked away, I could hear Romeo's voice asking Paige some questions. I didn't want to get onto her bad side, so I rushed into my room and locked my door... Better be safe than sorry...
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