Chapter 7 - WarFare Challenge

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Stella POV Today is the Warfare Challenge. As usual, I am on the same team as Rosa and Pete. They are the only ones in my pack who like me, so they usually pick me for their team. My ankle and wrist are far from healed, but I can manage. The whole challenge consisted of going around a battlefield, several teams competing simultaneously. We needed to plan our strategy, and we needed to conquer and retrieve a flag that was placed on top of the mountain. Sounds simple, but having us going at each other, human and wolf form, having teams with powerful wolves that had heightened senses, and the rule that everything goes, but killing, made this challenge dangerous. We were assigned team leaders, experienced wolves, that would help us through the challenge. Nathan, Rose's mate, was appointed our leader. Nathan happens to be older than us, and he is the best warrior the Royal Pack has. I guess having him around would be good. Each team had ten participants, plus the team leader, and the whole team had to make it to the top. So Nathan was an asset, but I was a major liability. We geared and rounded up. “OK, listen up!...” Nathan commanded and everyone listened. He pulled out a map with routes traced. “I think our best shot is to walk down this path,” he said, pointing to a route on the map. “Half of you will go in wolf form, raise your hands, please…” He said, asking for those in wolf form to check with him. “OK, before you shift and we lose contact. Two of you will lead the way, and three of you will stay behind for protection. I am going to give you special gear that will keep us communicating, even in your wolf form.” He said, passing around a special device, like a headband, for them to wear. This was my first time attending the games, and I was mesmerized by the technology and gear we were allowed to use. Nathan is a warrior, and one of the best, so my instinct was to follow his lead. He was about to finish when I saw something on the map. “Nathan…! I said, and he stopped in his tracks and looked at me. “Yes, Stella, What's up?” he said. “Hum, I…” I stuttered, I have no idea why I was suggesting something if I was the weakling here. “Stella, is there anything you want to say before we leave our bunker?” Nathan asked again. I took a deep breath, it was now or never. This is the moment where I changed from the weakness of the team to a strategic asset. I cleared my throat and motioned him to hand me the map. “Look Nathan, you are pointing to this route as the best one. Right?” I said and he nodded. “Well, there are 100 teams out there. How many do you think will be following the logical route?” I asked. He nodded and said “OK, you've got my attention there. What do you suggest?” “Well, most of the teams will be taking that route, so it means they will be facing each other soon enough. Maybe if we take this other path…” I pointed at a different route, “We will encounter fewer challenges with the rest of the teams. Also, this side of the mountain has better trails to move more easily towards the top. I know it is the furthest route from where we stand, but it is our best bet to make it to the top.” I finished and he nodded. Clapping loudly, he said, “OK, gather around again, change of plans…” Then he went again over the route and strategy. Not everyone agreed, but since he was the leader, everyone followed. Rose patted my back and whispered “See, your brain is worth more than a ton of muscles, babe!” Then Nathan looked at us and yelled “Formation!... Let's go!” And with that order, we left the safety of our bunker. Everything was silent. I guessed moving in the opposite direction from the mountain gave us an easy start, and we advanced quicker than the rest of the teams fighting with each other. We did not encounter any other team one hour into the challenge. We were moving at a steady pace until one of our pointers stopped and Nathan yelled “Get cover.” We had communication devices, so we all heard the pointer wolf instruction of danger ahead. We analyzed the area, the part of the team in human form got covered, and we pulled out our weapons. The rest of the wolves regrouped and sniffed the air. We hear through our communication devices. One said “CrescentMoon team ahead…” Nathan stood up from his hiding position and said through the devices. “OK, team… Let's move east and try to avoid facing them, face on… We will change positions. I will turn and go in wolf form at that point. Stella will lead the humans towards higher ground, we will meet CrescentMoon from a weapons advantage standpoint.” He commanded, and I nodded in agreement. “The ones on foot, follow me…” I said, and everyone moved from their positions. We then saw the CrescentMoon team walk into our ambush. I could identify Brad's wolf, and then I saw a big wolf next to him. It was Tony. Tony is an Alpha and bigger by nature. I spoke on the radio “Guys, I see Brad and Tony walking straight to your position… I count 9 more, all in wolf form.” I said, pointing my dart gun at Brad's wolf. “The sandy wolf is mine…” I said and everyone agreed on the radio. Nathan then commanded, “Go, H-ground team…” We all pointed our dart guns and shot a first-round, giving our team the advantage. I was an expert shooter, so I got Brad's wolf in one shot. They allowed us tranquilizer darts for the challenge. I saw with satisfaction his body falling with a loud thump on the ground. Nathan submitted Tony, and then we got the rest of the team surrendering. That small victory over those bastards was sweeter than anything I have ever experienced. Soon, a team of older wolves from the Royal Pack took Tony's team out of the competition. “Good job guys… Excellent call Stella, great hiding point.” Nathan said, and we then walked together towards the mountain top. We faced two other teams, but with Nathan's war senses and my strategy skills, we were unbeatable. Every passing minute that we advanced and survived gave me confidence. We were about to reach the top when I yelled on the radio. “Stop…” Everyone turned to look at me as if I was crazy. “If there is a team on the top, we are at a disadvantage…” I said and Nathan nodded. “Team, regroup!...” He commanded and then shifted wearing some shorts. “Ok, Stella, what do you think?” I took a deep breath and looked at the map. “Maybe we should assess other teams' positions… and take an unconventional route,” I said, and then Nathan pointed out a hidden trail down the map. “Ok, let's go!” Nathan commanded, pointing with his finger the new route for the last trail to reach the top. Two team members in wolf form walked ahead exploring the trail, and we were clear to move. Being in wolf form would be too evident when we get to the top, so Nathan decided that when we reach the top, and should hide and assess. We did so, only to find the flag unguarded. “Nathan, I don't think we should risk going in now,” I said and he nodded. “OK guys, we will wait and see. If another team is about to reach the flag and succeed, we attack.” He said and everyone nodded. Soon a team from BloodMood showed up at the top. They were being loud and celebrating when, behind an abandoned shack, a full special ops team showed up. “So guys, did you think you could get that flag without a fight?” The team commander spoke, and their smiles flattened. They all went into fighting stands and attack positions. “Nathan, they are distracted…” I said, and he commanded, “Don't you think about it…” “Leader, if I see an opening I am taking it…” I confirmed it with him on the radio. He remained silent, observing the actions in front of us. I silently moved towards the flag, Rose and Pete following me in human form. “I am moving in…” I said, and Nathan yelled, “No, Stella… it is dangerous for you…” Of course, being the stubborn person I am, I moved in any way, only to be met by a wolf, a claw tearing the flesh of my calf. “s**t…” I said falling to the ground. The wolf was about to attack me when Pete jumped into the fight in his wolf form. Nathan quickly followed him, trying to protect me. I was in shock, and on instinct, I placed my hand over the cold dirt around me. Soon, vines grew in the soil and protected me like a cocoon. As soon as that happened, my body went limp and everything around me went black.
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