Chapter 2 -Birthday

1233 Words
Stella POV For the past three years, Paige has been away from home to attend college, and then she found a job in the palace at the Royal Pack. She has improved her skills and excelled in all her activities. I am so proud of her, as well as my parents. Of course, she is the golden daughter, the one that will bring joy and pride to the family, while I was just this wolf-less piece of trash that must be kept hidden, like the family's dirty secret. For a Beta's daughter, it was an honor to be granted the Excellence Medal Distinction from the Royal Pack. We attended the ceremony and my parents were beaming with pride. I witnessed the whole thing from a corner, trying not to interfere like it has been my custom these past years. I loved my family and wished they loved me despite not having my wolf with me... I knew they did, but somehow they struggled to show it... I hoped they could walk in my shoes... I not only felt alone and incomplete by the lack of a wolf, but I also lost the love, care and affection of my family... Today Paige will be home. She said she wanted to visit and wanted to introduce someone to my parents. They hoped she had found her fated mate or gotten a chosen one. So instead of saying Happy Birthday to me, my mom yelled, “Stella, please for goodness’ sake, move around and place the flower arrangements.” I was moving quickly to have everything set up for Paige's arrival. Did I mention she is the loved daughter? So she must be received with all the glitz and glamour my dad's high-ranking position could afford. “Mom, do you know what day it is today?” I asked and she nodded. “Yes, possibly the most important day in Paige's life, why?” she quickly answered, and when she saw the deflated look on my face she then continued “Oh don't make this about you, just finish there and go get ready,” she commanded and I nodded my head. A little tear escaped my eyes, she didn't care about me or my birthday. Happy 21st birthday to me... I mumbled under my gritted teeth. Soon, my pity trip was ended by a phone ringing in my pocket. The screen read “Rose”, I cleaned my tears and smiled. “Hey Birthday Girl.” She yelled on the phone, making me smile “Hey Rose, How's everything going at college?” I asked, and she laughed “Oh dear, it's been going well. I've met my fated mate.” She quickly said, and I yelled “Wow, that is great news. When? How?” I asked her excitedly, but at the same time, a big hole in my chest opened. She then proceeded to tell me how he was a transfer student, he is from a pack far away, and he happened to transfer to her University for this semester. While she was telling me her whole love story, I couldn't help but smile all the time. Sometimes my loneliness lessened when I heard their stories and adventures. “Hey, how's Pete doing?” I asked her and then she stopped. “Oh, dear. Haven't you heard?” I went quiet and said shyly, “No, what happened to him?” I asked, and she laughed. Then, suddenly, the doorbell rang, and I went to open it with Rose on the phone. “Hey, Birthday Girl," Pete yelled, beside a smiling Brad. My face lit up, and I quickly wrapped my arms around them. Pete is my brother from another mother and Brad. Well, he is my boyfriend and I love him. Pete handed me some colorful balloons. My mother's eyes widened, and I saw realization hit her like an ice bucket. But then she composed herself and yelled from the kitchen. “Stella, please, for the love of the Moon Goddess, don't leave those balloons there. They ruin the decorations for tonight.” I looked down and then Pete asked “I didn't know you were having a party. Why didn't you invite us? I am a little offended at the moment.” He said, giving me a stern look. I took a deep breath and stared at his eyes. “It's not a party for me,” I mumbled, and Brad wrapped his arms around me in a protective way. “Look, babe. Let us cheer you up. At what time do you need to be back?” He asked, and I looked at the clock on the wall. “Well in about 4 hours, Paige is going to be here with a big announcement, that is why there is all this fuss around.” I said, and he nodded “Excellent, let's go.” He dragged me out of my house, and for the first time in the whole day, I felt like oxygen could reach my lungs. Over the last three years, Brad has become my haven... He was a little oasis in a desert full of rejection. We made our way towards the car, and as soon as we reached the car, Pete said “I need to check in with my family, you guys have fun!” He winked and then Brad opened the car door for me. “Let's go, I have a surprise for you.” He said and I smiled. Yes, he is the love of my life, and my heart feels content whenever I am around him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Soon, when we made things formal, I would be loved, accepted, and free. We drove to a part of the beach nearby that is secluded. It was my favorite spot, Pete was one of the few to know that, so I figured he was helping Brad with my surprise. At my favorite spot. There was a little gazebo with cushions, blankets, and a little table with delicate food. “Brad, this is beautiful”. I turned around only to be met with his charming smile and with a big flower rose bouquet. “These, my baby, are for you.” He said with a bright smile. I took them, and then he continued “They are yours as well as my heart.” He finished, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. We ate something, and then we had a little make-out session. A while ago, I lost hope of finding my fated mate, but I also didn't want to give myself to the first guy who paid attention to me, not until he made clear that he wished to take me as his chosen mate at least. So making out everything was down to second base, coming close to third. Things were getting heated, but then I stopped and Brad mumbled “Baby, please.” He said, and I whispered, “Soon baby, I am not ready yet.” He nodded and then separated from me, looking at our tossed cellphones his eyes opened wide. “At what time were you supposed to be ready?” he asked, and then I saw the time on the screen of my phone “s**t,” I mumbled. I was in deep trouble...
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