Chapter Seven

1199 Words
Chapter Seven Nick followed Lucy into the kitchen. She stood at the table and looked over her shoulder as if to say ‘dare me’. All Nick could focus on was the red leotard riding up the cleft of her buttocks. Without warning, she swept the plate off the table and it shattered on the floor. “What the hell did you do that for?” Nick asked. The glass followed. “Lucy! What the f**k?” She turned and faced him, hoisted herself up onto the table with her legs apart, and then raised her middle finger. Nicks eyes dropped to her bulging mons, then back up to her impudent face. “No,” he said, “not like this.” Lucy raised her eyebrows, still holding his gaze. Nick couldn’t help but behold her n*****s jutting hard against the red fabric, and he felt himself getting hard again too. “Damn you, Lucy, I’m not going to…” Nick couldn’t even say it, so Lucy helped him. “Rape me? Why not? It didn’t bother you last night.” Nick stayed where he was, afraid of what might happen if he got too close to her. “Look, Lucy, you know I like you - more than like - and yes, of course I desire you, but I’m not going to hurt you again…” Lucy yawned, exaggerating it, and then closed her legs, pressing her thighs together. So this is it, Nick thought. Either she takes it rough, or not at all. He was still highly aroused, and now it was Lucy’s turn to scrutinize his erection as it pushed against his shorts. She glanced down at the shattered crockery and asked, “Don’t you think I deserve to be punished?” Nick didn’t answer. “If you really were the man of the house, you wouldn’t allow me to get away with s**t like this,” Lucy goaded. Nick took a step towards her, and Lucy’s lips parted with a slight gasp. “Maybe one of your friends would like to punish me…” she started, but then squealed, trying to roll away as Nick’s hands gripped her narrow waist. With her soft round rump presented to him, Nick grabbed the leotard and yanked it hard up between her cheeks. Lucy thrashed her legs and tried to squirm away. She was a strong girl, but Nick was stronger. He wasn’t as mad at her this time, but the thought of her flirting with his buddies had spurred him into action. One arm firmly around her waist, the other stretching the thin crotch-piece up between her outer labia, Nick literally carried Lucy back into the living room, and dropped her onto the exercise mat. Immediately, Lucy tried to scramble away on her hands and knees, but Nick caught her ankle and dragged her back. “You’re not getting away, you little vixen,” Nick said. Lucy didn’t respond but she was panting hard. Nick slapped her on the right buttock, making her yelp. She twisted around and grabbed his hair with one hand and clawed at his cheek with the other. The sudden pain made Nick let go and she wriggled away and sprinted towards the door, then stopped and whirled around. Her face was illuminated, her cheeks flushed with passion, her breasts heaving. Then she picked up a glass decanter from the dresser and launched it against the opposite wall. Nick stayed on the floor, watching in stunned disbelief. “I’ll keep doing it until you stop me!” she laughed, and then darted up the stairs. Nick touched his stinging cheek, and stood up slowly. He was thoroughly confused now. Was she trying to provoke him into raping her again, or was she really pissed at him? He needed to calm down and think about this. He figured he hadn’t misjudged the situation the previous night because she had been so intimate and tranquil with him just a few moments before. There was another crash from upstairs. Alright, he thought. s*x or no s*x, this has to stop. He took a deep breath and walked slowly up the staircase. When he reached the landing, he saw Lucy’s discarded leotard on the carpet. He paused and listened, but now she was silent. Slowly he approached Lucy’s door and pushed it open. She wasn’t there. Bracing himself, he went into his own bedroom. Lucy was standing naked on his bed, holding his cell phone up in the air. Her hair was a wild mane, and her magnificent, glabrous body, tensed and fit. Nick looked around as calmly as he could. One of his bedside lights lay broken on the floor. He took a step towards her and she drew her arm back, ready to throw his phone. Even as annoying as she was, Nick couldn’t help being aroused yet again by her nakedness. He moved away and quietly closed the door, turning the dead bolt. “Now you’re not going anywhere,” he said in a menacing voice. Then he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his shorts and slid out of them. Slowly he circled the bed, his c**k fully engorged, Lucy following it, her eyes blazing. She was so hypnotized by his throbbing p***s, that she inadvertently allowed him to get closer and Nick suddenly whipped out his hand and grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards him. He squeezed hard and she let out a howl and dropped his phone. She fell to her knees and Nick put his free hand behind her neck and pulled her face towards his. She kept her mouth closed as he tried to kiss her, but Nick held her firmly in place and finally she parted her lips and he put his tongue inside her mouth, her n*****s brushing against his chest as he relished her sweet saliva. Then Lucy bit him, clamping down on his tongue. Too late, Nick realized she had him and he tasted blood as she began to pull back, yanking him towards her. A new rush of fury swept through him and he found her erect n*****s with his fingers. He twisted hard and felt her hot breath as she gasped in shock. He continued pinching and squeezing as she tumbled backwards and then let him go. Nick sat up and just as before, he straddled her, his balls pressing on her flat stomach, his hands pinioning her wrists to the bed. She looked up at him defiantly, her breasts rising and falling, brown n*****s erect. Before Lucy realized what had happened, Nick let go of her wrist and slapped her hard across the cheek, snapping her head to one side. She let out a snort and then looked back up into his eyes. As quick as a flash, he delivered another stinging blow, this time to her left cheek. Now she cried out in pain. “Are you going to calm down and accept your punishment?” Nick hissed. Lucy pressed her lips together and shook her head. Again, Nick slapped her hard across her face. Tears were welling up in her eyes now and she let out an involuntary sob as Nick raised his hand yet again. “Okay,’ she said, turning her face away. “Okay, what?” “I’ll take my punishment.” Nick looked down at her bright red cheeks, her sparkling dark eyes, her smooth armpits, her swollen n*****s, and a brief wave of remorse once again washed through him. But to his surprise, the feeling passed as quickly as it had come. He looked down at his own stiff member and couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this excited. “Damn right you will,” he said.
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