"Why are we here? Why are you doing this to me?" I asked, making Wyatt laugh as he looked through the hot topic t-shirts on the rack in front of him. We were at the local mall. My mum had sent both of us out to get some stationery and groceries, but Wyatt had gotten preoccupied with finding new additions to his wardrobe. "How does this look?" I heard him ask, making me look up from my phone's screen to find him holding up a t-shirt to his chest. I frowned, rolling my eyes before looking back down at my phone. All the shirts were the same — black. The only difference was the lame quote prints they had at the front. "They're all the same, just pick one already," I sighed, listening to Wyatt hum to himself as he turned towards the mirror at the corner. Despite my piece of advice Wyatt ended