Chapter 19

1343 Words

Sally Painful tears run down my face as Ashton’s confession plays on repeat inside my head: “I’m still in love with you, Sally.” I thought hearing those words would make me happy, but instead, all I feel is sadness. How could he say those words so easily and expect me to take him back? After everything he put me through?! I also don’t believe he was ever in love with me. Because if he loved me, then why did he leave me? How could he let such horrible things happen to me? TAP TAP TAP Despite my sadness, I turn around to glare over my shoulder at Ryan. He is standing on my balcony, and I roll my eyes. Can’t a girl be miserable in peace?! “Go away, Ryan,” I say and pick up another tissue to blow my nose with. There is a little pile in front of me. Disgusting, I know, but I’m too lazy to

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