Chapter 3

1527 Words
Sally “No,” I splutter, barely able to keep my voice steady. I’m afraid of Ryan, but I’m not a coward. There is a big difference. “Just no.” Ryan tilts his head, those vibrant blue eyes sparkling with amusement. “Well, if you change your mind...” His voice trails off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air like an invitation. “I won’t.” I stand firm, crossing my arms over my chest. It’s a defensive gesture, but it makes me feel safer and more in control, even though I know control is an illusion. His smirk deepens as he steps back, releasing me from the heated trap of his body. His hand lifts from the wall above my head, and I’m confused. “You... you’re just going to let me go?” I ask in disbelief. All that, and he is just going to respect me? Wow. I really didn’t expect that from the likes of him. Ryan chuckles. “I’m as shocked as you are. I usually take what I want.” “Then why didn’t you?” His lips curve higher, forming dimples on either side of his stupidly sexy mouth. “I have no idea.” “Huh?” I stare at him, and I swear my heart does a little backflip when he chuckles. He really is handsome, but our moment is interrupted by the sound of paws. Ryan notices the sound, too, and arches an eyebrow at me. “Expecting company?” I shake my head. “No, not really...” “Hmm…seems like it’s my time to go, but before that, I’m curious about something—” “This will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” Avery coaxes with his eyes roaming over mine. “Enjoy.” Without asking for permission, he dips down his head and kisses me. I’m taken by such surprise that I can’t react. I just stand there, taking it until goosebumps spread over my skin. Under normal circumstances, I would push him away, but his lips taste so sweet… Ryan’s mouth is controlling, and if this is kissing, then what have I been doing my entire life? This is so different - a life-changing experience - and I want more. So much more than this. I feel actual sparks come to life between us. And when Ryan pulls back, I’m weak in the knees. We stare at each other for what feels like an eternity before we are interrupted. Suddenly, the door is yanked open by force. I hear people, and soon, Ryan and I aren’t alone. Ashton and his Beta, Seth, bash into the kitchen, panting frantically. They are naked, which means they must have run in their wolf forms. “You!” Ashton hisses at his brother and flies forward without giving a warning. “Stay away from her!” Ryan winks at me. “See you later, little wolf.” In a flash of movement, Ashton transforms into his black wolf, ready to strike Ryan. But the second he leaps for him, Ryan turns into a flock of bats that head for the door. Ashton is so shocked by the move that he just stands there, blinking at the disappearing bats. “Black magic...” Seth whispers before turning around. He is usually quiet, so it’s weird to hear him talk, not to mention seeing him display actual emotions. “Are you okay? Ryan didn’t hurt you, did he?” Before I get the chance to reply, Ashton rushes toward me and grabs my shoulders. “How the heck aren’t you dead yet? Ryan never spared anyone. What did you tell him? Secrets about the pack or something?!” I stare up at him, entirely wide-eyed and still a bit dizzy from the kiss. “I...I didn’t tell him anything about the pack! We were just talking about clothes and hybrids and n-nothing else, I swear! I didn’t give up any pack secrets at all!” Ashton narrows his eyes but calms down a little. “But why would he spare you?” he asks. “No offense, but you’re the Omega—he has no use for you.” I stare at him, my lips unmoving. I want to say, “Excuse me?” but something about Ashton being the Alpha makes me keep my anger tucked inside. Suddenly, a realization strikes me. I look back at Ashton dead in the eye and say, “Maybe that’s exactly why he didn’t hurt me. Because I’m...nothing to him.” I don’t think I’m nothing in Ryan’s eyes; even Ashton seems confused by my response, but before he can question it further, Seth steps in. “We can’t make any assumptions yet,” Seth says firmly. “Right now, we have more important matters to worry about. Lady Blair could be giving birth any moment now, and we have a rouge hybrid on the loose. We should take Sally with us and return to the mansion, Alpha.” At first, it looks like Ashton wants to object to the idea. His eyebrows draw together before he finally casts his eyes on Seth, nodding. “Alright. We will bring Sally with us,” he says as he looks back at me. “It’s dangerous for you to stay here alone. Ryan has killed ten warrior wolves already. We don’t know his reasons for coming here, but we think he was plotting to kill you and shape-shifting into looking like you.” I gasp. “He has killed ten warrior wolves all on his own?!” Why the heck did he spare me then? “And wait, can he shape-shift into people, too?” “He did…he can,” Ashton sighs. “He is also a mastermind at getting what he wants. For example, you invited him inside, didn’t you?” I blink. “Y-yeah, he said he needed clothes...” Ashton rolls his eyes. “f*****g was all a plot to get inside, Sally! Ryan can’t enter people’s homes without them inviting him inside. He is part vampire.” “And how was I supposed to know that before he told me that?!” I finally snap. “He looked like you and said you were brothers, so I don’t know; maybe you should have told me you have an evil brother?!” Ashton looks taken aback for a moment, but then his eyes harden. “I didn’t think you would ever get to meet him, Sally. And I didn’t want to scare you.” “Scare me?!” I sputter. “So you don’t think I was terrified when he came here and randomly asked if he could drink from me?” Now it’s Ashton’s turn to look shocked. “Wait, he ASKED to drink from you? He didn’t just go for it? And wait...he told you he was part vampire?” “Yes, he did! And no. He asked if he could drink from me, and after I said no a couple of times, he backed off. Then you guys came here, and hell broke loose.” Ashton and Seth look equally stunned and exchange glances before Seth levels me with a look. “And there was no mate bond or anything of the sort?” “Uhh, no?” I glare at him. “I won’t be able to feel the mate bond with anyone since Ashton rejected me, remember?” Ashton winces at that but doesn’t look sorry. In his eyes, I was too weak for him. He wouldn’t take me as his mate, and neither would he keep our child. Instead, he has claimed someone else as his new mate, and yes, he can do that because he is an Alpha! But what about me? I’m an Omega! The only way for me to feel the mate bond again is to find myself a second chance mate, which doesn’t always happen. Sometimes, you have to personally ask the moon goddess for a second chance mate at her temple, and that’s miles away. Ashton would never let me go there! “Well...err...” Seth awkwardly clears his throat. It’s clear that he finds this conversation uncomfortable. “We better get going. You have a car, yes?” “i***t,” Ashton mutters. “Of course she does. Sally can’t shape-shift since she has no wolf, so how else would she get around?” “I... um...” Seth gives me an apologetic smile. He isn’t mean like Ashton, and I smile softly at him before looking back at Ashton with daggers in my eyes. “I will take the car to your mansion, Alpha,” I say in a sad voice, even though I would rather stay behind because who in their right mind wishes to see the pregnant woman your fated mate chose before you? Being Ashton’s nanny will be one hell of a rollercoaster of emotions, but perhaps living in his mansion is safer. I have no idea what Ryan wants with me, but one this is for sure: that man kissed me like a man deprived of air. Why did he do that?
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